Friday, May 29, 2020
New conflict on Ulu Muda: we cannot be in old trends of thinking when the whole world is talking about saving nature and our solutions are in nature. Save Ulu Muda. If we want to talk politic All Voters must be educated on Nature. Regarding Ulu Muda conservation for water , all farmers must support forest conservation. They must be educated on the relation of Ulu Muda and water supply for rice cultivation. MADA produce 40% of national rice requirement. This is good income for all farmers. AND the most important all farmers are voters.

I never count how many times I appeared in media talked on nature conservation, write in the newspapers and giving lecturers on conserving habitat, individual species and human-wildlife conflicts.. BUT how many Malaysian are listening, thinking and acting towards nature conservation. Orang Melayu kata “sesal dahulu ok, sesal kemudian tak berguna”. Kita tak mahu “yang dikendong berciciran yang dikejar tak dapat” dan jangan lupa “kera dihutan disusukan anak sendiri mati kelaparan”. Come together we fight for nature conservation and educate all malaysian to understand and appreciate more on nature conservation.

May be wrong time talking about logging during Covid-19. We know that Covid-19 was related to nature. and the whole world are talking about nature conservation. in conjunction with International Day for Biological Diversity, peoples are talking on "our solutions are in nature".. We should safe and protect our forest reserve.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) president Prof Dr Ahmad Ismail said the fact that wildlife crime was still occurring during the MCO meant that Perhilitan had to be more proactive in adopting technology to nab criminals. He said a breakdown in the number of cases involving trafficking and related cases was needed. Ahmad said the increased wildlife sightings reported on social media showed that they were roaming outside their territories during the MCO due to the drop in noise and human activity. This, he said, was an opportunity for Perhilitan to gather data. "We hope the department will get better data through radio-tracking and camera traps in the areas where the animals roam. The data can be used for better habitat management." He lauded the department for continuing patrols during the MCO, and monitoring poaching and smuggling. "MNS has been monitoring this through our community programmes. We have Sahabat Raja Rimba, Sahabat Enggang, Sahabat Beruang Madu, Sahabat Bakau and Sahabat Flyway to be our eyes and ears." He urged the government to focus more on Malayan tapirs as there were critical issues related to the survival of the species. There has been a rise in the number of hit-and-run cases involving tapirs, which are ensnared for their meat and body parts that are used as collector's items. "We need to do urgent research on them and the corporate sector should come support this. "We do not want a repeat of what happened to our Sumatran rhinoceros." Malaysia's last Sumatran rhinoceros, Iman, died of cancer in Sabah in November.
Demand on wildlife based ecotourism is increasing. Africa can be good example of wildlife based ecotourisms. During Covid-19 pandemic is really affected tourism industry. BUT at the same time when many loses their jobs with tourism activities, the might turn to illegal hunting for wildlife products.

Even though we started long distance learning many years a go, we design many systems or methodologies to facilitate the learning and teaching. When we faced this convid-19 problem then we realised that what we prepared earlier can be used. May be the content, skills and technology availability need to be improved. May be the authorities and lecturers are serious in implementing the e-learning to help the students and avoiding public complaint. We need all the students take this practice seriously and try the best to adapt. Not just waiting for instructions. They must be more proactive. Majority are still not in the momentum. Make use of google.

Yes Malaysian are good in following orders, stay at home. BUT scientifically we need to be more aggressive and systematic if we want to be truly world champion. Zoonotic diseases in tropical country, Malaysia can lead if we look at it seriously. Universiti Putra Malaysia especially can be a centre for zoonotic diseases.

Hopefully not just a ceremonial or annual event. Celebration of National Biodiversity Day is to promote biodiversity protection in the country, educate public, sharing knowledge with the experts etc. Malaysia as top 12 mega-biodiversity country in the world must make all citizen know about it and value our biodiversity for economy, agriculture, medicine, ecotourism and ecosystem services,

Must focus on hornbills conservation NOW. Habitat disturbance, climate change and hunting caused serious threat to hornbills population in this region. We have 10 species of hornbills in Ulu Muda, Belum Temenggor that need to be protected and conserved. Lets all Malaysian know about this and together we protect this bird.

Research and education on biodiversity of our country need to be more aggressive, public need to be educated, the enforcement of the laws need to be more strengthen. Government must give priority in biodiversity studies. We do not have enough people compare to number of biodiversity in our country. Need more money. $$$$

Thursday, May 7, 2020
Malaysian are very good in following orders especially during Covid-19 MOC. Only few do not following orders. Aggressive campaign and educating public by the government through medias and on the ground make public understand about Covid-19 and practicing wearing mask, distancing and washing hands. Hopefully Malaysian will end Covid-19 soon.

Primate conservation programme in Panti Johor can be good example at the moment. Corporate sector support the activities and MNS Johore is leading and collaborating with local universities, Singapore Nature Society and National University of Singapore.Hopefully Johore State will protect and conserve the area for biodiversity conservation. The area can be an important place for education, research and tourism.

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