Sunday, August 31, 2014
All Malaysian must understand how Malaysia independent, the agreement for independent and maintaining independent. Without understanding we will create problems. New Economic Policy and transformation Malaysia must be well understood and practice. Every Malaysian must take part in maintaining independent and harmony living in develop country, Young Malaysian must have new attitude for modern and develop Malaysia.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
how to manage top performance? look for them, listen to them, talk to them, giving them a chance, .....
we can plan our work load but many unexpected events that increase our work load. travelling, meetings, dinner, ..... how to manage?
How do you manage the work load? Here are some suggestions:
- Become consistent in your sleep habits. You can’t function without 7-8 hours of sleep.
- Work out times when you do certain activities. An activity that takes 3 hours to do at one time can take 1 hour at another time.
- Learn how to multitask. There are times when you can combine one or more activities (e.g. filling out an expense form while participating in a conference call).
- Make repetitive tasks more efficient. For example you might develop a template for a weekly report you need to do.
- Learn how much time is needed for each activity. Not everything needs to be done to perfection.
- Learn how to avoid activities that are huge “time sink holes”. Some of these can be avoided entirely while others can be done with minimal time commitment.
- Don’t let others steal your time. This is especially the case for those who view the job as one big social event.
- Think ahead on major assignments. Often you can avoid time consuming dead ends when you just give an assignment some thought.
- Find people in the organization who are noted for how productive they are and ask them for guidance on how to use your time.
- Develop a “relief value” that can let you get away from the job and renew your energy. This will be something you do for yourself.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Hope for Chini to be saved and Protection. It is very lucky because Tasik Chini is under Constituency of Pekan headed by the Prime Minister Najib Razak. Malaysia’s only Unesco Biosphere need to be save and NGO must involve. Perhaps MNS can lead and engaging local people and individual experts who have no interests in position in government and politic.
The environment is a key area of the Road map for the Asean Community, 2015. Malaysia is the chair for Asean in 2015.
- See more at:
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Top 10 Reasons Being A University Professor Is A Stressful Job: Being a university professor is in no way the least stressful job for 2013. In fact, 2013 is likely to be one of the worst years to be a university professor.
The Best-Paying Education Jobs
People’s career choices should be based on passion over paychecks—and that’s especially true for those who are educating America’s youth. But even if you’re pursuing a profession in education for the all right reasons, you still have to wonder which are the highest- and lowest-paying positions in the field. Forbes sifted through the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates to find the very best- and worst-paying education jobs in America. Here are the five best.
Today my son learned about career and qualifications. He asked me about what is masters, PhD and Professor. He told me what his teacher explained to him and what was explained by his friends. They discussed again at his friend's house and his friend's mother also explain how to be a professor. His friend's mother ask my son's friends to ask him how to become a professor. When friends asked him, he answered if you want to be a professor you must not sleep at night, always typing something on your computer, reading thesis, meetings, going overseas attending conferences and seminars (without having time buying souverniers for me), coming back home late, always go out to the forest, seas, and climbing mountain. In general to be a professor is very tough and much easier playing rugby rather become a professor....his friends lough. My son told me.
VIVA or oral examination for masters or PhD candidates sometime very stressful if the thesis is not well prepared, supervision was not well done and students have no clear objectives of their thesis. To fail OR not to fail...... finally giving them major correction in limited period. To have good thesis we must have good and committed students and supervisors.

Monday, August 18, 2014
Today arrived Taipei and stay at National Academy of Education Research (NAER) where teachers are trained and professors are discussed before any policies on education are implemented. May be we can learn something from Taiwan. They leading Malaysia in many thing from agriculture to electronic industries and may be environment. At least they already produced Nobel Laureate. Probably they can proud of their education systems.

Sunday, August 17, 2014
learn trick in he kitchen. all about thinking and science. We need more people with high levels of thinking. HOTs.
Friday, August 15, 2014
many scientists dream to publish in nature. Any strategy of working hard to make our local journals increase impact factor
Protect our forests as they help to generate water too: Without doubt, forests play a vital role in protecting rivers and creating rainfall. Part of the global warming phenomenon is due to the cutting down of large areas of forests and the pollution of rivers.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
film or movie another way of students getting access to knowledge beside entertainment

Blood cockles in Sungai Buloh Selangor need attention: “If pollution is detected from these samples, then the authorities have to come in. Elements such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, copper and zinc have to be looked into due to their toxicity, to see if they are within permissible limits or at elevated levels. Anthropogenic activities have to be taken into account, too, as they will contribute to the accumulation of hazardous chemicals in the environment. Government departments, Fisherman associations and other relevant association should engage experts to help them.
The combined force of seven ministries under Ops Mega has managed to reduce dengue hotspots in Selangor from 92 to 86, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. BUT still not enough. Integrated approach, combine force among agencies and public participation are very important. More socio-economy research needed beside science and technology.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Sunday, August 10, 2014
The family Tapiridae belongs to the order Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulate) and has four living species. The Malay tapir, Tapirus indicus, is the only Asian representative of the family Tapiridae. The remaining three species, mountain tapir (T. pinchaque), lowland tapir (T. terrestris), and Baird’s tapir (T. bairdii) are found in Neotropics. NEED FOCUS RESEARCH FOR CONSERVATION
May be Fu Wa and Feng Yii can help to develop awareness and interest in wildlife research in Malaysia. Our young generation now are not really interested in wildlife research especially in field biology. a lot of research can be done from biology to ecology, behaviour to feeding, nutrition to diseases. More young scientists are needed.

Saturday, August 9, 2014
The much awaited arrival of two giant pandas from China has drawn more visitors to Zoo Negara. The pandas have been keeping visitors entertained with their antics at the Giant Panda Conservation Centre for the past couple of months. The male panda was initially called Fu Wa while the female’s original name was Feng Yi. They have been renamed Xing Xing, which means prosperity and Liang Liang, which means pretty, respectively. May be certain percentage of profit can be donated for Tapir breeding and conservation programme.
Friday, August 8, 2014
We always talk about biodiversity, conservation and ecotourism. biodiversity and already benefit the locals a lot in ecotourisms activities. Why some people do not understand and proposed another contradict ideas?
Not surprise if this kind of statement from public: " Continuous insulting remarks by politicians involved in this project who called the anti-sturgeon project activists as “Yahudi”(Jews), “Sakai”(derogatory word for Aborigines) and “Bodoh”(stupid)".
Professors suppose to be the most relax job, respected and free to think and making conclusion. So why in Dilemma and Stress?
Professor Dr Ahmad Ismail from Universiti Putra Malaysia biology department is also of the opinion that academic excellence cannot be measured by publications alone.
He strongly believes that other aspects of academia should be considered.
“Publication alone is not enough. Teaching and supervising of students, attending conferences and seminars, extension and dissemination of knowledge and new findings to the public (among others) make an academician complete.”
As a professor of wildlife ecology and ecotoxicology, his area of expertise does not lend itself well to publication.
“We would like our papers to be published in reputable, high-impact journals – but we can’t because there are none,” he says.
“What is important is what we can contribute to our own country – at a local level. If you just concentrate on writing, then you are just a writer.
“A lecturer must develop areas of knowledge and then teach it to students, and not rely on textbooks alone.”
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