Sunday, July 31, 2011
Transformasi of Working Culture.

Saturday, July 30, 2011
Another Environmental Education Program and Mangrove Planting: Collaboration between Coca-cola and Malaysian Nature Society

29-31 July 2011: Preparing mangrove seedling and understanding the mangrove. Programme sponsored by Coca-cola. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail as an advisor to the programme. Prof Dr. ahmad Ismail is one of the active council members participating field activities on nature organised by MNS

Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Macro manage, micro manage and now nanomanagement

With all electronic and ICT, the managers now can do nano-management. The managers can monitor at all levels and corner of company to assess their efficiencies and products. BUT when involving human being with different disciplines and expertise, nano-management sometimes cannot be applicable. Monitoring may be yes but to manage lower level managers may be difficult because no freedom and creativity for the lower level of management. Top management may be robot if all need to be nano-manage.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Marine science still important
Malaysia have more sea than land.
Therefore research on marine science and it's living organisms are needed.
But how far marine science research are given attention.
How many marine sciences institution in Malaysia, marine science experts and capacity building in marine sciences.
Malaysia still rich and comfort, and may be we don't care on research on marine sciences.
Marine is a source of food, economy and wealth.
Therefore research on marine science and it's living organisms are needed.
But how far marine science research are given attention.
How many marine sciences institution in Malaysia, marine science experts and capacity building in marine sciences.
Malaysia still rich and comfort, and may be we don't care on research on marine sciences.
Marine is a source of food, economy and wealth.
Effective teaching and promotion of science for new generation
Penilaian keberkesanan pengajaran
Penilaian keberkesanan pengajaran
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
How to go forward? must willing to change, adapt and recieve changes
Most of our leaders are protective, defensive and not receptive.
So how we are going to change and move foreward
So how we are going to change and move foreward
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Golf and Environmental conflict
Golf is a precision club-and-ball sport, in which competing players (or golfers), using many types of clubs, attempt to hit balls into each hole on a golf course while employing the fewest number of strokes.
It is one of the few ball games that does not require a standardized playing area. Instead, the game is played on golf "courses", each of which features a unique design, although courses typically consist of either nine or eighteen holes. Golf is defined, in the rules of golf, as "playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules."
Golf competition is generally played for the lowest number of strokes by an individual, known simply as stroke play, or the lowest score on the most individual holes during a complete round by an individual or team, known as match play.

From airborne pollution in cities to the decline of aquatic ecosystems and degradation of water resources, potential chemicals impacts have been directly linked to a decline in the living quality of all things, changing the long-term outlook of society.
Golf is an environmental quality chimera. On the one hand people accuse golf facilities of degrading the environment - applying fertilizers and pesticides in quantities that have lasting negative impacts on people and wildlife - and other the other there is widely-held belief that golf courses, particularly as living urban greenspaces, help to clean and protect environmental quality.
The reality is that while the concerns of the former are understood and legitimate, allegations that golf contaminates and pollutes are not backed by strong scientific evidence. Since pesticides were first utilized for golf course maintenance in the 1920's, there has been but a handful of pollution incidents. Of course even a single incident is one too many, but levels of awareness, training and standards of operation have never been higher.
Although there are a multitude of independent studies demonstrating that golf does its fair share to improve the condition of air, water and soils, this is one area that would certainly benefit from further and more definitive research.
Going forward, all golf related businesses should be working actively to minimize any risks to the environment and their workforces (often the two things go hand in hand).
In particular, all individuals employed in the business of golf course maintenance and development, particularly those who handle, store, apply or dispose of substances that could pollute if dealt with incorrectly, should be aware of their responsibilities and understand the causes and results of pollution. They should know how and when to operate and maintain the equipment they use, and know what to do in an emergency.
Eliminating the risk of pollution is critical to realizing one of golf’s most significant contributions to people and their environment - creating clean, healthy and stable naturalised greenspaces where people can recreate and enhance their physical and mental well-being.
It is one of the few ball games that does not require a standardized playing area. Instead, the game is played on golf "courses", each of which features a unique design, although courses typically consist of either nine or eighteen holes. Golf is defined, in the rules of golf, as "playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules."
Golf competition is generally played for the lowest number of strokes by an individual, known simply as stroke play, or the lowest score on the most individual holes during a complete round by an individual or team, known as match play.

From airborne pollution in cities to the decline of aquatic ecosystems and degradation of water resources, potential chemicals impacts have been directly linked to a decline in the living quality of all things, changing the long-term outlook of society.

Golf is an environmental quality chimera. On the one hand people accuse golf facilities of degrading the environment - applying fertilizers and pesticides in quantities that have lasting negative impacts on people and wildlife - and other the other there is widely-held belief that golf courses, particularly as living urban greenspaces, help to clean and protect environmental quality.
The reality is that while the concerns of the former are understood and legitimate, allegations that golf contaminates and pollutes are not backed by strong scientific evidence. Since pesticides were first utilized for golf course maintenance in the 1920's, there has been but a handful of pollution incidents. Of course even a single incident is one too many, but levels of awareness, training and standards of operation have never been higher.
Although there are a multitude of independent studies demonstrating that golf does its fair share to improve the condition of air, water and soils, this is one area that would certainly benefit from further and more definitive research.
Going forward, all golf related businesses should be working actively to minimize any risks to the environment and their workforces (often the two things go hand in hand).
In particular, all individuals employed in the business of golf course maintenance and development, particularly those who handle, store, apply or dispose of substances that could pollute if dealt with incorrectly, should be aware of their responsibilities and understand the causes and results of pollution. They should know how and when to operate and maintain the equipment they use, and know what to do in an emergency.
Eliminating the risk of pollution is critical to realizing one of golf’s most significant contributions to people and their environment - creating clean, healthy and stable naturalised greenspaces where people can recreate and enhance their physical and mental well-being.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Who are going to value this kind of contribution: How many impact factors
Real Experts Contribution to Community: Micro Algae Project with Community and Local Authority
Another way of research promotion, encouragement, recognition, performance assessment and celebration!

Another Tree Planting in Air Hitam Forest Reserve Involving NGOs, Foreign Embassy, Community and UPM 23 July2011
Doctors and patients: surgery, death and success; medicine, cure and prescription
Friday, July 22, 2011
Academic excellence, research, publication, glamour and promotion
How to achieve them.
In the university culture, usually students are looking at the best laboratory or professor to continue their study for higher degree or post doctoral attachment.
Now in modern and status/ranking hunger's universities, the professors are looking for good students to do their work, implement their ideas and publish the papers. May be we need to look back at the ethic, respect and recognition.
In the university culture, usually students are looking at the best laboratory or professor to continue their study for higher degree or post doctoral attachment.
Now in modern and status/ranking hunger's universities, the professors are looking for good students to do their work, implement their ideas and publish the papers. May be we need to look back at the ethic, respect and recognition.

Problems with Popularity
some people like to steal ideas and claim her/his ideas. some time I feel funny when some one telling my ideas to me or giving orders to implement my ideas in my territory. I learned a lot in my life.
may be my mistakes like to tell ideas to many. I did that because I want to see quick results.
Congratulation and thank you for those pickup my ideas and implement them. Hopefully world will change if many are doing this (accepting my ideas as their ideas and implement them).
BUT sometime we need to learn how to appreciate or respect people. THIS is what we do not have.
may be my mistakes like to tell ideas to many. I did that because I want to see quick results.
Congratulation and thank you for those pickup my ideas and implement them. Hopefully world will change if many are doing this (accepting my ideas as their ideas and implement them).
BUT sometime we need to learn how to appreciate or respect people. THIS is what we do not have.
How to make things happen
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Marine and Forest are first Hypermarket: Before everybody collect things from forest and sea for consumption
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Professor and Thesis; Thinking, ideas, writing and reading at all time and every places
Who are the most effective persons to attract new students to join the specific programme in the university
Undergraduates students have more effective ways to attract future undergraduates students in particular programmes. Lecturers or officers may be just a guide or group leader or organiser. But in some university, students become the main organiser and the lecturers and their family act as a participants or tourists.
Durian in season
Who champion in durian?
Researchers who find new varieties, planters/growers, seller or consumers?
May be those who have land to grow durian, those who working hard taking care durian trees, fruits and it's health, middle man between planters and sellers, and who have money to buy expensive durians.

Perhaps scientists have to help to reduce prices and enhance the quality of durians. But who will give the money to sponsor research? Durian lovers, business man or government need to promote a special grants for durian's research.
Researchers who find new varieties, planters/growers, seller or consumers?
May be those who have land to grow durian, those who working hard taking care durian trees, fruits and it's health, middle man between planters and sellers, and who have money to buy expensive durians.

Perhaps scientists have to help to reduce prices and enhance the quality of durians. But who will give the money to sponsor research? Durian lovers, business man or government need to promote a special grants for durian's research.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Milky Storks Conservation in Kuala Gula
Good effort by the government (PERHILITAN) to conserve Milky Storks in Kuala Gula. Milky Storks from Zoo Negara were released in Kuala Gula. Early stage of release programme in 2007 was failed and after three year PERHILITAN keep release into wild environment and now twelves birds are flying in Kuala Gula after strong public support. Public support need to be continued because the birds like to forage in the human habitat and not in the wild mangrove forest nearby. Perhaps PERHILITAN need another approach including continuous campaign among the locals. As usual UPM can help.
Why young generation do not like biology?
We know biology is important for living things including human being. We are concern on our life, health, food and environment to live. In fact all fields need biology and students majoring in all non biology fields must learn biology. Understanding ecology is a must because human are living in the environment and interaction within the environment. Studying ecology is about learning and understanding habitat where we are living in.
How Minister, Ministry, Teachers, Curriculum and the Professors can contribute to attract students to interested in biology?
How Minister, Ministry, Teachers, Curriculum and the Professors can contribute to attract students to interested in biology?
We Need Social Sciences to Support Conservation
But social sciences do not have scientific data to convince public, policy makers, developer and government. Social scientist have more supporters than scientists.
Scientists have less supporters, less money to do research and gathering data. Many not understand science, ecology, important of biodiversity and sustainable.
May be we need social scientist to support scientist first instead of competing for glamour and less impact on conservation and sustainability. Even lawyer can talk louder on the environmental issues and easily understand by the public but very superficial and low impact. THEY NEED SCIENTISTS IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE MISSION.
Scientists have less supporters, less money to do research and gathering data. Many not understand science, ecology, important of biodiversity and sustainable.
May be we need social scientist to support scientist first instead of competing for glamour and less impact on conservation and sustainability. Even lawyer can talk louder on the environmental issues and easily understand by the public but very superficial and low impact. THEY NEED SCIENTISTS IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE MISSION.
Monday, July 18, 2011
May be Malaysia need more Ramsar Site.
Kuala Selangor and Matang Mangrove reserve including Kuala Gula can be proposed another new Ramsar Site in Malaysia.
Wetlands: Linking Between Human Health and Economy and Ecosystem and Biodiversity
With new issues on climate change, global warming and lost of biodiversity, understand the ecology of wetlands is important so that human can get the benefit from the wetlands. Without good advantages to human being, the protection of wetlands will be less significant.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Antara Prosedur dan Praktikal

Memang masa sekolah dahulu semasa lakukan praktikal di makmal ada prosedurnya. Tapi matlamat praktikal adalah untuk mendapatkan hasilnya. Bagi mendapatkan hasil yang tepat maka mesti mengikiut prosidur yang betul. Prosedur selalu di permudahkan dan dipercepatkan agar hasilnya lebih mantap. Zaman sekarang kalau dilihat prosedur makin dipanjangkan dan kompleks untuk hasil yang mudah. Inilah akibat dari dunia busines. Lebih panjang prosedur makin ramai orang dapat kongsi busines.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Senate of the University
The Role of Senate
The Senate of the University is the principal academic body of the University, and acts as its management committee. Senate therefore considers proposals and about the academic standards and processes of the University, and the operational aspects of strategy agreed by the Council.
The Senate of the University is the principal academic body of the University, and acts as its management committee. Senate therefore considers proposals and about the academic standards and processes of the University, and the operational aspects of strategy agreed by the Council.
KPI and Impact Factor Dilema
Why we are in dilema? Who did KPI and What is Impact Factor?
We usually talk and worry about KPI developed by others but we never worry about how we can develop our own KPI.
Why we are worried about others impact factor not our own impact factor.
Foe the academician we should do research to achieve our impact factor, may be our students such as functional graduates, employable and marketable OR social services that develop a trend and changes in society or schools OR ideas for government policies. These are the impact not just international journals.
We are worries about number of reseach grants or values. It is not fair if we compare between the amount of research grants for mathematician and biochemist and musician. BUT we make it as a criteria who have more money we give them high marks but most of money for chemicals which finally go to sinks and may be end up with one manuscript read by few friends. Compared to some areas with little money for small equipment that can be used for many times and benefited by many with high impact.
We usually talk and worry about KPI developed by others but we never worry about how we can develop our own KPI.
Why we are worried about others impact factor not our own impact factor.
Foe the academician we should do research to achieve our impact factor, may be our students such as functional graduates, employable and marketable OR social services that develop a trend and changes in society or schools OR ideas for government policies. These are the impact not just international journals.
We are worries about number of reseach grants or values. It is not fair if we compare between the amount of research grants for mathematician and biochemist and musician. BUT we make it as a criteria who have more money we give them high marks but most of money for chemicals which finally go to sinks and may be end up with one manuscript read by few friends. Compared to some areas with little money for small equipment that can be used for many times and benefited by many with high impact.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sustainable Agriculture: Food Security and Environmental Health

We need a proper education in agriculture at secondary school and university levels. Old university that is leading in agriculture need to be looked after on the facilities, academic experts, curriculum and quality education. A proper complex of good agriculture education need to be developed with a quality students, facilities and professors. Agriculture is very important for food security, economy and stability of the country. We need school of agriculture and teachers to teach agriculture are needed. University perhaps can offer Bachelor of Agriculture with Education.

Safety at work

all workers must make sure they are in safe environment while they are on the way to work, at work andress back to their home. All workers must know and understand about the safety of their working place.at their working place. Types of danger, chemical pollution, stress, air quality, basic needs, etc.
Research Students as an important energy for Research
We need to have good and committed students to carried out research
We need to have a good guidance from lecturers
We need good facilities and working environment
We need enough fund for research
We need to encourage and recognise the achievement of the students and researchers
We need to have a good guidance from lecturers
We need good facilities and working environment
We need enough fund for research
We need to encourage and recognise the achievement of the students and researchers
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Managing People or Managing Documents
If we like to save the environment, less papers, less pollution, less employee, save money for higher pay, less stress,more time for family, develop children, etc. we must know how to manage people. If we cannot manage people, and we need to manage them in order to achieve our objectives or mission, then we must have the system. This is where the documents involve and we need to manage the documents. Now raise the issues who suppose to manage the documents and who should manage the people OR the documents or systems will manage the people. These system will pattern the future society in related country. Later we have managers and the leaders.
To manage people, leaders must be a role models. Do we have the leaders in our working place that can be a role models? or just a document managers.
Leadership without management is a vision without fulfillment
Share Credits and Take Blame:
In management "If anything goes bad, I did it; If anything goes semi-good, then we did it; If anything goes real good, then you did it"
To manage people, leaders must be a role models. Do we have the leaders in our working place that can be a role models? or just a document managers.

Share Credits and Take Blame:
In management "If anything goes bad, I did it; If anything goes semi-good, then we did it; If anything goes real good, then you did it"
Saturday, July 9, 2011
ZOO: not just for animals exhibition but for education, conservation and research

Therefore Zoo need to have a new concept. That's why the elements of tourism, nature and interactive are included in the Zoo Concept. Public should change their perspective and Zoo and wildlife conservation must be supported by all especially the big companies. Government and Local Authorities must have a special rules and guidelines about zoo in the country. ZOO not just for business!
The Involvements of Big Companies have proven that Environmental Education programme can be done Effectively
Involvement of companies in environment education and awareness activities

we can imagine how many big companies in Malaysia that can support environmental education (EE) activities. Below are the list of companies that I involved related to the environmental education or the environmental awareness programmes.
Petronas, Petrosains, Shell, Esso, Puncak Niaga, Syabas, Bayer, Denso, DOW Chemical, Body Shop, Coca Cola, HSBC, Telekom Malaysia, Tenaga Nasional, Mitsubishi, MK Land, Banding Fundation, Felda, Sime Darby and Many others including Government Departments (DoEnv, DoEduc, MOSTI, DoA and Pelancongan) and NGOs (MNS, MZS, Swan).
These contribution can definately help the government in the transformation programme towards Malaysia Developed Country. If one company sponsor or organise one activity in one year and publicise it at the national level, all nation will learn from the activity. Big company can do it at national level or every states have industrial park which contribute to pollution, lost of biodiversity and nature. Therefore those companies can suppport environmental programme at state levels. In fact every weekend we can have an EE activities all over districts or states, involving school children, teachers, NGOs, private companies and Government Departments.
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