Thursday, October 27, 2016
Biologging feeds scientists with data on stork behaviour. If the current project for the captive birds is successful, the biologger might be attached to wild milky storks. The scenario for this species is not promising as it is extinct in Thailand and there has been no sighting of wild milky storks in Malaysia since 2008. Zoo Negara, he says, has successfully bred milky storks and now has over 100 in captivity. Read more at http://www.star2.com/living/2015/02/08/biologging-feeds-scientists-with-data-on-stork-behaviour/#HS6o5fpMP8A6Ggcs.99.
“No one is able to see the whales’ prey, the mesopelagic squid, in deep waters. We also wanted to monitor the distribution pattern of the squids. Doing biologging on whales is difficult. We need favourable sea conditions and as many sperm whales as possible, and a good team to deploy the recorders. We have carried out three projects so far, tagging over 50 sperm whales in total. Our last project was in 2012 where we tagged 30 whales.
Read more at http://www.star2.com/living/2015/02/08/biologging-feeds-scientists-with-data-on-stork-behaviour/#HS6o5fpMP8A6Ggcs.99
Read more at http://www.star2.com/living/2015/02/08/biologging-feeds-scientists-with-data-on-stork-behaviour/#HS6o5fpMP8A6Ggcs.99
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016
Need experts in biology and ecology to support the commitment of our prime Minister. Not the business man they will destroy the ecosystem of Tasik Chini in very short period.

Kosmo! Online - Negara
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MNS cadang tubuh pusat pemantauan, penyelidikan - Alam ...
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Tasik Chini semakin terancam - Nasional - Utusan Online
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Friday, October 14, 2016
Forests of Hope The world's natural forests are of critical importance for birds and biodiversity. Over 1.6 billion people rely heavily on these natural habitats and the ecosystem services they provide. Yet despite global efforts, rates of forest loss remain alarmingly high with an estimated 13 million hectares lost annually.
Key Facts
- We focus on forest areas that are of high importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services
- We work with local communities, government, private sector and other important stakeholders to implement locally appropriate approaches to forest governance, management and finance
- We complement action on the ground with policy engagement at national and international levels to address the underlying drivers of forest degradation and loss
- We commit long-term (e.g. 20 years and more) to selected sites to overcome deep-rooted challenges and promote sustainable solutions
- We are already working at major forest sites in more than 50 countries across four continents
- Our innovative approaches to management, governance and finance are bringing benefits to forest people as well as wildlife
The world's natural forests are of critical importance for birds and other biodiversity, natural habitats and ecosystem services. Furthermore, over 1.6 billion people rely heavily on forests for subsistence, livelihoods, employment and income. Yet despite global efforts, rates of natural forest loss remain alarmingly high with the FAO estimating that 13 million hectares of forest are lost annually.
BirdLife’s Forests of Hope Programme aims to prevent deforestation and to restore natural forests in the tropics. The programme’s effectiveness is maximised by linking forest conservation on the ground to policy and advocacy work at national and international levels.
The programme's name was inspired by BirdLife's first Forests of Hope site: Hutan Harapan or the Rainforest of Hope. Harapan is Indonesia's first Ecosystem Restoration Concession and covers over 98,000 ha of threatened lowland forest in Sumatra. Despite being logged in the past, Harapan still has tapirs, tigers, elephants and many other species.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Since 2010 people are talking seriously on Langkawi Green. Until now still a lot of conflict between local public, local authority, state government, federal government, business people and the NGOs. All must understand clearly on Langkawi Green. Education and public awareness sre important. all sectors must take part in greening Langkawi.

how far we learned from this kind of messages. How far public aware what will happen in the future if water resources are polluted? What government is doing to avoid this kind of incident in the future? The NGOs consistently education public and the government? we all have to work harder for the future generations.

Korean and Japanese professors have almost similar culture in field research and supervising their students. How we want to adopt those culture in our local universities to make more productive in research quality, integrity and publications.

grill cultured eels for dinner after hard work in the field.
Friday, October 7, 2016
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
it is a great challenge for the individual. family. society, community and the government to fight against prostitution and drugs if the supply and demand are there and easy access. Why prostitute are in demand? Why people need drugs? Probably we need to strengthen the basic needs; sex and education. Why we need sex and how to get a legal sex? Where. when and what type of education needed. Kelantan as their claimed an Islamic state probably should show the good example to others.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Crocodiles in their habitat should not be seen as a threat but more for their important role in the river ecosystem to ensure that rivers are functioning and well-balanced. after long conservation programme now population increased and government offer to hunt for their skin and meat.
Saturday, October 1, 2016
What are the differences between wife, mistress and escort? What do your wife/mistress/escort do and the others don't? How do you treat them differently? This OLD, CURRENT and FUTURE CULTURE. Why this culture continuously practicing?
Wife is someone who's a life partner, they help with big decisions and are a support.
Mistress is more a physical relationship, though it may be that either party would want to make it more serious at some point. While I think of it as a guy cheating on his wife with a mistress, it may be the wife is fine with it.
Escort is more a business deal, in which money is traded, often for sex but they are sometimes simply for a plus 1. While a mistress relies on the fact that the people involved are both interested, which is how it can develop into a more serious relationship, an escort really doesn't.
I'd think people who keep an escort or mistress on the side usually do it as they're unhappy. In polygamous relationships this is not always the case, but the term of mistress suggests secret to me. Typically an escort is because they don't view it as proper cheating, while mistress can be a full blown affair with love involved. Hence the later can be not because a person is actively unhappy but simply no longer in love with the spouse.
Mistress is more a physical relationship, though it may be that either party would want to make it more serious at some point. While I think of it as a guy cheating on his wife with a mistress, it may be the wife is fine with it.
Escort is more a business deal, in which money is traded, often for sex but they are sometimes simply for a plus 1. While a mistress relies on the fact that the people involved are both interested, which is how it can develop into a more serious relationship, an escort really doesn't.
I'd think people who keep an escort or mistress on the side usually do it as they're unhappy. In polygamous relationships this is not always the case, but the term of mistress suggests secret to me. Typically an escort is because they don't view it as proper cheating, while mistress can be a full blown affair with love involved. Hence the later can be not because a person is actively unhappy but simply no longer in love with the spouse.
SEBUAH pusat menyimpan data mengenai seseorang graduan mesti ditubuhkan untuk mengelakkan kes pemalsuan ijazah. Presiden Persatuan Pegawai Akademik Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Prof Dr Ahmad Ismail berkata, pusat tersebut boleh dinamakan sebagai bank data graduan memandangkan kaedah pengumpulan data satu pusat perlu wujud untuk mengelakkan jenayah terhadap kelulusan akademik. “Bank tersebut mesti mengandungi data pembelajaran seseorang penuntut seperti nombor kad pelajar, nombor siri sijil kelulusan dan juga rekod ketika penuntut berkenaan menyediakan tesis atau penyelidikan. “Kerajaan perlu pertimbangkan mengenai cadangan seumpama ini supaya majikan dapat membuat semakan terus tanpa perlu melalui birokrasi (bagi mengesahkan ijazah calon pekerja) yang kadangkala melecehkan. Ini kerana, dalam kes ijazah palsu, pihak yang teraniaya adalah majikan. "Bank data ini bukan sahaja untuk penuntut atau graduan universiti tempatan, tetapi juga pensyarah kerana ada juga kemungkinan pemalsuan bidang kepakaran pensyarah walaupun kebanyakannya boleh dirujuk kepada laman sesawang universiti berkenaan. “Selama ini, kita tidak ada satu sistem pusat yang mudah untuk para majikan membuat semakan bagi mengesahkan sesuatu sijil itu tulen.
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