Sunday, March 31, 2013
Our society still cannot accept first class thinking and facilities. We need to have High Order Thinking Society not Corrupted Thinking Society. Maintenance is very important. BUT demand from society too is important. To ensure this, education is important. Support Kelab Pencinta Alam (KPA) Malaysian Nature Society (MNS)
Fighting for water started from lowest levels to highest political levels. Look at how Israel plays politic, strategies and war for waters. Not many are aware about this. Middle east war not just for religion, oil and power BUT water. Here in Malaysia people are fighting for water too. God give us forest, rain and climates, study understand and strategies for water. For muslim may be should stsrt from Al-Quran. How far the authority look at water. Political power and business OR services for people? Now people are politicised for water. Pictures below teach us about the micro level of fighting for water and management of water.
Source of clean class I water was tap without control by authority. The demand are increasing.
Low level of water, reduce number of water catchment areas make water management become high demand. Mismanage can cause pollution, lack of clean water, high cost of water processing, etc.
Wrongly manage the water resources can cause disease transmission.
Gunung Nuang is an icon for mountain peak in Selangor and have many history about it. Since it is an icon for Selangor mountain climbers from preschool, university, young profesionals to veterens, we need to look it seriously in term of education, conservation, safety, information, cleanliness, security, maintenace, administration, facilities, public support and awareness etc. This Gunung Nuang can be important international destination for tourists and mountain hikers.
How far public aware and respect this notice?
Why entrance fees remain RM1.00. The ticket cost more than one ringgit. May be we need to increase to RM10.00 per entry plus bring back their rubbish.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Aerospace engineering is another important aspects of technology NOT only for militery or defence BUT in agriculture, security, monitoring environmental condition and many other thing. The area need a lot of motivation, hardwork, creativity, innovation, thinking, imagination and reading.
BAE Education is one of motivation and recruiting programme for future aerospace technology
Foreigners assume our country is not serious about conservation based on our forest management for wildlife, wildlife smuggling, poaching, and research on wildlife, eventhough Malaysia signing many treaties on conservation, biodiversity, climate change etc and having good laws and regulation. We need to change now towards having commited management of wildlife.
Perhilitan taking easy way out
March 26, 2013
FMT LETTER: From Rotherdermus Dermus, via e-mail
I whole heartedly welcome and support the International Primate Protection League members call for a review of the macaque culling policy by our Wildlife and Natural Parks Department (Perhilitan).
We cannot go on slaughtering the primates in such large numbers in the name of safeguarding the public and checking their population growth. It is understandable if Perhilitan had to put down macaques that are considered highly dangerous perhaps due to a disease outbreak (such as rabies) in the colony.
However to cull thousands of macaques to manage the population growth does not reflect well on all those who were responsible in drafting and implementing this cruel and inhumane policy.
As pointed out by many in the past, humans have been encroaching into the natural habitats of these macaques. As such there is no running away from this human-macaque conflict. We cannot blatantly ignore this fact and go about shooting down these poor creatures just because of public complaints. It appears that Perhilitan is taking an easy way out and they are now branding these macaques as pests and justifying their “barbaric” policy.
Perhilitan should immediately stop this mindless and evil culling policy. It should instead engage a wildlife (primate) consultant or seek the help of the international wildlife committee on this matter so that we can put in place a more humane policy that respects the sanctity of all lives.
Perhilitan should also take into consideration the suggestions put forward by our local university researchers who presented their findings on this human-macaque conflict titled, ‘Human-Macaque Conflict and Pest Behaviours of Long-Tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Kuala Selangor Nature Park.’ (Tropical Natural History 12(2): 189_205, October 2012 by Chulalangkorn University).
Our researchers did not advocate culling as a means of handling these human macaque conflict in their study. I wonder who are the scientists Perhilitan was referring to that have recommended the slaughtering of macaques.
Perhilitan should immediately revoke the macaque culling policy as it is going against nature and reflects negatively on all nature loving citizens of the world. Please think of alternate methods such as sterilisation and relocation of these macaques. Focus on educating the public.
There is an urgent need to create awareness in society, especially those who are living closer to these primate habitats to keep their surroundings clean and not to feed these animals. The authorities should not allow housing developers or any other economic activities to encroach too close to wildlife habitats.
If there is a need for such development the macaques and other wildlife should be relocated first before commencing any development in that area. By the way Perhilitan please for God’s sake, stop referring to our primates as pests.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Faedah memakan buah prun: satu lagi produk luar negara.
Vitamin K yang banyak terkandung dalam buah tersebut mampu membantu menguatkan tulang serta membekukan darah. Di samping itu, serat terlarut dalam prun juga berupaya melambatkan proses penyerapan glukosa dan menstabilkan tahap gula dalam darah.

Disebabkan oleh sifatnya yang kaya dengan bahan anti-oksida yang jarang didapati dalam kebanyakan makanan lain, buah prun berupaya menghindari pengoksidaan kolestrol dalam badan, lantas mencegah plak dari berkumpul di bahagian arteri. Zat kalium di dalamnya juga membantu merendahkan tekanan darah.
Disebabkan oleh sifatnya yang kaya dengan bahan anti-oksida yang jarang didapati dalam kebanyakan makanan lain, buah prun berupaya menghindari pengoksidaan kolestrol dalam badan, lantas mencegah plak dari berkumpul di bahagian arteri. Zat kalium di dalamnya juga membantu merendahkan tekanan darah.
Leadership, corruption, transparent, drugs, law and enforcement are important to maintain the harmony in the country. Above that is education. So educators must be respected by all.
Associated Press/Alejandrino Gonzalez - A group of armed vigilantes
stand at the entrance to the town of Tierra Colorada, Mexico, Tuesday
March 26, 2013. Hundreds of armed vigilantes have taken control of this
town, which lies on a major highway in the Pacific coast state of
Guerrero, arresting local police officers and searching homes after one
of their vigilante leaders was killed. (AP Photo/Alejandrino Gonzalez)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
World's biggest creature tracked by its song: Another research for conservation activities
Change vs. Change Management: What is the difference and why does it matter?
Change and Change Management... On the surface these terms may seem
interchangeable. However, there is a significant and important difference
between change and change management. When there is no clear delineation,
the result is confusion and lack of clarity on what is needed to
move an initiative forward. The better we can separately define and address
change and change management, the better position we will be in as change
management practitioners with a clearer scope and shared sense of
direction and purpose. This tutorial presents the difference between change
and change management and why it is important to address potential confusion.
At its most basic level, change is a movement out of a current state
(how things are today), through a transition state and to a future
state (how things will be done). Change happens all around us - at home, in
our community and at work. Changes can be internally motivated or externally
motivated. The change can be a dramatic departure from what we know or it can be
minor. Changes can be anticipated or unexpected. But in all cases, the
fundamental nature of change is a movement from the current state through a
transition state to a future state.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
May be this is among the successful colaboration with Japanese Scientists through JSPS programme. Since 1990 I remember involved in JSPS seminar and from 1996 until now I am going to Japan (The University of Tokyo, Ehime University, Kagoshima University and National Institute of Basic Science Nagoya) every year for research collaboration in coastal marine sciences. UPM signed MOU with AORI The University of Tokyo and active until now. This JSPS ACORE programme is a continuation of multilateral programme 2010-2011.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Kenapa amalan rasuah boleh berlaku di mana-mana dan bila-bila dan di pelbagai peringkat? Cik gu kencing berdiri anak murid kencing berlari.
Jati diri, jujur dan berani. Dalam pendidikan pun ada rasuah! misalnya asrama penuh diisi dengan anak orang berkepentingan, masuk universiti pun berkepentingan, semasa belajar diuniversiti pun mak bapak terlibat dalam pemberian markah dan anugerah. kalau pendidik seharusnya mendidik generasi hadapan menjadi baik pun melaksanakan rasuah, bayangkan generasi masa hadapan.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
All development needs roads to communicate between places. Road is known to separate habtat, caused wildlife road kills and lost baiat or making fragmented habitat. Any new road development passing important habitat foe wildlife need to be reconsider. Refer to the experts not just the head of local community. Our local community still at low levels of thinking when talking about wildlife conservation and functions to human.
After facebook and computer game, now work at home showing another culture of sitting infront of computer or computer on stomuch. This bad habit need to be changed now. Systematic active and healthy life culture need to be introduced and promoted at all levels, at work place, at home and in public areas. Traditional field games now reduced and only for those few interested. More computer games!, father mother facebooking and other internet surfing
"Youths spend hours in front of their computers, their laptops and their smartphones and don't do any exercise, that is the lifestyle of today and we are now faced with problems like obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.

TV3-999: Isu mat rempit, GRO, urut batin, imagration dan lain-lain... apakah ini suatu hiburan semata-mata, makluman atau komplen kepada pihak berkuasa. Mungkin sains asas boleh fikirkan sesuatu untuk membantu isu yang diketengahkan oleh TV3-999. Mungkin sudah ada sistem dipasaran untuk membantu tetapi mungkin pihak terbabit tidak menyedari. boleh buat satu bengkel atau pameran 999-TV3 , pendedahan dan penyelesaian melalui simple science.
Earth hour celebrated everywhere in the world BUT how far we practice daily, understanding about saving out planet OR just another ceremonial, entertainment and celebrating what others doing. Tell our friends, family and government together save our earth
About time academic association play roles in the academic staff welfare. Past experiences may not very significant, may be academicians are too busy to do research, publish papers , sitting infront of computers filling forms and entertaining substandard students. We need to activate our brain and use to maximum for our developed country and society. We must change out society towards thinking society and active life in creativity and innovation. Society must respect ideas, results of thinking, creativity and innovation then acadeician will be respected not just their position, but their time, freedom, contribution and scholarship.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Why tapir were killed on the road? The run away from their habitat after their habitat were destroyed or the cross the roas because herir home ranges are limited. We need to understand their biology and ecology for tapit conservation. To do this we need money, experts, energy, time, long term study and ready to face danger.
When habitat disturbed, Tapir run away and cross the road.
Look like the forest will be converted in to oil palm. Drainage will cause low water level and disturb ecology of peat swamp forest including wildlife.
Wildlife cross the road and enter oil palm plantation. The will face a new challenge in the oil palm estate.
If they are not lucky tapir will be hit by car or lorry. We cannot get another tapir like chicken.
One of the results of Public Support on Hornbills Conservation in Sungai Panjang, Sabak Bernam. Research carried out by Department of Biology UPM, information shared with locals through kindergarten, school children and their parents, leaders of the local community, Wildlife Department, Tourism Selangor and Local Authority, hornbills population increased and good attraction for tourist. Bird watching tower was built and now ready to use. We can see honbills before sunset.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Tapir: Among the sensitive animals and classified by ICUN as an endangered species. There are still many in Malaysia. But not many know about their biology and ecology, habitat and behaviour and their inportance to human being. What we have many on hear say and story. No clear scientific research on tapir. May be we have few on habitat, number, homerange and feeding. More research are urgently needed if we are serious on its protection and conservation. Habitat loss, habitat fragmentation. migration routes distubance are among important areas need to be look upon.
Road kill because of reduced foraging areas, habitat fragmentation and probably migration routes were disturbed. Better understanding on their biology and ecology are important and urgent. Government and private sectors need to support with a special grants.
Camera traps are among the best method can be use to estimate population, understanding behaviour and ecology. But who will do it. We need grants for research and capacity building.
Designing a culture of Excellence: Tradition, culture and excellence in the organisation is something should be understood, inherit and maintain.
A powerful way to affect a breakthrough in organizational effectiveness is to design and work in a culture of excellence. A “culture of excellence” is, by definition, out of the ordinary. Creating such a culture requires a vision of what is possible, a plan to set it in motion, and the practices to generate it on an ongoing basis.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
A distinguished career merging math and neuroscience : This called basic sciences, take long time to establish and should get the highest reward after long way research and comitment. Do we believe it can happen in Malaysia OR we are just another parrot and news paper generation. Follow what people found as what many chicken are doing, the celebrate as many making noise after one chicken lay unhatch egg.
Life-Long Commitment to Mathematical Neuroscience Earns Recognition: Dr. Shun-ichi Amari, who was named Person of Cultural Merit for his work in mathematical neuroscience.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Another try to get grants for research development. First stage already done and now working on the precomercial stage. Need money to support next stage of research. Unfotunately the people involve still learning about algae and floating bed method. The old team already change or retired. That is normal cycle. BUT research is going on in the university.
Malaysian scientist Jagjit Kaurah's "Floating Bed Method" may hold a solution to the world's food and fuel crises
Malaysian scientist Jagjit Kaurah’s “Floating Bed Method” may hold a solution to the world’s food and fuel crises
Often it takes a scientific outsider to find a simple solution that eluded peers in high tech labs with big budgets. Malaysian scientist Jagjit Kaurah works at the Universiti Putra Malaysia research station in Port Dickson, and he was walking on the beach one day when it occurred to him that the ocean provides for free the ideal temperature and agitation conditions that algal biofuels labs must replicate at great expense. After four years of experimentation and pilot studies he has patented his “Floating Bed Method” photobioreactor and last December he commercialized his final pilot project.
Macroalgal rafts are nothing new in Asia. Generally anchored to the sea floor, they have been used for generations to lure and nurture large populations of fish, and more recently to farm marine biofuel feedstocks. Microalgal rafts on the other hand are sophisticated marine photobioreactors powered by solar radiation and wave action.
ìWe still have problems with fouling, handling the sea currents and waves better, and the durability of some of our components”, says Kaurah, “and other less pressing concerns which require extra labour to handle. Thatís the reason our costs are about US$1.50 (RM4.65) per kg.” To be ready for the biofuels market he says he needs to push the cost of production down to US$0.70 (RM2.17) per kg to be competitive. “But I know what needs to be done and I am confident I can get it down to US$0.70 within 12 to 18 months.î
While he works on lowering the propagation cost of his microalgae, Kaurahís first commercial operation will produce spirulina, aside from egg white the only other complete protein source that contains all the amino acids required by the human body in the correct proportions. Kaurah intends to supply aid organisations with the worldís cheapest complete protein source.
Often it takes a scientific outsider to find a simple solution that eluded peers in high tech labs with big budgets. Malaysian scientist Jagjit Kaurah works at the Universiti Putra Malaysia research station in Port Dickson, and he was walking on the beach one day when it occurred to him that the ocean provides for free the ideal temperature and agitation conditions that algal biofuels labs must replicate at great expense. After four years of experimentation and pilot studies he has patented his “Floating Bed Method” photobioreactor and last December he commercialized his final pilot project.Macroalgal rafts are nothing new in Asia. Generally anchored to the sea floor, they have been used for generations to lure and nurture large populations of fish, and more recently to farm marine biofuel feedstocks. Microalgal rafts on the other hand are sophisticated marine photobioreactors powered by solar radiation and wave action.
“We still have problems with fouling, handling the sea currents and waves better, and the durability of some of our components”, says Kaurah, “and other less pressing concerns which require extra labour to handle. Thatís the reason our costs are about US$1.50 (RM4.65) per kg.” To be ready for the biofuels market he says he needs to push the cost of production down to US$0.70 (RM2.17) per kg to be competitive. “But I know what needs to be done and I am confident I can get it down to US$0.70 within 12 to 18 months.”
While he works on lowering the propagation cost of his microalgae, Kaurahís first commercial operation will produce spirulina, aside from egg white the only other complete protein source that contains all the amino acids required by the human body in the correct proportions. Kaurah intends to supply aid organisations with the worldís cheapest complete protein source.
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