Saturday, September 29, 2018
Dialogue with YB minister Yeo Be Yin on Plastic Pollution. We cannot stop[ using plastic because plastic make our life easy. We need to manage them, reduce, redesign and think of the technology how to solve the problems. Current problems are chemical contamination, landfill sites issues, air pollution and plastic debris in to the ocean. We need to manage that. This involve many agencies that need to understand and coordinated. Public education and awareness is most important.

Malaysia have 25 species of primate. Before we have International Congress of Primates in 2022, Malaysian scientists and primatologist must get ready with data and research to share with the world. We need grants to sponsor research. Gibbon, Siamang, Stump tailed macaque must be well studied. We need to react now.

Thursday, September 27, 2018
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Dilemma in scientific expedition, reporting rare and unique species. Those who are not honest will misuse the scientific expedition and try to steal and smuggle important sediment such as orchids. Sometimes people extract the plant and bring home for further analysis. we need to educate public and enforce the laws.

Friday, September 21, 2018
Monday, September 17, 2018
Monday, September 10, 2018
I like the words on the front page of this Sinar Newspaper, "Tiada yang mustahil" (nothiing impossible) and "sampai bila?" (until when?). These two phrases really motivate many. We definately cannot ewait anymore. Science, Technology and innovation must be in front to mobilise the society to be on the right tract not just the technology but harmony in life.

We need to do more workshops for science teachers in order to make learning and teaching more effective. I am very sorry to say that we are still primitive in promoting teaching science. We are still at the beginning stage, We need to have teachers that are capable to do research during their teaching in schools and share their finding at the end of the year. We need team to d that. Why dont we employ the retired interested professors and excellent teachers to guide.

Malaysia is very rich with nature. We borrow oilplam and rubber tree from other countries for our number one economy.. we do not study about our own country. we know we are among the top biodiversity country in the world. We know about our forest is the source of pharmaceutical products and agriculture. we already started research on tongkat ali, kacip fatimah and many others but other country produced them commercially. Now we have KETUM that historically benefit our local health. What we did we destroy them. We like to say NO and respond negatively. We should change our attitude in science. Why we let our KETUM smuggled across our boarder?

With Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTEC) discussing about managing plastic, environmedntal issues and effects on climate change. We need technologies to solve the problems. Not just that. We need to bring together all ministries involved such as Ministry of Housing and Local Authority and Ministry of Water, Land and Natural Resources (KATS). and MESTECC.. Experts needed for research, innovation and education.

Conflict in the South China Sea become hotter and involving many countries in the world. Asean already discussed since many years. How far we are ready to face the conflicts. How far we know about the international laws, history, laws of sea and politic of the conflict area. What are our strategies?

May be we need to learn how to manage our landscape as what we can see in New Zealand. The management need to refer to the experts. At least along the highway (LPT1) we can see good landscape so that we can enjoy driving. Beside that we need to think about wildlife safety near LPT1 and avoid road kill.

Malaysia already identified all Environmental Sensitive Area that are sensitive to wildlife and water resources. They are important in tourism industries beside protecting and conserving biodiversity. Belum-Temenggor Forest Complex is among them. We need to organise regular scientific expeditions to update their biodiversity status. As top megabiodiversity country in the world, Malaysia must do something to support the sustainability of its biodiversity. Corporate and private sectors should support the expeditions, NGOs related and experts in biodiversity.

I took the opportunity to give 30 minutes talk to the community and form six students with their teachers on plastic pollution in the ocean. Very tough to educate public including teachers and professional executive. They still believe that all plastic come form seas. I is true what the see all plastics come from sea carried by wave to the beach. We need more education!!!!

with local politician
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain in adults. Plantar fasciitis is caused by a strain of the ligaments in an area of the foot called the plantar fascia.Plantar fasciitis is usually treated conservatively. Stretching exercises may be helpful.

The plantar fascia is a tough band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes.
This is not anew issue. It was highlighted many years a go in Malaysia but its continues because of public demand. We have rules and regulation on open burning and air quality. BUT due to public demand therefore polluting the environment will continue. General public need to be educated. But they do not read news papers. Fire works and pollution must be in public knowledge.

Lembaga Ruminn Negara (National Ruminant Board) was proposed since 2014. The idea was to look after the stability of ruminan supply in Malaysia. Malaysia depending highly on meat and milk import. About time Malaysia reduce import and have a proper meat and milk local supply. Need more input to establish Ruminant Board at par with Cocoa board, Kenaf, Rubber and Oillpalm Boards.

Think about food. Food for health and energy, food for diseases and waste or food for environmental contamination. We have been talking about food waste, about agriculture waste, about green house gaseous and about global warming and climate change. Think about food again. Manage your diet well. eat when you need it and stop eating when you are full.

Industrial training is about giving exposure to the students to expressing their basic knowledge and though they learned in the university in the industry. In this case the trainees at Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) were exposed to work related to myForest and Forest of Hope for conservation and benefit of future generations. The trainees wre trained to be the leaders of future generations in nature conservation,

Start in September with sad news. This was pops up in my Facebook today. The article below was published by my former two PhD students from IRAN. They published this article without consulting me. I think this two Iranian are not good and do not show respect to the source of knowledge. I have bad experience in some one published articles from my ideas and data. not just students, other lecturer and professor too. integrity is important.

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