Sunday, July 30, 2017
Recycling@university programme was started in 2017 after successfully promoting recycle to cycle at UPM. Now UPM is leading another programme R@U to promote recycling habit among the university's students. Five universities involves UPM, UKM, UPSI, USIM and UTHM. The programme is sponsored by the Coca-cola Foundation through Coca-cola Malaysia.

Saturday, July 29, 2017
I do not know how to safe orang utan IF human also we killed. Sumatera and Borneo are the only place for them. We need to study their areas and put prices on their habitat so that people do not compare to the oil palm or timber. The whole world must be together to save orang utan and protect their habitat. By protecting their habitat may be can contribute to the climate change.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017
What we missed in our life if we failed to manage our routine life, stress at work, not clear objectives, contaminated food and environment, changing life style, time occupied with smart phones, TV and networking. Our natural life change. This will create new living style and culture in the future.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Malaysia's future development, progress will depend on STEM mastery: Najib. If we do enough since 200 when we talked about Vision 2020, may be we achieve something by now. NOW we have to struggle hard and may bwe we cannot achieve as planned.

Sunday, July 23, 2017
Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said Malaysia’s food import bill was RM45.39 bil last year.compared to our food export was only RM27bil. We need to improve the agriculture technology, utilise all idle lands and encourage more research and collaboration with industry. Animal feed, poultry and meat imports alone amount to RM5bil a year on average.Some of the produce are controlled items, such as chicken, therefore the prices cannot be increased..We are already self-sufficient in some foods, such as rice, where we produce 70% of the population’s needs, meat and milk, we can only afford to produce 20% of the population’s needs so far, About 120,000ha of idle land in the country to help with food production,
Friday, July 21, 2017
Perak River (Malay: Sungai Perak; سوڠاي ڤيرق) is the second longest river in Peninsular Malaysia after Pahang River in Pahang, Malaysia. A number of towns are on the banks of the river including the royal town of Kuala Kangsar. Most of the settlements in what is today Perak were situated near the river until the 19th century, when tin deposits were discovered elsewhere, most notably Ipoh. The source of Sungei Perak is in the mountainous Perak-Kelantan-Thailand border of the Belum Forest Reserve. Some of the branches of the river are the Bidor River and the Kinta River. The Temenggor Dam has created a large man-made lake at Banding near Grik.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States in the 1970s. NLP's creators claim there is a connection between neurological processes (neuro-), language (linguistic) and behavioral patterns learned through experience (programming), and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.Bandler and Grinder also claim that NLP methodology can "model" the skills of exceptional people, allowing anyone to acquire those skills. They claim as well that, often in a single session, NLP can treat problems such as phobias, depression, tic disorders, psychosomatic illnesses, near-sightedness, allergy, common cold, and learning disorders. HOW FAR MALAYSIA PRACTICE THIS IN RELATED FIELDS AND HAVING GOOD PROGRAMMES?

The number of tourists from China could rise to 380,000 this year following several airline companies’ willingness to operate direct flights between various destinations in the republic and the resort island. WHAT ARE THE ACTIONS PLANNED BY LANGKAWI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND TOURISM DEPARTMENT TO MEET THE DEMAND OF TOURISTS FROM CHINA AND THE BENEFIT TO THE LOCALS LANGKAWI AND MALAYSIA IN GENERAL. NATURE PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION AS THE MAIN ATTRACTIVE OF LANGKAWI? BETTER LOOK CAREFULLY BEFORE TOO LATE.

Good respond from the government even though after 5 years the hot issues on false degrees in Malaysia. I happened among the academician, politician and corporates sectors. With new technology and competing for the piece of paper many thought that with money they can buy. MQA must keep the best systems to make sure the standard of academic in Malaysia so that the government dreams to make malaysia as an important education hub in the world become the reality. .
SEBUAH pusat menyimpan data mengenai seseorang graduan mesti ditubuhkan untuk mengelakkan kes pemalsuan ijazah.
Presiden Persatuan Pegawai Akademik Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Prof Dr Ahmad Ismail berkata, pusat tersebut boleh dinamakan sebagai bank data graduan memandangkan kaedah pengumpulan data satu pusat perlu wujud untuk mengelakkan jenayah terhadap kelulusan akademik.
“Bank tersebut mesti mengandungi data pembelajaran seseorang penuntut seperti nombor kad pelajar, nombor siri sijil kelulusan dan juga rekod ketika penuntut berkenaan menyediakan tesis atau penyelidikan.
“Kerajaan perlu pertimbangkan mengenai cadangan seumpama ini supaya majikan dapat membuat semakan terus tanpa perlu melalui birokrasi (bagi mengesahkan ijazah calon pekerja) yang kadangkala melecehkan. Ini kerana, dalam kes ijazah palsu, pihak yang teraniaya adalah majikan.
"Bank data ini bukan sahaja untuk penuntut atau graduan universiti tempatan, tetapi juga pensyarah kerana ada juga kemungkinan pemalsuan bidang kepakaran pensyarah walaupun kebanyakannya boleh dirujuk kepada laman sesawang universiti berkenaan.
“Selama ini, kita tidak ada satu sistem pusat yang mudah untuk para majikan membuat semakan bagi mengesahkan sesuatu sijil itu tulen,” katanya.
Mengulas mengenai sindiket mencetak ijazah palsu melibatkan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) barubaru ini, Ahmad berkata,kejadian seperti itu tidak sepatutnya boleh berlaku sekiranya ada sistem sedemikian.
Ini kerana, proses hendak lulus bagi seseorang graduan bukanlah semudah seperti memetik jari sebaliknya mereka perlu menjalani kaedah penilaian dan pemarkahan yang bukannya ringkas.
“Mereka perlu menamatkan pengajian dalam tempoh tertentu tidak kiralah peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda, Sarjana (Master) atau Doktor Falsafah (PhD). “Dengan adanya kes ijazah palsu, maka intergriti seorang pensyarah juga terjejas. Ini kerana pensyarah yang bertanggungjawab dalam sistem pemarkahan penuntut yang menjadi titik ukur lulus atau gagal.“Jika mereka lulus baru boleh diberikan sijil. Pihak yang terlibat dalam pemalsuan ijazah sebenarnya mencabar kredibiliti pensyarah.
Ironinya, kita letih mengajar dan memberi bimbingan, tetapi ada pula pihak yang dapat sijil ‘segera’. Ahmad berkata, kita perlu ingat bahawa bidang akademik sekarang tidak seperti zaman dahulu lagi, tetapi sudah bersifat antarabangsa. Oleh itu, saya berasakan, negara perlu ada sistem yang mantap untuk menyimpan data kelulusan akademik graduan supaya tidak berlaku penipuan atau plagiat.
Tambahnya, dalam keadaan negara mengalami limpahan penuntut termasuk dari negara asing seperti Afrika dan Timur Tengah misalnya, justeru Malaysia sewajibnya memiliki satu sistem yang selamat selain satu cara berhati- hati.
“Kita akui bahawa terdapat data yang tidak boleh sewenangnya diperlihatkan kepada umum. “Oleh itu, pihak pelaksana perlu membuat kajian secara mendalam terhadap perihal keselamatan dan sensitiviti mengenai seseorang penuntut dan universiti berkenaan supaya tidak ada pula pihak yang mengambil kesempatan. Dibimbangi sekiranya berlaku permasalahan lain pula,” ujarnya.
Sementara itu, Ahli Majlis Akademi Sains Malaysia, Tan Sri Dr. Salleh Mohd Nor memberi pandangan, pihak majikan di negara ini perlu mengambil iktibar dengan kejadian pemalsuan ijazah melibatkan USM yang terbongkar baru-baru ini.
“Majikan perlu membuat semakan terhadap calon yang hendak ditemuduga sama ada sijil yang dibawanya itu tulen.
“Ini sebagai langkah untuk mengelak kecuaian daripada terjebak dengan pemegang sijil palsu.
Kumpulan manusia seperti ini tamak haloba, konon hendak ada kelulusan tetapi tidak mahu berusaha menimba ilmu,” akhiri beliau
Presiden Persatuan Pegawai Akademik Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Prof Dr Ahmad Ismail berkata, pusat tersebut boleh dinamakan sebagai bank data graduan memandangkan kaedah pengumpulan data satu pusat perlu wujud untuk mengelakkan jenayah terhadap kelulusan akademik.
“Bank tersebut mesti mengandungi data pembelajaran seseorang penuntut seperti nombor kad pelajar, nombor siri sijil kelulusan dan juga rekod ketika penuntut berkenaan menyediakan tesis atau penyelidikan.
“Kerajaan perlu pertimbangkan mengenai cadangan seumpama ini supaya majikan dapat membuat semakan terus tanpa perlu melalui birokrasi (bagi mengesahkan ijazah calon pekerja) yang kadangkala melecehkan. Ini kerana, dalam kes ijazah palsu, pihak yang teraniaya adalah majikan.
"Bank data ini bukan sahaja untuk penuntut atau graduan universiti tempatan, tetapi juga pensyarah kerana ada juga kemungkinan pemalsuan bidang kepakaran pensyarah walaupun kebanyakannya boleh dirujuk kepada laman sesawang universiti berkenaan.
“Selama ini, kita tidak ada satu sistem pusat yang mudah untuk para majikan membuat semakan bagi mengesahkan sesuatu sijil itu tulen,” katanya.
Mengulas mengenai sindiket mencetak ijazah palsu melibatkan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) barubaru ini, Ahmad berkata,kejadian seperti itu tidak sepatutnya boleh berlaku sekiranya ada sistem sedemikian.
Ini kerana, proses hendak lulus bagi seseorang graduan bukanlah semudah seperti memetik jari sebaliknya mereka perlu menjalani kaedah penilaian dan pemarkahan yang bukannya ringkas.
“Mereka perlu menamatkan pengajian dalam tempoh tertentu tidak kiralah peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda, Sarjana (Master) atau Doktor Falsafah (PhD). “Dengan adanya kes ijazah palsu, maka intergriti seorang pensyarah juga terjejas. Ini kerana pensyarah yang bertanggungjawab dalam sistem pemarkahan penuntut yang menjadi titik ukur lulus atau gagal.“Jika mereka lulus baru boleh diberikan sijil. Pihak yang terlibat dalam pemalsuan ijazah sebenarnya mencabar kredibiliti pensyarah.
Ironinya, kita letih mengajar dan memberi bimbingan, tetapi ada pula pihak yang dapat sijil ‘segera’. Ahmad berkata, kita perlu ingat bahawa bidang akademik sekarang tidak seperti zaman dahulu lagi, tetapi sudah bersifat antarabangsa. Oleh itu, saya berasakan, negara perlu ada sistem yang mantap untuk menyimpan data kelulusan akademik graduan supaya tidak berlaku penipuan atau plagiat.
Tambahnya, dalam keadaan negara mengalami limpahan penuntut termasuk dari negara asing seperti Afrika dan Timur Tengah misalnya, justeru Malaysia sewajibnya memiliki satu sistem yang selamat selain satu cara berhati- hati.
“Kita akui bahawa terdapat data yang tidak boleh sewenangnya diperlihatkan kepada umum. “Oleh itu, pihak pelaksana perlu membuat kajian secara mendalam terhadap perihal keselamatan dan sensitiviti mengenai seseorang penuntut dan universiti berkenaan supaya tidak ada pula pihak yang mengambil kesempatan. Dibimbangi sekiranya berlaku permasalahan lain pula,” ujarnya.
Sementara itu, Ahli Majlis Akademi Sains Malaysia, Tan Sri Dr. Salleh Mohd Nor memberi pandangan, pihak majikan di negara ini perlu mengambil iktibar dengan kejadian pemalsuan ijazah melibatkan USM yang terbongkar baru-baru ini.
“Majikan perlu membuat semakan terhadap calon yang hendak ditemuduga sama ada sijil yang dibawanya itu tulen.
“Ini sebagai langkah untuk mengelak kecuaian daripada terjebak dengan pemegang sijil palsu.
Kumpulan manusia seperti ini tamak haloba, konon hendak ada kelulusan tetapi tidak mahu berusaha menimba ilmu,” akhiri beliau
The e-Sisraf accreditation list that used to be under JPA is now made available on the MQA portal. Graduates who wish to apply for a government position can just run through the list to check if their university degree is recognised by the JPA or not.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Doctoral programmes are particularly oriented towards natural sciences and engineering in France (59%) Canada (55%) and China (55%). Malaysia is still left behind in term of PhD graduates. We need to be more aggressive and should have a good feeder from schools. We need more into science streams. But Malaysia is still at below 30% students at schools in science streams. We are still busy with language, developing the curriculum, comparing with other states and visiting them to understand how they develop science culture, strengthen policies, etc including politicise it. When we will achieve our mission in science which is the core of the developed country.

Round Table Dialogue on TN50 regarding science in the future, Malaysian scientists share their opinion to the Prime Minister o ensure the TN50 reflecting the rakyat's inspirations and collective sense of ownership. The scientists offered their vision of a Progressive Malaysia 2050 that is harmonious, prosperous and sustainable by design and not by chance. In order to achieve that science education is very important. many years already government is talking on STEM since the current prime minister was the education minister. We need to be serious on STEM and STI. Not enough time before we are developed country in 2020.All were touched during the dialogue about science and healthy life style. BUT not very clear about biodiversity protection and conservation.

The Government is committed to a bottom-up approach to formulate TN50, thus ensuring our future direction reflects the rakyat’s aspirations and providing a collective sense of ownership as together we chart the journey of Malaysia’s transformation. In short, TN50 will be by the people, with the people and for the people.
Naturally, we began our TN50 engagements with the youth as they are the custodians of Malaysia’s future. We are now extending TN50 engagements to cover all segments of society from senior citizens to civil society; just to name a few.
It was a pleasure to be amongst Malaysia’s prominent scientists this morning at the TN50 Roundtable Dialogue in Putrajaya. My guests had offered some insights and suggestions at the roundtable session, among others:
Professor Datuk Dr Asma Ismail, Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia and President of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) began by saying that change is inevitable and with the numerous challenges of the 21st century, the only constant is change.
She added that it is important for Malaysia to have our own model in 2050 considering our uniqueness in terms of culture and values. To achieve this, the Academy of Sciences Malaysia offered their vision of a Progressive Malaysia 2050 that is harmonious, prosperous and sustainable by design and not by chance.
In terms of action plan, Professor Datuk Dr Asma suggested that there is a need to rally the nation to provide solutions to national problems using science, technology and innovation (STI) and they have identified 3 main areas which are the digital tsunami, health and fit Malaysia, and zero waste Malaysia.
Meanwhile, Professor Dato’ Dr Rahmah Mohamed, Vice Chancellor of Inti University suggested that we should have a designated secretariat to implement STI policies that is collaborative and inter-ministerial as well as a Research Management Agency. She also called on school children to be a part of the TN50 ecosystem with STI at the centre of the plan. I also agree that it is important for us to realise the potentials of school children and that we need a community that is technologically sound and knowledgeable.
Touching on the subject of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Professor Datuk Dr Halimaton Hamdan of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia said that in the year 2020, we need one million work force based on STEM and that currently we only have about 30% of the number. To tackle this, she suggested that parents should be more involved, and that the mind set of society should change from being merely consumers to being producers and consumers. She said that youths, especially students, must understand the importance of science for the future. Associate Professor Dr Mimi Haryani Hassim of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia echoed the suggestions of her colleague, saying that the quality of teachers must improve by implementing stricter criteria for STEM teachers.
On lifestyle, distinguished Professor Datuk Dr Looi Lai Meng of Universiti Malaya Medical Centre said that overweight children have increased from 6% to 29% over the years. Concentrated effort must be implemented to address the issue. She also suggested that employers must encourage employees to adopt a healthy lifestyle and government should provide incentives for healthy food.
According to Associate Professor Dr Aduwati Sali from University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia should be the champion of Li-Fi technology and be proactive in setting the universal standard instead of being a mere user.
I thank all participants for their comprehensive views and questions on a wide range of topics from governance, lifestyle, waste management to quality of teachers. The Government will take serious consideration on these suggestions, and I hope that more people, from all segments of society, would get involved in the coming TN50 dialogues.
I thank all participants for their comprehensive views and questions on a wide range of topics from governance, lifestyle, waste management to quality of teachers. The Government will take serious consideration on these suggestions, and I hope that more people, from all segments of society, would get involved in the coming TN50 dialogues.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
I have commented this earlier. I think Malaysian Government already have such programme since 1960s. the problem is the implementation. If we want to ask schools to do everything, we need to train the teachers and have more teachers in schools. Teacher can be the power of changes. Through teachers can pattern the future generations. Teachers myust be professional and NO POLITIC involves.
Kertas Cadangan Alam Sekitar Subjek Di Sekolah Sedang Disediakan - Junaidi
Tarikh kemaskini: 17/07/2017
SEREMBAN, 17 Julai (Bernama) -- Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar berkata kertas cadangan bagi menjadikan aspek alam sekitar sebahagian sukatan pelajaran sekolah sedang disediakan dan dijangka siap hujung tahun ini.
"Buat masa ini belum dapat dipastikan lagi sama ada subjek ini akan dimasukkan bawah subjek sains atau sosial kerana ia mengandungi kedua-dua elemen tersebut.
"Setakat ini, persetujuan di peringkat kedua-dua kementerian sudah di peringkat jawatankuasa teknikal dan jika kertas cadangan dapat disiapkan hujung tahun ini, perkara tersebut dapat dibentangkan di parlimen tahun depan," katanya kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan Pusat Pemeliharaan Alam Sekitar dan Inovasi (EPIC) di Pusat Kualiti Alam, dekat sini hari ini
"Buat masa ini belum dapat dipastikan lagi sama ada subjek ini akan dimasukkan bawah subjek sains atau sosial kerana ia mengandungi kedua-dua elemen tersebut.
"Setakat ini, persetujuan di peringkat kedua-dua kementerian sudah di peringkat jawatankuasa teknikal dan jika kertas cadangan dapat disiapkan hujung tahun ini, perkara tersebut dapat dibentangkan di parlimen tahun depan," katanya kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan Pusat Pemeliharaan Alam Sekitar dan Inovasi (EPIC) di Pusat Kualiti Alam, dekat sini hari ini
We have a choice to walk, take taxi, buses, or use our car or bikes. May be climate influence this. We need to have a detail studies to encourage people walking. No proper food path and pedestrian crossing in Malaysian town. Even new smart township also not providing foot path. I have been talking many years ago about one kilometer walk to school. Meaning we must have food path and other pedestrian needs one milometer from school. Some local authority try to do it, Local authority must suggest to all new development programme to have a good facilities for pedestrian. All so call smart township must encourage public to walk. Money and profit is not everything BUT healthy public, harmonious life and clean environment are important.

You cannot be proud of receiving certificates and appreciated by others. Your success must continue with creating more followers. Then you will be called as a good leader. All certificates one day will be in the store. If lucky enough it will be on the wall collecting dusts. Keep moving with your ideas and create followers..

just recycle my last activity to show that we need continue and cannot stop. Some one must continue. The young one become older and the junior one become the bosses and decision maker. I remain the same pushing all levels for better environmental quality for future generations. So far so good those who are with me are at the higher level and helping me in practicing conservation and nature protection. NO CORRUPTION PLEASE!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017
this is also not a one shot activities and certainly cannot be a recreation or holiday for the students. The sponsor and the organiser have to look back to the original objectives and review the activities so that we can see the impact of having such expensive activities. We need more naturalists, nature lovers and high class scientists in biodiversity. Always remember Malaysia is top Mega Biodiversity in the world.

Sunday, July 9, 2017
Solid waste, landfill issues, leachate, air pollution and water pollution will be a continuous issues if we do not take the right action for better solution. Knowledge, regulation, laws and enforcement are important. We need to go to the basic or root of the problems. Refer to the true experts and apply the technologies. Why we are still back wards looking and actions. Learn from the developed countries. Avoid corruptions!!!
KUALA LUMPUR: Six solid waste landfills are found to have serious and recurring leachate contaminant issues, said Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar.
The six solid waste landfills are the former ones at Taman Beringin Kuala Lumpur; and Pajam Negri Sembilan as well as at Sungai Udang Malacca; Pulau Burung in Penang; Tanah Merah Estate in Negri Sembilan and CEP Simpang Renggam Estate in Johor.
Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said monitoring by the Department of Environment (DOE) revealed the pollution was due to the design of the landfill and existing leachate treatment system that was less efficient compared to the increasing volume of solid waste received.
"The collapse of the retention ponds caused the sediment discharged to flow into the nearby rivers and damage the equipment or components at the landfill which is part of the pollution control system," he said in a statement here today.
He said the lack of competent operators, in terms of environmental control, at the affected solid waste landfills was also another factor.
Wan Junaidi said DOE had taken 74 enforcement action against those responsible in managing the six landfills, including issuing directive notices, compounds and court action.
These cases of non compliance were investigated under the Environmental Quality Act 1974, involving a fine not exceeding RM500,000 or jail term of not more than five years or both and an additional fine of RM1,000 for each day the offence was continued in accordance with the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) 2015).
Whereas the penalties for violations of the Environmental Quality (Control of Pollution From Solid Waste Transfer Station And Landfill 2009) is RM100,000 maximum or jail term not exceeding five years or both, and subsequent fine of RM1,000 maximum for each the offence is continued, upon conviction.
He said the government would not compromise and stern action will be taken against those found to be have polluted the environment.
The public can assist to become the eyes and ears of DOE in efforts to protect the country's water resources by contacting hotline 1-800-88-2727 or e-complaint through https://eaduan.doe.gov.my, he added. — Bernama
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Still active discussion on should scientists use medaka fish or zebrafish? Medaka fish is a local fish and zebra fish is important. Local medaka fish is new in local scientists compared to Japanese Medaka that already established in Japan. As I mentioned many times LOCAL SCIENTISTS like to copy what they learned from others. We need more innovation and creativity. May be our leaders like to recognise foreign brands rather than local brand. About time we should look at our own local scientists and local biodiversity before the foreign scientists come and tell us about ours. Our leaders please start to learn how to recognise our local scientists.

Issue that continues among Malays but no complete solution. Why? May be the Malays and the authority's Malays are not strong enough to solve the problems. May be they think this is not their problems because they dont eat pork and they dont rearing pigs. We need to give attention to the effect of rearing pigs such as environmental issues.. The environmental issues are well discussed in the media. How far we read news papers?

We cannot delay anymore to promote active research on honey bees in term of biology, ecology and technology of wild bees. Pedu areas in Kedah is famous with Tualang Honey and it is very important place for wild honey and tourism potential. The authority must preserve the areas NOT just for honey but for wild conservation and water resources needed for agriculture, drinking and food security.

There are several levels of celebration on the university's international ranking. May be the leaders are happy celebrating and shaking hands for the achievement. The workers under the leaders are thinking hard what and how to do to maintain and moving forward competing among the universities. Searching for information to fill up in the forms for next assessment. Strategies for those who can support the systems. I really hope the labeling and branding representing the true pictures of the university.

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