Usually we benchmark which university that we want to follow. If Harvard is number one in the world and one day we want to be like Harvard, so we plan how to be like them. Probably we can study their history, administration systems, students quality, staff quality and commitment, facilities and other supports and compare to us. One thing we cannot move our campus to America BUT we can sent our people there like what China is doing with their scientists attachment programme and duplicating and innovation programme. When we refer to Harvard and assessed by their professors, we should continuously refer to them and improve ourself according to their comment until we reach Harvard standard. Not today we refer to Harvard, tomorrow we refer to other university number 100 in the world, later number 120 and go back to number 80 than when we change our leaders we go back to Harvard. If this is the case we have no clear direction and determination. May be we do not put the target clear enough and just do as what we like and what we feel based on our exposure and knowledge.
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