Sunday, April 30, 2017
I am promoting Sekolah dalam Dusun or School in Orchard for urban schools. Japanese schoo; in Subang try to adopt the idea. I think now if the plants are still there they should be fruiting already. They have durian, nangka, cempedak, langsat, manggis, etc. All urban schools should start now. In Kuala Lumpur like Taman Tugu should have one coner for local fruits trees.

I think all urban schools must have a small garden for vegetables and common plants like coffee, tea, sugar cane, so that students know what they use everyday. all planting and taking care of the plants will be done by the students. we can plan their schedules from january to October every year, End of the year is harvesting and garden clearing activities. We can involve PTA (parent teachers association) in the activities. It is big surprise it young generation don't know sugar cane, rice, durian or other local fruits and trees.

Today I am thinking on the effect of climate change on wildlife including primates. Many articles related to haze and deforestation and the increase of temperature. Tropical wildlife is very sensitive to changes of temperature and the humidity. CO2 release influence both and effect on the health and behaviour of wildlife including primates. Changing behaviour might effect their breeding where in long term effected their generations and population. In conservation rapid research need to be done on the effect of climate change on wildlife future population. Many seniour officers in Malaysia relating to wildlife conservation are not scientists and they listen more listen to the foreigners rather than Malaysian. They need to change their colonial mind set and learn to be more patriotic about their own country. Those who are about retire please reassess the acheivement on their contribution to their country in conserving and protecting nature. We need more research grants, recognition for the local scientist and recruiting more future young scientists.

This is long term collaboration with japanese and regional asean countries. We need to make more publicity to attract more attention and grants. I am leading the coastal pollution group. Since the beginning I am promoting main chemical pollution in the coastal areas. ie heavy metals, tributyltin, pesticides, radioactive materials and newly emerging biocides. We need to groom more young scientists in this field. We cannot wait for others to lead us. Malaysian coastal biodiversity need to be assessed regularly and effect of pollution need to be addressed quickly. MORE money required and more young scientists needed.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Thinking and talking alone is easy BUT to make the followers is not easy. NOW through Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), we managed to have nearly 400 active schools in Malaysia. they practice what we proposed and sharing among them. BUT to make sure they are doing the right thing we need to visit them from time to time. Now some schools already practicing recycling activities, vermicomposting, food waste composting for fertiliser and vegetable garden for student activities and developing soft skills among students, KBKK, HOTS, healthy organic food and greening the schools compound. All these are just volunteering work. In conjunction with the earth Day 2017 I planted Limau Nipis at school. We need sponsors!!!

Sunday, April 23, 2017
Scientists across the world take to the streets to demand freedom from political interference. YES we need more freedom for new knowledge and searching for the truth.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
We need strong basic sciences in order to win the international competition beside good ideas. Understanding concept and process are important. I established MyCYS in one way of promoting understanding of fundamental of science in applying ideas or creating products. BUT many still looking at innovation and creativity. In the process of producing nobel laureate we need strong fundamental sciences.

Singidunum University (Serbian: Универзитет Сингидунум / Univerzitet Singidunum) is a private university in Belgrade, Serbia. The first faculty was founded in 1999, while the university itself was established in 2005 following the decision issued by the Council for University Education Development of the Republic of Serbia. Singidunum University offers Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degree programmes in the fields of social sciences, formal sciences and applied sciences. Singidunum University is established in accordance with the Bologna Process education model by implementing the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The curricula and degree structure have been created on the bases of models of European faculties and colleges, and the best practices of Serbian national faculties.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Another contribution to the earth day 2017. This year Environmental and climate literacy. This year we are talking about recycling and zero waste. Coca-cola sponsoring UPM to lead in recycling at the universities. UKM, UTHM, USIM, UPSI and UPM will participate in the programme as a model of recycling at the university.

one of very active center in Sepang managed by Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) soon will be lost. This old historic police station building with high quality wood will be demolished for the wider road that may cause more pollution to Sepang River. Local and nature lover must do something to protect the area. Those who have power please reconsider for better environment and the benefit of future generations.

May be this nursery and tree will not be here by next year. Wrongly planned road expansion or new road will damage the ecosystem, destroy endemic species and caused pollution to the river and coastal ecosystem. We are still primitive in taking care of our environment and biodiversity. May be we have power and position to destroy the environment BUT we must consider the environment and future generations. We need to educate these people.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Monday, April 10, 2017
WORLD EARTH DAY 2017 DATE World Health Day 2017 will be celebrated by the people all over the world on 22nd of April, at Saturday. There is reason behind the title of this celebration as “Earth Day”. It was suggested by number of people in 1969 and the idea came with “birthday” as Earth day (rhyming word of birthday).
- The theme of World Earth Day 2017 is “Environmental and Climate Literacy”.
- The theme of World Earth Day 2016 was “Trees for the Earth!”.
- The theme of World Earth Day 2015 was “Water Wonderful World” and “Clean Earth – Green Earth”.
- The theme of World Earth Day 2014 was “Green Cities”.
- The theme of World Earth Day 2013 was “The Face of Climate Change”.
- The theme of World Earth Day 2012 was “Mobilize the Earth”.
- The theme of World Earth Day 2011 was “Clear the Air”.
- The theme of World Earth Day 2010 was “Reduce”.
- The theme of World Earth Day 2009 was “How Do You Get Around”.
- The theme of World Earth Day 2008 was “Trees Please”.
- The theme of World Earth Day 2007 was “Be kind to the earth – starting from saving resources”.
World Earth Day is celebrated every year as an annual event by the people all across the world on 22nd of April in order to increase the awareness among people about the environment safety as well as to demonstrate the environmental protection measures. First time, the world earth day was celebrated in the year 1970 and then started celebrating annually on global basis by almost 192 countries.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
We need to look carefully our mangrove as they are important in our life as source of fisheries products, protecting coastal erosion, wood supply, habitat for wildlife and many others that sometimes we cannot see and think. Show our smart thinking by conserving mangrove NOT destroying them. Mangrove for us now and for our children later and the future generations.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
May be Malaysian know panda more than tapir because Panda have more publicity compared to tapir. We need to make more publicity for tapir in Malaysia, more information to schools, in local media etcetera. At the same time we need more research on Tapit in Malaysia. Big plantation companies such as IOI, Sime Darby, Felda, Genting and others should support the research grants.
Malaysians shameful third world mentality (NST): Where we should start to change habit, sensitivity and mind set of our local people towards healthy living. Same with attitude of throwing rubbish and managing the solid waste.

Monday, April 3, 2017
Straits of Malacca have its own history tnat cannot be deleted. Now it is the busiest straits in the world connecting east and the west. Malaysia did not take full opportunity to get the best out of the straits. What we are facing now is pollution. We have MASDEC (Malacca Straits Research and Development Centre) long time a go at UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia) to study all aspects science, ecology, socio-economy and politics of the Straits of Malacca. we need to reactivate MASDEC. Pollution is one of the big issue along the Straits of Malacca and effecting daily life of human population along the coastal areas. An urgent action need to be done especially rapid and greedy land reclamation in the Malaysia and Indonesia now.
This is another great challenge to biodiversity, mosquitoes, virology, ecology, medicines and diseases. What is the best way to solve it? kill mosquitoes, destroy mosquitoes habitat, kill virus, develop immune system in human, develop medicine, etc. It will be an integrated approaches. As I mention earlier dengue is not just killing mosquitoes or avoiding them BUT beyond that. We cannot wait with any ceremonial statement anymore, we need to work fast before too late.
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