Tuesday, February 28, 2017
any promotion activities we need to repeat many times so that the public can understand and support the programme. recycle to cycle (R2C). now towards the end. We still have bicycles for those interested to practice active life on campus and support to reduce green house gasoues released by motor vehicles in campus. This year we will continue with new recycle programme at the universities in Malaysia (RECYCLE@U) where UPM will lead. Recycle practice is still low in Malaysia. We will start with campus community for future Malaysian recycle life style. Thank you Coca-cola for sponsoring this projects.

Monday, February 27, 2017
Sunday, February 26, 2017
The pictures below were taken five years ago when we meet all NGOs that are active in tree planting activities. We need to coordinate and identify the right place to plant so that we can keep them for a long time. I proposed to plant it in the university's compound. We have 20 Public Universities to participate. In the university the trees will be kept for the future. All university's students must plant at least two trees.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Environmental Education mooted as new subject in schools, universities (http://www.nst.com.my/news/2017/02/213980/environmental-education-mooted-new-subject-schools-universities): Actually we already experience nature education in school since in 1960 and enhanced in 1970. 1987 new approach of teaching environmental education in schools and keep improving until now. After more than 20 years the implementation integrated approach of environmental education was not really effective. They are many reasons.. Government can make a good policies but when come to implementation, we cannot perform. WHY? to get the answer please refer to the true experts.
When we started we cannot stop eventhough people try to protest ot not supporting. There are many good peopole in this world are willng to support the good activities like MyCYS. we can visit my last comment on MyCYS and read newspaper reporting on MyCYS. Next yeear I hope will be better one and all will support. Please forget those who are not suipporting good thing if we want to progress. This MyCYS not for individual performance but just a small contribution to the country. Especially when the country is not well performed in STEM, so why not we all come forward and support MyCYS.

another memory. campaigning for recycle centre. Our culture we like to copy what the expert say but we like to do wrongly or diverted it OR in many occasion we like to listen to those who at ourv level. Sorry if we want to move forward as developed country we must listen and respect the educated one.

Something that we need to make it happen, we must repeat it many times so that people will listen, see and actions. Then we keep reminding them so that they will remember as part of their history. Later they will practice in their life. NOT that easy to change human thinking and lifer style. Education is very important.

Monday, February 20, 2017
Something that I can remember, four years a go we were busy preparing the launching of R2C (Recycle to cycle, a very succesful project and recognised by a coca-cola. It was well covered in local media many times. Now Coca-cola award another grant to promote recycle at other universities leading by UPM. Thank you Coca-cola and UPM. All my team make it success.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
About time we need to look at stress at work. Leaders cannot look at ambitious KPI only. We need to balance out between work, productiviti and life. We need to enjoy our life at work, enjoy aor job and later high productuivity and the boss can enjoy more. Less stress less complaint from the workers, less stress for the leaders and the leaders are always happy.

Another Tapir died in Terengganu?. Why we are so slow to take actions. Just put label on the road where are necessary. Perhilitan and JKR and LLM must look inti this immediately befor all are extinct on Malaysian earth. We have only one Prome Minister and One Agong. Please coordinate among departments. Pleaserefer to the true experts.

Tapir killed by road accident? tail and tough were cut. How we can save the tapir if this kind of attitude among Malaysian towards wildlife?
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Ahmad Ismail is a retired professor in wildlife ecology and ecotoxicology at Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia. He was the head of Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, UPM, Deputy Dean of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Principal of 13th college and Deputy Director of Matriculation Centre of UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia). When he was in UPM, Prof Ahmad Ismail also a senate member and sitting in many committees at university's level as senate representative, his positions in the university and individual capacity. He completed his bacelor degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 1980 and PhD from University of Essex UK in 1986. He visited many universities in Japan, Korea, UK, Poland, Indonesia, Thailand etc. as co-researcher and visiting professor. Since 1987 he authored and coauthored more than 350 articles published in local and international refereed journals and proceedings, editors for local and international scientific journals. He also member of editorial board for few journals such Malayan Nature Journal, Acta Biologica Malaysiana, Journal of North for Basic and Applied Science KSA, the EnvironAsia and Walailak Journal of Science & Technology. By January 2017, over 4000 citations for the publications with h-index 30. He supervised more than 100 local and international undergraduates, masters and PhD students in UPM and other international universities in the field of agriculture, ecology, environment, ecotoxicology and wildlife ecology. Professor Ahmad is among the leading scientists in his fields and pioneering in many important topics of researches in the country and region. In his career, he organised many of conferences, symposium and seminars to gather scientists and promoting new young scientists and findings in science especially related to field of ecology at national and international levels. His expertise in agriculture, wildlife ecology, coastal ecology, solid waste and ecotoxicology was shared with many agencies in Malaysia through his extension activities with NGOs, government agencies and inter-government agencies, private sectors, industries and public communities through direct communication and negotiation, printed and electronic media. Currently He is Fellow Academy Science Malaysia (ASM), Fellow Malaysian Society of Applied Biology (MSAB), advisor to Education Department of MNS and ex-vice president of Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), Chairman of MNS-PETRONAS Ecocare Centre, Kertih, Panel Advisor to National Biodiversity Centre (Natural Resources and Environment Ministry), President of Malaysian Ecological Society, ex-President of Academic Staff Association Universiti Putra Malaysia (PPA UPM-2011/2016), and committee member for Malaysian Academic Association Congress (MAAC). He also served for many years as vice president and council member of Malaysian Zoological Society (MZS) who is managing Zoo Negara. His academic background, active in teaching and research, continuous involvement with NGOs and government agencies have contributed a lot in the development of interest in science and nature among young generations.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Visited my friend's farm. After retired we have time to do what we like to do and what we are interested in. May be all head of government departments can assess their staff after retired. They should assess their staff at the age 0f 40-50 years old and try to get their expertise. Do not be threathen by your staff because you are already the boss. Get their strength to strengthen your department and leadership.

Food always easy to attract tourists. This special location attarcting tourists to stop and taste specially cooked of local clams. It is very interesting BUT we must look at continuous supply if it is in high demand. Biologists must help to provoide a sustainable industry. Another thing is pollution. Wild clams usually exposed to pollution especially in the poorly managed domestic and industrial or agricultural wastes. The local authority must look in to this in all aspects. Experts advice is needed.

I hope the ladies are not angry with me. They are actually the General Manager of the house. They are controling from cleaning the house to decorating the house. They managing all. So why not they manage separating waste at home and recycle too. Thank you ladies for managing the world's security, save landfill sites, save the environment, save the world.

If one thousand ton of solid wastes from one municipal area dumped in landfill site, we can imaginge how much are the recycle items. People collecting rubbish in landfill sites are making money. Why we do not separate our rubbish from our house? The "scavengers" stay there. eat there and may be "breeding" there. They have small huts, restaurant and small shops too.

Thursday, February 9, 2017
How far mudflat along Selangor coastline affected by pig farming effluent. This intertidal mudflats are important to migratory shore birds which use West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia as a stop over place on their way south during winter in their breeding places in the north and back to north from south for their breeding. They will come again next year from August to April.
Pig farming and their effluent became big issues in 1980s-2000 after we realised that pig farming effluent contain high copper, zinc and caused water quality with high BOD. Sungai Sepang was a good example beside Sungai Juru. Government must take good actions according to rules and regulation. I dont know why and surprise those who are not perform their duties get recognition and promotion. Sepang River water quality have shown good example. Why we let Kuala Langat issues continues. Put high standard of environmental quality control and establish good and high technology system to control pig farming effluent.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
All politician, business man, government officers, and public must be honest in handling environmental issues. There are many integrated issues involve when dealing with forest. Orang Asli, biodiversity, erosion, climate change, down stream chain effects, and many others. We need experts to advice the government officers and politician. I think about time to answer all the environmental issues including deforestation.

Some times we like to copy what we see others are doing and American sponsoring us to look for new things so that they can develop further. For Malaysia we can do better if we really serious about it. As we know even America depending to foreign scientists to develop their sciences. As I always say we need to have right person to lead. Leaders must have futuristic ideas and brave enough to try.

Monday, February 6, 2017
Comparing notes: tree planting and training on tropical ecology are every where now especially when we are talking on climate change and global warming and loss of tropical biodiversity. Why we cannot do it in Malaysia? We can do it IF we choose right leaders and open minded one. Not the one that only in their own cubical and flagging their own flags.

There are many ways to make a green impact. We cannot stop promoting to the young generation. It is a continuous effort.
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