Monday, March 30, 2020
Every Malaysian must look at this and help the government to monitor so that the decision made by the government officers are right for the sustainability of our natural heritage. Please join Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) the biggest and oldest nature based society in Malaysia, so that we can move together for nature protection, conservation and managing the natural heritage.

We need to be more creative to attract people come to forest educate them why forest ecosystem is important. NOT juat think about recreation and activities that damaging forest. Please refer to the ecologists for further information. ONE RINGGIT is not enough. should be 10 Ringgit. PLUS WE need guide to be with organised trip.

Monday, March 23, 2020
Look at the colour of the river water. I think is unfair for the small inshore fishermen and cockles farmers if we let this river water pollution continues. This have been going on for many years and clearly affected cockles farming and ecotourism activities. Some one have to champion this issues to attract the authorities attention. We need to help them, helping to maintain the area as main cockles production and habitat for migratory shore birds.

We cannot deny Raptor Watch organised by MNS (Malaysian Nature Society) is already established and popular among birders in this region. This year 21st Raptor Watch celebration coincide with Covid-19 a corona virus outbreak all over the world. Even though we cancelled last minute there are many local and foreign visitors still come for the event to see the exhibition and watching thousands of raptors crossing the Strait of Melaka every year. Hopefully next year will be better and encouraging more research on raptors migration. MNS too need to analyse 20 years data of raptors crossing the Straits of Mrelaka.

How far we understand Movement Control Order (MCO) from the government. Why students must go home when university closed but lecture still continue on-line. All universities already established their on-line lecture. There are many ways of having on-line lecture. We have google lecture and other system that already on-line including using hand phone. Many students have hand phone with camera. Students do not have to go home. Now when they come back to campus probably they have to be quarantined for another two weeks or may be more. Hopefully students are disciplines enough to control them self from Covid 19. .perkenalkan kawalan pergerakan dan tutup universiti, sekolah dan lain lain selama Dua minggu. We need to really educate our malaysian and thinking scientifically
Thursday, March 19, 2020
About time we need to discipline our self not to throw rubbish into the water body. Please keep it and bring them home. Some remote areas did not get rubbish collection service from local authorities. This up stream areas will bring rubbish to down stream and finally go to the ocean. Two things we need to do, 1) bring back rubbish 2) local authorities extend services to the upper streams.
Some areas where migratory birds stop on their way to south or north or we call it as IBA, Important Bird Area, are not just facing habitat loss due to coastal erosion and mangrove clearing, poaching BUT one of the major problems is pollution. Chemical pollution and dirty water from rivers destroy habitat for benthic organism which serve as food for migratory birds. We need to look into this.

Saturday, March 7, 2020
Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) participating the world and Whole Asian Countries in Water Birds Census in our wetlands. This international activities continue every year. The results show that the number is reducing and habitat are disturbed and contaminated. We need to do something. If they are disturbed we cannot destroy it but we need to rehabilitate. Malaysia is partner of EAAF where we agreed to look after the flyway for migratory shorebirds conservation programmes. Many important IBAs are in the wetlands areas especially in the coastal area. Selangor coast, IBA MY11 need serious attentions.

Why sports are important? not just winning the medals but bringing people together for unity, understanding others and accomplish local community missions. I have the opportunities to do this through Parent Teachers Association of the school. I bring politician, local activists, sports celebrities, seniour government officers together on the field under the sun making decision for the local community so that they can support the government missions.

Malaysia still depending on timber and timber products for economy in general. Logging or cutting forest will give some effect to the ecosystems. In order to get exported to other countries we need to have a certain standard and we can sell at higher prices. all the processes from managing forest until timber products must be monitored and assessed and certified by the authorities.

We need NGO to support the government-project on conservation, educating public in nature protection, conservation and managing nature. Active education and research activities can help the government to monitor and enforce the regulation. Malaysia is very good in having the policies and rules and regulations. Many Ramsar Sites are not well monitored and managing the habitat. Tasik Bera, Sungai Pulai, Tanjung Pia and Pulau Kukup are the examples.

Led by long time partner and one of the country’s greenest universities, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Recycling@U will see the participation of all public universities in Malaysia.

Develop collaboration with UNIMAS in research, extending recycling@university activities at Unimas and collaboration with MNS. We need more volunteers in the university.

Visiting plywood factory and assessing their product quality and impact to the environment. Al malaysian products need to be at high quality and environmental friendly. The world have to pay for the price. Wood becoming more expensive from time to time. Forest need to be conserve and rehabilitate. Demand for the graduates are still there. .

Thank you to the company who allow us to visit their factory.
Latest issue on degazetting reserve forest. We need to understand about reserve forest and why the forest was reserved. What are their functions to the future communities and may be to the world. Some forest reserve are unique and cannot be changed or compared with other forests. Clearly education is very important and it is a continuation process in our life..

Sunday, March 1, 2020
If we agree to keep the important Kuala langat peat swamp forest reserve for future generation and for the impotence of climate, we need to take actions on experts, facilities and infrastructure. Peat Swamp Forest need to maintain the water levels. Public need to be educated. Or we purposely let it burned for other purposes
Now Kuala Langat North Reserve Forest is under pressure. NGOs and scientific communities are not against developments but we want to protect and conserve where needed .for future generations for education, research and recreation. The forest have important scientific values where we cannot get it in the world.

TV3 interview in 2010
The Achilles tendon is a thick tendon located in the back of the leg. It connects the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in the calf to an insertion point at the calcaneus (heel bone). It is the strongest tendon in the body and allows people to push off while walking, running and jumping. Achilles injuries can occur in several places, but the most common area is at the muscle-tendon junction – the area where the calf muscles join with the tendon. Injuries in this area often heal on their own but may do so slowly than injuries in the muscular area of the leg, since there is less of a blood supply to promote healing.
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