Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Ulu Muda issues become hotter. When Kedah MB responded and committed, team of EXCO must follow through and government officers must take actions. NGOs continue fighting. We are not facing the politician, government officers and public BUT we are facing greedy business man. They do not accept any explanation except money.

How far people read this article and think about it. We need to review the rules and regulations and solve all the conflicts issues between agencies. Eg in case Taman Negara, Perhilitan, Tourism agencies, District office, agriculture department and others which relevant must sit together to make Taman Negara better for conservation, tourism education and research.

Fragmented remaining forest need to be linked. Government Central forest spines must be implemented quickly. State Government support and actions are vert important. Habitat for wildlife are shrinking and wildlife population are declining. Top big animals elephants, Tigers, Seladangs, tapirs and Sun bears are threatening. some may face extinction,.

Malaysia is among 17 top megabiodiversity country in the world. Malaysia have top people in the country and leading the world in biodiversity. BUT why waht happening in Malaysia in term of teaching, research, publication experts in biodiversity are not correlated with Malaysian position in the world. Deforestation still happening. and biodiversity conservation still can be questioned.

Students generation now look like no interest in searching for knowledge and develop their intellectual while they are in the university. They are lucky learning with the top professors. They are still like school children and may be lecturers in the university and the systems make them like the school children. They need to express their .interest while they are learning in the university and dream for their career while they are learning the subjects with the professors. Student need to explore the knowledge and learning the subjects NOT lecturers are teaching the students.

ULU MUDA must be protected and converted in to State Park. No more time to argue about logging. those who are doing logging must be punished. Public must be united and punish who ever try to destroy ULU MUDA. ULU MUDA is sources for water and water is needed by living organism including human being.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019
We need to educate all estate managers on wildlife ecology, behaviour and how to handle wildlife. All Sime Darby, Felda, IOI and small holders must know on wildlife conservation and protection. Perhilitan must have systematic programme on wildlife education. May be Estate only concern on production and management of their estates but EU attack on our palm oil because of deforestation and wildlife extinction. Therefore all estate managers must manage wildlife too especially those estates near to reserve forest.

Even though we need development we also need nature. with more fragmented forest created because of development especially development of road, railway and highways, we need to look carefully what are the effects of development on wild life. Please refer to the experts. Not to against the development but to consider all the environmental issues. good design needed.

In 2013 Ecocare ready to departure as one of the best facilities in Malaysia for Environmental Education Programme. Ecocare Centre sponsored by PETRONAS and manage by MNS providing systematic modules for teachers, school children and university's students. Ecocare centre also involving local volunteers in managing and running the activities. Environmental Education at Ecocare Kertih develop scientific thinking and culture.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019
PhD is just a degree awarded after going through systematic training in developing vision, knowledge, skills and producing a good original report at the end of study. Research trained during PhD is not ending there but will continue using skills obtained during training and develop further for future research towards new knowledge and solutions. PhD is just a training. and beginning in high level research.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Meeting great personality is an opportunity and very costly. The opportunity to express your ideas and getting their support from them. Thank you Academy Science Malaysia and Astro Awani and Malaysian Nature Society and Singapore Consulate in Malaysia. AND not forgetting Universiti Putra Malaysia UPM.

You have to be passionate enough when promoting understanding, culture and supporting wildlife research and conservation. Sometimes you talked a lot giving ideas, research findings and your experience BUT the reported do not even putting your picture and statements in the news papers What ever it iis we want the messages are well delivered and excepted by public and government.

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