Sunday, February 28, 2010

Betapa Kejam Pemotong Pokok Bakau dan Orang-orang yang Bersubahat Dengannya

Kempen Tanam Bakau Bagi Menggantikan Pokok Bakau Yang Telah Ditebang-27 Februari 2010 Di Sungai Nibong, Selangor bersama Timbalan Menteri Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air YB Hajjah Noriah Kasnon.

1. Hutan bakau merupakan habitat semulajadi kepada hidupan liar terutamanya burung-burung termasuk burung berhijrah dan burung upeh. Apabila habitat mereka sudah tiada maka tiada lagi tempat mereka untuk bersarang, membiak dan mencari makanan. Burung-burung ini dilindungi oleh undang-undang Malaysia dan barang siapa memusnahkan habitatnya akan didapati bersalah. Maka semua orang yang menebang dan memusnahkan hutan bakau bersalah.
2. Hutan bakau juga adalah tempat hidupan laut seperti udang, ketam, kerang dan ikan-ikan membiak dan membesar. Sumber perikanan ini menjadi mata pencarian penduduk di tepi pantai. Kebanyakan mereka adalah orang miskin dan perlu di bantu. Tambahan lagi mereka adalah orang Melayu yang merupakan kumpulan yang menjadi tumpuan utama kerajaan untuk dikeluarkan dari kemiskinan. Kemusnahan hutan bakau akan mengurangkan hasil perikanan dan ini akan menambahkan kemiskinan mereka. Penebang hutan bakau bukan sahaja menyebabkan rakyat di tepi pantai miskin tetapi juga musuh kerajaan yang ingin membasmi kemiskinan.
3. Tiada hutan bakau yang melindungi pantai dari hakisan ombak akan menyebabkan banyak kawasan pantai terhakis dan memusnahkan tanah tepi pantai, tanah pertanian dan air masin masuk ke darat.
4. Banyak lagi kesan penebangan hutan bakau yang memudharatkan orang ramai, merugikan negara, memusnahkan habitat hidupan liar dan sumber perikanan yang akhirnya boleh menyebabkan kepincangan ekonomi, politik dan keselamatan negara.
5. Maka kekejaman mereka perlu mendapat balasan yang sewajarnya dari masyarakat setempat, negara dan pencipta alam semesta.

Habitat Should be Established First before Talking about Conservation and Fisheries Products

Prof Naito from National Polar Research Institute, Japan participating in mangrove planting activities at Sungai Nibong and Sungai Nipah, Sungai Besar Selangor. He is here for his third visit to Malaysia on collaboration research on milky stork conservation programme in Malaysia. The projects headed by Prof Ahmad Ismail from UPM involve The University of Tokyo (ORIBLS), National Polar Research Institute, Wildlife Department Malaysia and Zoo Negara Malaysia. Professor Naito who is emeritus professor at the University of Tokyo, believe that before we are talking on milky stork conservation, better we provide habitat for them first. Mangrove is the specific habitat for milky stork.

Mangrove Protection and Reclaimation Continue

27 February 2010. Sungai Nibong/Sungai Nipah, Sungai Besar, Selangor. Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Selangor, Jabatan Parit dan Saliran, Jabatan Perhutanan, Malayan Nature Society bersama menganjurkan program penanaman anak bakau kurap di Pantai Sungai Nibong dan Sungai Nipah Sungai Besar Selangor. Program dirasmikan oleh YB Hajjah Noriah Kasnon Timbalan Menteri Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air. Sebanyak 2500 anak bakau telah di tanam di kawasan berkenaan bagi menambah kepada pokok-pokok yang sedang membesar yang ditanam sebelumnya. Turut terlibat dalam penamaman hutan bakau itu adalah pelajar sekolah sekitar simpang lima, pennduduk tempatan dan wakil dari UPM. Prof Dr. Ahmad Ismail dan Prof Naito dari National Polar Research Institute, Japan dan pasukannya juga turut terlibat. Prof Naito berada di Malaysia dalam rangka kerjasama jangka panjang pemuliharaan burung upeh UPM, The Universiti of Tokyo, National Polar Research Institute, Jabatan Perhilitan dan Zoo Negara. Program kerjasama ini diketuai oleh Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail dari Universiti Putra Malaysia. Hutan bakau adalah penting dalam pemuliharaan burung upeh yang hampir pupus di Malaysia.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pengantarabangsaan Universiti Awam di Malaysia

Mungkin kita perlu lihat sejarah pembentukan universiti awam di Malaysia dan program latihan kakitangan universiti termasuk yang telah dan sedang menerajui universiti, fakulti, jabatan, pusat-pusat atau bahagian.
Sudah pasti asas pemikiran pembentukan universiti berdasarkan universiti di luar negara dari segi struktur asas pentadbiran, kurikulum dan perlaksanaannya. Malah ramai pegawai akademik dan sebahagian pegawai tadbir mengalami sistem pembelajaran di universiti luar negara dan ada yang dari universiti yang terkemuka di dunia. Sudah tentu mereka telah menjalani proses penerimaan surat tawaran, pendaftaran program dan kursus, pengajaran kursus berkaitan, suasana di universiti termasuk perkhidmatan yang diberikan bagi kesejahteraan mereka semasa belajar dahulu, kehidupan di luar negara dari segi suasana kemasyarakatan dan interaksi antara mereka (termasuk pergi pasar, car boot sale, strawberry picking, pizzaboy, menghantar dan mengambil anak sekolah, membeli pyrex, mercerdes, pedang samurai dll.), penerimaan ijazah dan kembali ke Malaysia berkhidmat di universiti awam sebagai pensyarah atau pentadbir.
Sudah tentu mereka sudah mengalami suatu yang berbeza dan menganalisis pengalaman yang dialami semasa belajar di luar negara menceritakan kepada kawan-kawan atau cuba mengamalkan semasa di Malaysia. Ada pula pensyarah yang berulang kali ke luar negara melawat universiti samada lawatan sekejap-sekejap, berkursus, penyelidikan, menghadiri seminar atau konferens dan sabatikal. Pengalaman ini juga telah sudah tentu di analisis oleh ramai pegawai akademik termasuk naib canselor, timbalan-timbalan naib canselor, dekan-dekan dan sebagaiya. Persoalannya apakah pengalaman ini masih tidak cukup untuk mengantarabangsakan universiti awam? Apakah sistem yang diamalkan di universiti awam sekarang sesuai dengan pengalaman ramai pensyarah atau pentadbir semasa mereka di universiti di luar negara? Apakah infrastruktur yang ada setaraf dengan universiti bertaraf antarabangsa? Apakah budaya dan politik kita berperanan dalam pengantarabangsaan universiti awam kita? ATAU kita membenarkan orang yang tidak pernah mengalami pengantarabangsaan mengantarabangsakan kita? ATAU semua orang mesti diantarabangsakan dahulu? ATAU terlampau banyak konflik antarabangsa dan budaya tempatan dalam pentadbiran,pengurusan dan perancangan masa hadapan? Banyak lagi yang boleh diperkatakan.
Mungkin kita perlu fikirkan semula pengantarabangsaan universiti awam kita.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

a model for public participation in conservation

Saturday February 20, 2010
Hornbills become a common sight in Kg Sg Panjang

THE female hornbill waits patiently inside a clay jar for her male partner to return. Lying low, with only her long beak peeking out of the small entrance, she is like the faithful wife waiting longingly for the safe return of her husband.
Her anticipation heightens as she hears a familiar sound from the sky but her mate stands perched on a tree branch, monitoring the human presence and ensuring that we had left before finally landing on the ground and moving closer to the clay jar while calling out to his partner.
Ahmad takes a peek inside the clay jar covered with mud that has become a nesting site.
The male hornbill then fed his mate a long centipede through the narrow opening of the jar that was half covered in mud.
Not until she has finished the meal does he leave her side to find more food, flying back and forth for at least the next three months while the female cares for their newborn inside the nest.
The scene played out at Kg Sg Panjang in Selangor and the birds are from the Southern Pied Hornbill species (Anthracoceros albirostris convexus), which is said to be common in Malaysia.
It is a sub-species of the Oriental Pied Hornbill and, according to Associate Professor Dr Ahmad Ismail from Universiti Putra Malaysia’s (UPM) biology department, are commonly found at the Sg Karang forest reserve.
“Four other species also thrive at this forest reserve and they are all totally protected under the Protection of Wildlife Act 1972.
Touching sight: A male hornbill getting ready to feed his mate.
“However, past clearing has put pressure on the forest and its surroundings which, in turn, has forced the birds to move to other areas like oil palm plantations and villages,” said Ahmad, who has been carrying out research on the adaptability and public acceptance towards the birds.
One of Ahmad’s Masters students, Nurul Hudha Mohd Jamil said she had been speaking to the villagers, getting their support and organising hornbill programmes for children like colouring activities to instill a sense of love and protection for the birds.
She said she could identify at least five pairs of hornbills in the area and some even flocked in groups of five to six.
Villager Mohammad Ali Ngah said the male would often peck at his window in the mornings.
Reaching out: A colouring contest being organised for the children as part of the hornbill educational programme in the village
“I’ve been staying here with my family for the last seven years but the hornbills have been around longer than that.
“They even chose this clay jar as their nesting spot until the fledgling can fly four months later. They are quite picky about their nesting spot as I’ve tried putting other items around but they are not tempted to move,” Mohammad Ali, 63, said.
He added that he had noticed that once the young bird was fully grown, the mother would leave the nest and the now adult fledgling would take over the jar as its own nesting site.
Villager Mokhtar Sulaiman, 48, said the locals there had grown accustomed to the birds in their village.
“If I’m not mistaken, there are probably between 30 and 40 of them. When we sit down for drinks at the coffee shops, they will be on the tree nearby.
“But we do not disturb them. Why should we, when they don’t cause us any harm?
“I hope the state government or other authorities could gazette this area for hornbill conservation,” said Mokhtar, who has been living there for 20 years.
Moving on to another home, villager Mohamad Said Aman was seen feeding oil palm seeds to another female hornbill nesting inside a clay jar.
There seems to be a sincere connection between the villagers and the hornbills for now, but Ahmad is still concerned over the possibility of conflict.
“When the number of hornbills increases and they start to feed on the fruit trees, it may make the villagers angry.
“I have proposed that the Agriculture Department distribute fruit plants to the villagers so that there will be more sources of food for the birds. The villagers will also benefit from the extra trees.
“When you have the support of the villagers, this place can be developed into a tourist attraction and the village, a model for public participation in conservation,” Ahmad said.
“What is also important is maintaining the ecology of the Sg Karang forest reserve, with regular monitoring of all ecological parameters, biodiversity and surrounding activities like irrigation systems.
“The change in water levels may result in dying trees which are needed by hornbills to build their nests and support their diet. Otherwise, the birds will migrate elsewhere,” Ahmad said.
He added that for a conservation programme like this to work, it required the support from agencies like the Wildlife Department, the Agriculture Department, the Forestry Department and also the tourism authorities.

Updated : 20 February, 2010

Hornbills become a common sight in Kg Sg Panjang
THE female hornbill waits patiently inside a clay jar for her male partner to return. Lying low, with only her long beak peeking out of the small entrance, she is like the faithful wife waiting longingly for the safe return of her husband.

Friday, February 19, 2010

My Daughter's Advice 19 Feb 2010 after I came back from Tokyo

I just came back from the University of Tokyo yesterday. I was lucky because every year, since 15 years a go the Tokyo University sponsor me to visit them and share their experience in leading research and probably I can apply it in Malaysia. So far the research collaboration is going fine. We have 5 year plan from 2010-2015 on few projects. What make these professors from top asian university continously collaborate with me for last 15 year is something to be valued. By 2010 and 2011 two of my former students will be graduated from the Tokyo University and two more places were offered for my students in 2010-2012 intake. In that case I consider UPM is ok, may be comparable to this top Asian University. In fact UPM already signed MoU with the Tokyo University. In recent visits few young scientists, assistant professors, associate professors, professors and post doctoral researchers approached me to visit my laboratory and perhaps we could collaborate in several topics of research. If they come to my laboratory, probably not much I can show. The standard and quality of our laboratory may be not at their standard. BUT do not forget Malaysia have a lot to offer. OUR NATURE, our mangrove, flora and fauna, our tropical climate and environment. Probably our nature heritage will attract them more.
The Tokyo University main campus. old but clean and organised

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Gong Xi Fa Cai & Happy Holiday to all Malaysian

Girls, how often do you wash your bra?

Saturday February 13, 2010
Girls, how often do you wash your bra?
Other News & View

A SURVEY has found that a number of Singaporean girls wash their bras only once a week, Sin Chew Daily reported.

Some never washed them at all, the daily said, quoting a survey carried out by a news portal. More than 200 women took part in the survey.

It said that as of Feb 9, 108 respondents said they washed and changed their bras everyday but 42 others said they only changed them once a week. Another six said they washed their bras once a year while six others said they never washed their bras.

The daily quoted the online news writer as saying he was surprised with the level of cleanliness among Singaporean girls.

“Although some women work in an air-conditioned environment and may not sweat so often, the skin will still turn oily after some time and this will result in body odour. It is thus more appropriate to change the bra every day,” he said.

However, a gynaecologist said it is not necessary for women to change their bras every day especially if they work at the office.

“Bras are not like panties which have to be changed daily. But for those who sweat easily, it is advisable to change the bras frequently

Monday, February 8, 2010

Manusia Sebagai Khalifah Di Bumi Ini

Tahukah anda yang lebih 700 ayat Al-Quran menyebut tentang alam sekitar? Melebihi ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan hukum-hakam. Berapa banyak lagi ayat-ayat yang menceritakan tentang kisah-kisah kehidupan dan kesejahteraan manusia sekiranya alam sekitar dijaga. Cuba kaji kenapa manusia adalah khalifah di bumi ini.Fikir-fikirkan lah.
Marilah kita sama-sama tidak merosakkan alam sekitar, tidak membuat sampah, tidak mencemar udara dengan gas beracun, tidak mencemar makanan dengan racun-racun, dan macam-macam lagi yang kita sudah ketahui tetapi tidak mengamalkannya.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Persatuan Ibubapa Guru Sekolah (PIBG)

Gambar menunjukkan hari pertama sekolah murid serta ibubapa begitu menaruh harapan terhadap masa hadapan mereka menerusi pendidikan, datang ke sekolah, membayar yuran yang perlu dan membeli buku. Satu lagi gambar hanya kerusi kosong di hari Mesyuarat Agung PIBG sekolah. PIBG masih di tahap lama.
PIBG adalah agensi yang menghubungkan antara guru-guru, murid, sekolah dan ibubapa. Hubungan baik antara mereka menggambarkan masyarakat setempat di mana sekolah itu berada. PIBG boleh membantu sekolah menentukan taraf sekolah setaraf dengan pemikiran, pendidikan dan ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Pencapaian akademik sekolah, imej sekolah dan kualiti keseluruhan sekolah boleh ditentukan oleh PIBG. PIBG yang aktif selalunya dikuti oleh pencapaian dan ketrampilan sekolah yang baik. TETAPI berapa ramai ibubapa yang prihatin tentang peranan PIBG dalam pembangunan sekolah.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How mangrove were destroyed

Fresh water was pumped into the mangrove to save the oil palm. Mangrove were supposed to protect the coastal areas and serve as wildlife Habitat. In Kuala Gula as a birds sanctuary mangrove should be preserved

Monday, February 1, 2010

Thesis Writing Services

Thesis belongs to the upper level of education, thesis writing demands for extraordinary thesis research needing the substance of creativity, the spirit of endeavoring, and the utility of intelligence. The candidate will have to present factual information in an organized manner. Many candidates find this difficult due to many varying reasons including, knowledge depth, language, data complex, earnest, patience,etc.
If we have dissertation services to help the students preparing thesis, how we could have a high quality thesis and graduates. Later probably we will have research topic and supervisors selection services, an experimental design services, data analysis services (including statistics, table arrangement and figures drawing) or probably data collection services for thesis and scientific papers writing services (including for high impact factor journals. If these thing happened plus plagiarism, how can we determine our graduates quality and representing university's quality. May be one day each professors will have a company own by former students to provide all the above services to the students. With new technology and high ICT secrets this may happen.