Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Many questions need to be asked in order to produce high quality graduates: Are universities to be seen as educating whole generations of youth over the long term or professionalizing individual consumers over the short term? Are universities to be seen as producers of long-term knowledge with global import or state and regional engines of short-term economic growth? And are university educations to be seen as key moments in the lives of their participants which provide a critical and unrepeatable foundation for lifelong future learning and wisdom or as transitory steps on a long and fragmented career ladder?
"members of academic communities do not talk enough, they do not talk to each other, and they do not talk about values"
Friday, June 26, 2015
The Uyghurs /ˈwiːɡər/ (Uyghur: ئۇيغۇر, ULY: Uyghur ; [ʔʊjˈʁʊː]; Old Turkic: Old Turkic letter R1.svgOld Turkic letter G1.svgOld Turkic letter Y1.svgOld Turkic letter O.svg; Chinese: 维吾尔族; pinyin: Wéiwer zú) are a Turkic ethnic group living in Eastern and Central Asia. Today, Uyghurs live primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China, where they are officially recognized as one of the 56 recognised ethnic minorities. An estimated 80% of Xinjiang's Uyghurs live in the southwestern portion of the region, the Tarim Basin. Outside Xinjiang, the largest community of Uyghurs in China is in Taoyuan County, in south-central Hunan. Outside of China, significant diasporic communities of Uyghurs exist in the Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Smaller communities are found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, the United States, and Turkey.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
More research need to be done on religion and politics; where are the borders. Muslims fast from dawn to dusk during Ramadan, but China's ruling Communist Party is officially atheist and for years has restricted the practice in Xinjiang, home to the mostly Muslim Uighur minority. China says it faces a terrorist threat in Xinjiang, with officials blaming 'religious extremism' for growing violence. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/
Conflict between research, conservation, advocacy and education, and public awareness still going on among the conservation activists. They said no need to do research because they said research is not going any where BUT only education and public awareness are important. Research provide data and human resource or experts. With data and experts we can do better education and more effective way for public awareness. I think those activists need to be educated too. Tell them researches on nature such as biodiversity and ecology are important.

Why are many people against Islam? About time we should do research about this question. we must document it and discuss openly so that all will understand. we don,t want to ask similar question to other religion or culture or race. May be we can use nature and conservation for better life, harmony and peace
China bans Ramadan fasting in mainly Muslim region Civil servants, students and teachers prevented from fasting and restaurants ordered to remain open in Xinjiang region. Some country still have no freedom for all to practice their religion. still scaring of ghost. WE NEED MORE EDUCATION FOR ALL NOT JUST HEAR SAY AND SCARED OF UNCERTANTIES.
![Uighur activists blame government's "religious repression" for increased tensions in Xinjiang [Reuters]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_uD5NHPTLSvppRTduwAYvLW5hkmz1v1GLgInax6tIuiX42nZl36OD8Sb2jM6ERGPYhOrdZYY0nf0uY1dwa-ItuZsaMe9wrWXx9tSBnZU5oS4i1U-4e7UcZpFtgNaxGCcKmMNp8O84mTZhmcg8qF7OjFvPGBIPboa1SDEnsgpkRM6tDVLVoYW78EEbBF=s0-d)
The word Ramadan comes from the Arabic root ramiḍa or ar-ramaḍ, which means scorching heat or dryness. Fasting is fardh (obligatory) for adult Muslims, except those who are suffering from an illness, travelling, are elderly, pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic or going through menstrual bleeding. Fasting the month of Ramadan was made obligatory (wājib), in the second year after the Muslims migrated from Mecca to Medina. Fatwas have been issued declaring that Muslims who live in regions with natural phenomenon such as the midnight sun or polar night should follow the timetable of Mecca. While fasting from dawn until sunset, Muslims refrain from consuming food, drinking liquids, smoking, and engaging in sexual relations with one's spouse. Muslims are also instructed to refrain from sinful behavior that may negate the reward of fasting, such as false speech (insulting, backbiting, cursing, lying, etc.) and fighting. Food and drink is served daily, before dawn and after sunset. Spiritual rewards (thawab) for fasting are also believed to be multiplied within the month of Ramadan. Fasting for Muslims during Ramadan typically includes the increased offering of salat (prayers) and recitation of the Quran.
Many professors are wrongly interviewed. Many of panel interview look like they have no experience in interviewing the professors. They run the interview like new graduates applying the jobs. They don't even look at or trying to understand the long CV of the professors. Never ask question what the professors have done in his career! or in last past 5 years or since 2008,....that will be the most stupid question!!!. The panels must share the knowledge and experience with the professors, the interviewer should bench mark them and assess what the university can use them for the best to achieve university's mission in short period. If the VC and the board of directors and the dean have clear vision, they know what to do with the professors. All professors in the universities should be the excellence one. FOR ME THERE ARE STILL NO LEADERS IN THE UNIVERSITIES IN MALAYSIA. THEY ARE STILL THE MANAGERS.
Finding the best candidate for a faculty position involves much more than posting the open position and evaluating curricula vitae. You must ensure that the candidate will work well with other faculty members and administrators. It’s even more important to assess a potential new professor’s ability to interact with and teach students. Carefully structuring the interview process will help you choose the candidate who not only possesses an outstanding academic background, but also is effective and engaging in the classroom.
Monday, June 22, 2015
When buried six feet down, without a coffin, in ordinary soil, an embalmed adult normally takes eight to twelve years to decompose to a skeleton. However if placed in a coffin the body can take many years longer, depending on type of wood used. For example a solid oak coffin will highly slow down the process.

Monday, June 15, 2015
Everyone is susceptible to nerve damage as lifestyle choices and daily activities increase risk factors. Many common factors in our day-to-day lifestyles have increased the chances of nerve damage. Long hours sitting at work desks or in traffic jams, repetitive activity such as typing and texting, and even cooking can lead to nerve damage. Poor posture, wearing tight clothing or shoes and even being overweight can put pressure or compress nerves.
Once badly polluted, the Sepang Besar River is recovering. It’s greenish-blue brackish water today supports a thriving mangrove forest. Yet, 20 years ago, it was as good as dead. Universiti Putra Malaysia professor Dr Ahmad Ismail says both states must set aside river reserves and monitor pollutants, which include herbicides sprayed in oil palm plantations, effluent from shrimp ponds and surface run-offs.

Tiger Conservation in Peninsular Malaysia: A change in public perception is needed for more improvement. “The biggest challenge to nature conservation is people’s mindset that it is solely the responsibility of the authorities and conservation NGOs,
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Four nudists leave Sabah, cops hunting for remaining six: police were still on the lookout for the six other foreign tourists who had stripped naked on the mountain on May 30. Police have been have facing problems in tracking down the six individuals who had not given proper names to Sabah Parks before trekking up the mountain. LOOK AT OUR SYSTEMS AGAIN!
Pendidikan tingkat ekonomi, sosial negara: How far Malaysia plan for it or may be good planning with the support of consultant BUT how far the implementation? We cannot import experts outside to improve our education systems and quality! Selanjutnya di : http://www.bharian.com.my/node/60967
Presiden, Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Prof Dr Ahmad Ismail, berkata dalam bidang biodiversiti tropika, Malaysia di kedudukan baik pada pandangan antarabangsa tetapi penyelidikan dalam bidang berkenaan belum diteroka secara meluas. "Untuk menarik pakar luar bekerja dengan kita, Malaysia mesti mempunyai kualiti yang mereka percaya dan terima," katanya. Beliau turut mencadangkan profesor di negara ini perlu diberi penarafan berasaskan kepakaran dalam pengajaran, penyeliaan, penyelidikan, memimpin penyelidikan, perancangan masa depan, penerbitan, kerjasama antarabangsa, pemindahan maklumat kepada masyarakat dan pengalaman pentadbiran. "Penarafan ini akan menggalakkan profesor untuk lebih aktif pada peringkat antarabangsa sehingga dikenali oleh rakan sebidang," katanya.
Selanjutnya di : http://www.bharian.com.my/node/60967
Selanjutnya di : http://www.bharian.com.my/node/60967
Some people are still primitive: Long time ago I watch documentary on BBC talking about who are primitive? The documentary about tourist from Europe to Africa enjoying nature naked. Comparing those enjoy nature with monkeys. In fact apes like chimpanzee and gorilla have long hairs to cover their body.

Fireworks Add to Worldwide Pollution: fireworks displays are not limited to one country. Fireworks use is increasing in popularity around the world, including in countries without strict air pollution standards. According to The Ecologist, millennium celebrations in 2000 caused environmental pollution worldwide, filling skies over populated areas with “carcinogenic sulphur compounds and airborne arsenic.”
Fireworks Contribute to Environmental Pollution
The chemicals and heavy metals used in fireworks also take their toll on the environment, sometimes contributing to water supply contamination and even acid rain. Their use also deposits physical litter on the ground and into water bodies for miles around.
Air pollution: In the combustion of fireworks, the main component gunpowder gives rise to the solid reaction products such as potassium carbonate, potassium sulphate and potassium sulphide, together with unreacted sulphur. The reaction products from effects mixtures are generally solids and consist of metal oxides and, less often, chlorides. The air pollution caused by firework reaction products is well documented by measurements in Switzerland and abroad. Fine particulates are notable in reaching record short-term pollution levels. Evaluation of data from Swiss gauging stations shows that over a short period, such high levels of respirable fine particulates (PM10) may be reached that the 24h average values may exceed the 50 µg/m 3 threshold stipulated in the Ordinance on Air Pollution Control (OAPC). This value is laid down for health reasons and may be exceeded only once a year. International surveys - in more polluted areas - show that susceptible people may be measurably affected.
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