Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
PEKAN 23 Nov. - Penerokaan dan penarahan hutan di kawasan sekitar Tasik Chini menyebabkan ekosistem di tasik air tawar kedua terbesar negara itu hampir berubah secara keseluruhan sekali gus mengancam keaslian semula jadinya. Naib Presiden Persatuan Pencinta Alam Malaysia (MNS), Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail berkata, larian air deras di permukaan yang membawa lumpur ke tasik akibat pembukaan hutan dan penarahan bukit di kawasan sekitarnya merupakan faktor utama yang mengganggu ekosistem tasik ini.

Memusnahkan, merosakkan ekosistem Tasik Chini mudah dilakukan Memulihkan tasik makan masa libat kos berbilion ringgit : by understanding better ecology and biology may be we can cut major costs. But may be taking more time compared to time for destroying the lake. Refer to the experts.
- See more at: http://www.utusan.com.my/berita/nasional/memusnahkan-merosakkan-ekosistem-tasik-chini-mudah-dilakukan-1.29364#sthash.4kAKOWSt.dpuf

Friday, November 28, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Tasik Chini semakin terancam Penerokaan hutan, penarahan bukit merosakkan ekosistem: Naib Presiden Persatuan Pencinta Alam Malaysia (MNS), Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail berkata, larian air deras di permukaan yang membawa lumpur ke tasik akibat pembukaan hutan dan penarahan bukit di kawasan sekitarnya merupakan faktor utama yang mengganggu ekosistem tasik ini.
- See more at: http://www.utusan.com.my/berita/nasional/tasik-chini-semakin-terancam-1.28605#sthash.iIcuUG5F.dpuf
Lake Chini in focus as Utusan continues to criticise Pahang: the authorities must listen to experts not just politician to make right decision on environmental management.
uncontrolled mining, logging and farming led to the deterioration of the lake, which is recognised as a biosphere reserve by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco).
research results – on aspects of flora, fauna, eco-hydrology, climate change and environmental restoration and management – was not taken seriously by the state’s government, district and land office and the forestry department.
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/tasik-chini-now-in-focus-as-utusan-reveals-more-of-pahangs-underbelly#sthash.6YxX86fv.dpufWhy the authority do not use results of research for their planning and development. In the case of Cameron Highlands is another good example of not using or referring to scientific data.
MNS cadang tubuh pusat pemantauan, penyelidikan
21 November 2014 2:25 AM
KUALA LUMPUR 20 Nov. – Persatuan Pencinta Alam Malaysia (MNS) meminta kerajaan mewujudkan sebuah pusat pemantauan dan penyelidikan mengenai Cameron Highlands bagi memulihkan kembali kawasan tanah tinggi berkenaan.
Naib Presidennya, Prof. Ahmad Ismail berkata, penubuhan pusat yang akan menjadi tumpuan pakar penyelidik dan pelajar universiti sama ada dari dalam atau luar negara itu bagi membolehkan pandangan dan cadangan berkaitan pembangunan kawasan berkenaan dikumpul secara lebih sistematik.
Katanya, kajian dan penyelidikan yang dijalankan secara berterusan di kawasan tersebut mampu membuahkan jalan penyelesaian serta kaedah yang lebih tepat dan berkesan dalam usaha menyelamatkan kawasan tanah tinggi berkenaan.
“Saya yakin maklumat dan kajian yang dijalankan di kawasan itu sudah ada sebelum ini tetapi mungkin tidak disimpan atau ditempatkan secara sistematik menyebabkan sukar untuk dirujuk bagi tujuan tindakan.
“Pusat tersebut akan menyelaras semua kajian dan data-data untuk kegunaan pembangunan dan penyelenggaraan tanah tinggi Cameron Highlands agar data atau maklumat tentang biodiversiti, ekologi, kejuruteraan serta geologi kawasan tersebut lebih mudah dikumpulkan,” katanya ketika dihubungi di sini hari ini.
Semalam Sultan Pahang, Sultan Ahmad Shah yang mencemar duli melawat kawasan Lembah Bertam, Cameron Highlands menzahirkan kemurkaan dan rasa dukacita baginda terhadap aktiviti penerokaan tanah secara haram di kawasan Cameron Highlands selain turut meminta kegiatan itu diberhentikan segera.
Dalam hal itu, Ahmad turut meminta satu jawatankuasa terdiri daripada agensi kerajaan, pakar biodiversiti, ekologi, pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) alam sekitar serta ketua penduduk tempatan ditubuhkan agar setiap pembangunan yang akan dilaksanakan di kawasan itu mendapat pandangan pihak berkenaan.
“Mungkin sebelum ini ada satu jawatankuasa yang melihat hal pembangunan di tanah tinggi itu tetapi tiada penyelarasan mantap menyebabkan kejadian tanah runtuh, banjir, penerokaan serta pencerobohan berulang dan apabila berlaku bencana memberi kesan kepada rakyat.
“Oleh itu, adalah sangat penting untuk setiap pembangunan yang dilaksanakan mendapat pandangan daripada masyarakat setempat,” jelasnya.
Beliau turut menambah, suara serta pandangan NGO dan masyarakat setempat perlu diambil kira kerana mereka mampu memberi pandangan berbeza malah lazimnya pendapat mereka membawa kebaikan kepada kawasan berkenaan
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Wildlife protector receives award for his captive breeding efforts and arrest of poachers. We need more committed leaders like this.

Studying the biology and behaviour of the tiny birds which build edible nests has been the lifelong interest of British conservationist Dr Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, Fifth Earl of Cranbrook.: can we have one scientists like this in Malaysia?
Pahang Ruler angry with those who misused name of palace: Base on this statement, the authorities have a strong reason to investigate all aspects what caused disaster in Cameron Highlands.
We start discussed about environmental hormone in 1996 aggressively at the world level. many research have been done. Book like stolen future or silent spring started the story. BUT it still continue
Deputy Director of Institute of Social Studies UPM Prof Madya Dr Haslinda Abdullah speaking at a forum on Gender Identity Disorder (GID)
Environmental toxins are causing disturbance to women’s puberty stage. At the same time, this thing disturbs the men. This exposure to excess female hormones, this is one of the reasons behind GID

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Biodiversity studies not just on the surface but probably the fossils. Cement industries may caused lost of species and may be extincts
Limestone Pinnacles in Sarawak, Borneo. Wherever in the world limestone occurs it has a special fauna and flora. Photograph: Robert Holmes/Robert Holmes/CORBIS
Humble snails are no match for the might and indifference of the global cement industry. So it has proved for the now extinct Plectostoma sciaphilum, a rather beautiful snail that lived only on a single limestone hill in Peninsular Malaysia. A cement company blew up the entire hill and all remaining molluscs with it. All that is left of its former habitat is a big hole in the ground filled with water.
The neighbouring isolated hills are being quarried by Malaysian multinational YTL, owner of Wessex Water, where snails such as the bizarrely-shaped Hypselostoma elephas are in critical danger.
More than 22,000 species feature in conservationists’ ‘under threat’ list including this Malaysian snail!
Malaysian snail among hundreds of species to become extinct as a result of fishing, logging, mining, agriculture and other activities to satisfy our growing appetite for resources
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Visiting after accidents, helping the victims and promising for future are not enough for the current generation and situation. Public want to see actions. If same promise is given every year and same problems public facing every year, something is not right. Everybody know the cause of landslides, flood and river contamination. Every year repeating similar things. About time the government have to solve it. We don't want government spending more money to solve the problems than incomes from the industries in Cameron Highlands. Please refer to the experts not to those holding position in the authority and having personal interest.
We are leading in many aspects of biodiversity BUT we are not champion it. Government and private sectors must give more support to encourage more young scientists in biodiversity especially on behaviour and ecology not just on genetic and molecular biology. MK Land and related Foundation leading the examples.

Friday, November 7, 2014
Cameron highlands need a special committee which include NGO such as MNS to advice the authorities in managing highlands.State government must react now before too late.
Greenhouse farming, encroachment on river reserves and land clearing are among the activities that caused the floods and mudslide at several areas in Cameron Highlands, an enviromental group said.
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