Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Not that easy to meet the Prime Minister, even to arrange meeting the Prime Minister. BUT when meeting the Prime Minister every body is competing to sit or stand next to the Prime Minister. This is the culture of our society now like to be close to number ONE or some time selfie with him. Actually siting at the back is better so that we can observe our friend's behaviour and thinking of how to tackle the Prime Minister to accept our proposal. I am sure those who are competing to get the good shot are not realise of this critical moment. Our pretending leaders must change!!! Be A True Leaders!!!

Five years a go at Prime Minister's house
Monday, June 26, 2017
Lemang is a traditional food made of glutinous rice, coconut milk and salt, cooked in a hollowed bamboo stick lined with banana leaves in order to prevent the rice from sticking to the bamboo. It is commonly found in maritime Southeast Asian countries, especially Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. The bamboo tube containing glutinous rice, salt and coconut milk is placed slightly slanted on a small fire with the opening facing upwards and should be turned regularly in order to make it evenly cooked. It takes about 4–5 hours to cook lemang. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemang
May we need to think on the technology of preparing lemang, bamboo conservation and opportunity for planting bamboo for lemang.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Another accident. If we study their life cycle, age of maturity and number of population, may be we need to do something and cannot allow this accident happen again. The authority must take immediate actions and involving all related departments and sections..
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Saturday, June 10, 2017
What our contribution to this World Ocean Day? we need to have a strong group to organise the activities for Ocean day every year. I think we need to have a calendar for environment related day of celebration for one year. We can have Department of Environment become the secretariat and appoint the universities to lead ans participated by all schools according to their localities.
World Oceans Day – which is observed on 8 June every year – is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future.
The Day has been coordinated and promoted internationally by The Ocean Project since 2002 and has been officially recognised by the United Nations since 2008.
This year’s theme is “Our Oceans, Our Future,” and will focus on the prevention of plastic ocean pollution.
Organisations and individuals have organised hundreds of events in over 100 countries across the globe to raise awareness and take action to protect the world’s oceans.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Honey is good for our health. We need to have apiculture industry to supply our local honey and encourage public to run apiculture. We need to promote this basic and important industry.
Malaysia possesses abundant natural resources that can sustain beekeeping activity producing bee products and by products that can be converted into high value added health food, rich in both enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. Beekeeping plays a major role in socio-economic development and environmental conservation in Malaysia. It is a source of food (e.g. honey, pollen and brood), raw materials for various industries (e.g. beeswax candles and lubricants), medicine (honey, propolis, beeswax and bee venom) and as additional sources of income. It is estimated that the beekeeping industry is capable of generating millions of revenues each year from sales of bee products and by-products. It is an important income generating activity with high potential for improving incomes, especially for communities leaving close to the forests and woodlands. At present, the production of local honey is expected to be lower than in the 1980’s because the number of beekeepers has declined over the years and, that is why, the high demand for natural honey in the country was met by increased imports. Since the local production cannot cope with the domestic demand for natural honey, this paper then, investigates the sustainability issues of increasing production in Malaysian beekeeping projects. One of the main issues of sustainability in beekeeping is the availability of local bees. The attempt to increase the yield per colony and the colonies of local bees is threatened by the uncontrolled importation of foreign bees that could bring along harmful diseases that are capable of destroying the whole beekeeping industry in Malaysia. But Malaysia only produces about 4% of its local honey requirements; the remainder is imported from Australia, China and the US. The declining exports and the increasing imports reflect increased domestic consumption of natural honey and possibly for re-export. Government intervention is expected to increase production by 2010, to increase substitute for imported honey and possibly to increase exports and re-exports
Mohd Mansor Ismail (UPM)-2009.

We need to relooked again our endangered species and protect them. We need more young scientists, money and support. Satu ketika dulu negeri Perak merupakan negeri yg mempunyai taburan dan habitat Badak Raya. Sebelum itu, secara ringkasnya, Badak Raya atau dalam bahasa Inggerisnya, Javan rhinocerus merupakan salah satu daripada 5 spesis badak sumbu yang ada di dunia. Spesies ini kini amat terancam dengan disenaraikan sebagai kategori sangat terancam di bawah IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), dengan hanya dua populasi secara liar dan tiada di zoo dan ia kemungkinannya mamalia besar paling jarang dijumpai di dunia (1). Di Malaysia, ia telah lama pupus, semenjak tahun 1930 lagi. Punca kemerosotan badak Raya dikatakan disebabkan oleh pemburuan haram, terutama bagi tanduknya, yang amat dihargai dalam perubatan tradisional Cina, bernilai sehingga US$30,000 se kilogram di pasaran gelap. Namun faktor pembangunan merupakan faktor terbesar kepada kepupusan spesis ini. Habitat Badak Raya kebanyakan tinggal di kawasan tanah lembap (terutama hutan paya gambut dan hutan paya air tawar. Kedua-dua habitat ini merupakan kawasan paling terancam akibat aktiviti pembangunan manusia Oleh kerana habitat dan jenis-jenis kawasan hutan tersebut telah diancam kemusnahan maka secara tidak langsung ia telah mengancam kehidupan spesies Badak Raya. Kebanyakan guna-tanah sedia-ada di kawasan tersebut telah ditukar samada pertanian berskala ladang, kawasan penempatan, komersial ataupun kolam akuakultur
Seorang pemburu Belanda dengan bangkai R. s. sondaicus di Ujung Kulon, 1895
Spesis Badak Raya R. s. sondaicus di Zoo London dari Mac 1874 sehingga Januari 1885
Can we do this for the protected animals? I found this in the facebook. Last year World Environment Day theme "fight for the illegal trade of wildlife". We definitely need to assess our performance in controlling poaching, wildlife trafficking and protecting animals for conservation. Public knowledge and awareness are important.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Monday, June 5, 2017
WED 2017 "Connecting people to nature". From your backyard to your favorite national park, nature is closer than you think. It’s time to get out and enjoy it. We need to expose more outdoor activities to the young generations. Probably all form four and form five students must do ecological study as part of their curriculum out door. Teachers must be ready. Continuous training is needed. Use the experts to train teachers.
Wildlife trade is become one of the important business. All conservationists must work together will all countries that involved in wildlife poaching, trafficking, smuggling, eating and others involving wildlife. we need to keep wildlife anf their habitat for the future generations and keeping our healthy environment to live.
Every year we celebrate World Environment Day on the 5th of June. How far we practice it atl all levels, public to the government. How far we analyse last years of achievement.

World Environment Day (WED) occurs on 5 June every year, is the United Nation's principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. First held in 1974, it has been a flagship campaign for raising awareness on emerging environmental issues from marine pollution and global warming, to sustainable consumption and wildlife crime. WED has grown to become a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually. Each year, WED has a new theme that major corporations, NGOs, communities, governments and celebrities worldwide adopt to advocate environmental causes.

Sunday, June 4, 2017
Saturday, June 3, 2017
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