Sunday, July 27, 2014
Those countries especially the muslim countries, who are against Israel treatment on Gaza should have a centre of Israel Studies. They should learn about Israel from all aspects, al-Quran, history, and strategies. Is there any professors specialise in Israel? Many professors nasi goreng kampung may be. Masters in all.
What We Need for Future Education: 1. Multi-discipline and integrated curriculum 2. Balance in traditional and new technology approach of teaching methodology 3. Healthy and dynamic student: need close collaboration between university and high school, grooming and hunting for good students 4. Invest in technology for teaching and servicing systems and capacity building in management and academic systems. 5. Building a new funding systems/models. ARE WE THINKING AND REALLY MOVING FOR HIGHER EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION OR WE ARE JUST AT THE LEARNING STAGES!
What We Need for Future Education:
1. Multi-discipline and integrated curriculum
2. Balance in traditional and new technology approach of teaching methodology
3. Healthy and dynamic student: need close collaboration between university and high school, grooming and hunting for good students, HOTS
4. Invest in technology for teaching and servicing systems and capacity building in management and academic systems.
5. Building a new funding systems/models
Traditions bind family and community: That is Hari Raya all about bringing people together living in harmony and happy. So why not we keep this tradition. Not just for one day BUT for ever, for everybody in the country.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
Maaf Zahir Batin
Affable Prof Ahmad Ismail, Head of Universiti Putra’s biology department, is adamant that there are many traditions associated with Hari Raya that should be preserved by the new generation. Take the practice of the Raya open house, for example.
“If we look closely at how dodol or ketupat or rendang are made, you’ll see that there’s so much more to it than the process of making it. There are elements of art, cooperation, responsibility, teamwork and leadership. Then there’s the camaraderie that’s forged which helps to bring families closer. That fun and happy environment will be remembered for a long time for those who’ve been fortunate enough to have experienced it. This tradition is priceless in view of increasing cases of broken family relationships today.
Affable Prof Ahmad Ismail, Head of Universiti Putra’s biology department, is adamant that there are many traditions associated with Hari Raya that should be preserved by the new generation. Take the practice of the Raya open house, for example.
“If we look closely at how dodol or ketupat or rendang are made, you’ll see that there’s so much more to it than the process of making it. There are elements of art, cooperation, responsibility, teamwork and leadership. Then there’s the camaraderie that’s forged which helps to bring families closer. That fun and happy environment will be remembered for a long time for those who’ve been fortunate enough to have experienced it. This tradition is priceless in view of increasing cases of broken family relationships today.
meeting and meeting and meeting..... for lecturers welfare. focus on salary scheme and work load, promotion etc. BUT most of the time we talked about leadership in the university. We cannot have poor quality if leaders if we want to have world class university in Malaysia. All true professors must wake up and help to bring up the image of lecturers.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Another challenge for scientists to convince world to protect and conserve biodiversity in Borneo. With rapid land clearing for development and oil palm, wildlife and biodiversity are threaten. conferences not just gathering information but as a pressure to the authority and educating public to protect wildlife habitat.

Not that easy to convince the authority to implement our ideas. Tool us many years and have to wait and talk to many people and many times. They have the authority, making decision, priority and clever than us. This cycle and pedestrian lane was proposed long time a go. After the trend in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and UPM promoting green zone and cycle lane then MPSJ want to follow and started at USJ4. Now we need to educate people to use correctly. Do not use for parking, lane for motorcycle and cutting ques.

Very tough to fight against the business people because the government is supporting them despite all rules and regulations related to biodiversity protection and conservation, pollution and protection of Taman Negara (national Parks). Why? this conflict continue because of public are not well educated on nature and environment.

Monday, July 21, 2014
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Sometime leaders follow no path but leave behind a trail. To be a leader we cannot just follow orders and too "schema" and must be thinker and creator. So if you want to follow a good leader, you must be a critical person in order to adapt and adopt the ideas and follow.
Langkawi risks losing Geopark status after Unesco ‘Yellow Card’: NGO such as Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) should be asked for help. BUT choose the right person not business oriented members
The authorities fail to implement conservation measures for local geology and the environment, to educate and preserve local communities and indigenous people, and to have proper tourism practices that promote nature and local culture. - See more at:
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Effective teaching biology at bachelor level: essays, report for laboratory exercise and fieldwork and good experiment and report for final year project. Lecturers must be equip with knowledge, skill, good attitude, time and technologies.
most effective teachers of this study were that they:
• focused on the delivery of biology instruction.
• resisted distractions from their classroom efforts.
• maximized student use of class time.
• studied and planned with other teachers
• focused all student time on the Standard Course of Study goals.
• planned students’ activities that are always under teacher control.
• used data to guide their instructional practice.

the least effective teachers of this study were that they:
• had less focus on Biology.
• spent less time on planning.
• planned alone and used prepared lessons from the district pacing
• took less time to prepare their own lessons.
• used a wider variety of activities in the classroom and had students
spend more time in student led activities.
• were not always focused on the Standard Course of Study

History and Future of Higher Education: we must dare to move forward with current challenges and technologies. All lecturers must explore new techniques for effective teaching. professors must lead and must be exposed for better and attractive effective teaching.
In this course we will learn about the features of higher education that were designed specifically to prepare workers and leaders for the Industrial Age, and we’ll strategize ways that, together, we can change learning--inside of school and out--for the world we live in now--and even to help improve our world.

Predictions For The Future Of Higher Education: What, where, and how will we learn? We cannot living in silo
Today’s students demand cross-disciplinary learning and thinking, particularly in science, engineering, and technology. This cross-disciplinary learning demand is manifesting itself in buildings that seek to be academies of tomorrow and entrepreneurial hubs focused on bringing business and creative minds together. Colleges and universities need to think about how these space changes serve as curriculum drivers.
It is important to remember higher education institutions don’t need to choose between online learning and traditional learning--they need to find the right balance. Recent research shows a fifth of Chief Academic Officers (CAOs) don’t feel online education is strongly represented in their institutions’ long-term strategies, even though they believe it should be.
The truth is nature of today’s learning that extends beyond the classroom. Institutions that begin to best leverage an appropriate balance can make better use of time in the classroom and also define tailored approaches to how the professor, student and material work together across the platforms.
To best recruit and retain students, universities need to evaluate how they offer a student life experience that prepares students to be healthy and dynamic people in the future. This is pushing universities to find creative ways to fund new spaces and programming for students. The key here is strategically providing students with key resources that give them more opportunity to make the most of their collegiate life experience.
Today’s students aren’t just bringing their own technology devices to the classroom, they’re also bringing them to the student center, the gym and the dining hall. This increased use places greater demands on a campus IT infrastructure. Universities seeking to solve today’s challenges will need to respond with robust access and bandwidth upgrades. At the same time, institutions needs to respond to the “mobility shift” which allows educators and students to be nimble and engaged from anywhere.
The historic practice of providing funding to state institutions based on enrollment is already shifting to performance-based models. These models will redirect educational priorities and investment to help more students succeed while also redefining an institution’s responsibility to its students and its community. While the performance model discussions are more apparent for the state–funded institutions, their impact may extend further as it pertains to incubation, research and corporate support. Already, these systems are gaining momentum and leaders need to be highly involved with their build-out.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Air Quality; Air Pollution Index (API): not just reporting but how to control or maintenance high quality air for breathing. Its free and belong to all. all must have aright to make sure we consume clean air every day. We are not fighting for the right right,
Monday, July 14, 2014
Sometimes history is very important. History and science may help to solve Israeli-Palestinians conflicts. Political sciences alone may not be able to solve this conflicts.
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