Written by Administrator
Friday, 05 March 2010 10:37
From StarOnline
JOHOR BARU: There will be no more hunting in the state, Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almar hum Sultan Iskandar decreed.

He said the ban was necessary to protect the wildlife especially protected species from decreasing or going extinct. Sultan Ibrahim said that besides tigers, the ban includes bears, deer, mousedeer, tapir and porcupines. “The poaching of these animals are so cruel. Eating one tiger claw will not make you have tiger strength for months,” he said referring to beliefs that consuming certain animal parts would help boost virility.
He stressed that if wild animals were causing a nuisance to people or farmers, they should inform the Johor Wildlife Department (Perhilitan). “We can organise shooters for wild boars or crows,” he said, adding that a meeting would be held with Perhitilitan to enforce the ruling immediately. “I want to protect the wildlife in Johor and those caught poaching should be jailed,” he told The Star in an exclusive interview at his Istana Pasir Pelangi here yesterday.
Sultan Ibrahim said he was breeding several animals like tigers, panthers and deers with the intention of releasing them into the jungle. Sultan Ibrahim has 400 deer, 12 Siberian, Indian and Bengal tigers as well as panthers. He also has six tiger cubs as a result of his breeding programme.
“I am trying to protect wildlife here including starting a rehabilitation centre for deer in central Johor,” he said, adding that he also hoped to work with the World Wildlife Foundation. Sultan Ibrahim said he had informers who would report to him if people continued hunting. He also wanted the procedures for the issuance of gun licences in the state to be tightened.
He warned those who misused their gun licences that he would not hesitate to get the authorities to revoke their licences and seize their guns. “The police must assist and conduct roadblocks in places known to be famous for hunting to ensure no one flouts the law,” he added.
Titah Tuanku mesti dipatuhi. Malah seluruh rakyat Johor mesti bersama Tuanku Sultan dalam merealisasikan pemuliharaan dan konservasi hidupan liar. Seluruh sekolah mesti menjalankan pendidikan alam semulajadi dan bersama melindungi hidupan liar untuk faedah generasi akan datang.
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