Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Saturday, May 19, 2018
I hope his time Tun Dr Mahathir can create another opportunity to Malaysia to change towards developed country. Education is very important and those in education line must be more strong and freedom to develop education system and practice. Even in the universities the leaders need to check their performance towards world class university. NOT just become despatch boy delivering messages. We definitely cannot treat professors similar to the just reported duty young lectures. Professors is a recognised profession based on their intellectual and experience in their fields of expertise. We are suppose to use them for their knowledge contributing and generation. NOT filling forms for teaching!!!. All university's leaders must look back at Vision 2020 and how higher education can contribute not just international repute BUT for the whole society.

Another new commitment in promoting scoience, technology and innovation (STI) in Malaysia. We need more scientists as an important engine for the developed country. many activities can be done, We have enough policies and planning. We need more aggressive actions. Vision 2020 need to be checked since it is around the corner and YAB Tun Mahathir is the Prime Minister who initiated Vision 2020 in 1991 nearly 30 years a go. How far we had achieved need to be checked.

Who ever the government is, all must give priority to the environment. All citizen must support cleanliness, biodiversity conservation and disciplines in managing waste at home. Help to implement the government policies on environment and biodiversity protection and conservation.

Recycling@U continues. UKM, USIM. UTHM, UPSI and UPM participating in this programme. UPM coordinating the project sponsored by the Coca-Cola. Hopefully university's community can be a leader in practicing recycling especially managing the plastic waste. All participant will have their own recycling center and manage buy the students.

Thursday, May 10, 2018
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Teachers are important to deliver the messages on environmental issues to the younger generations. We need to do more research, compile information and discuss with teachers through seminars and workshops so that the can teach effectively on the environmental related subjects, ecology and science in generals. By having latest information and examples the can introduce high level of thinking among students.

I started campaigning no to plastic bags since 10 years a go. I have to use my daughter as a model in order to attract public not using plastic bags. Later many agencies adopted the idea and put in to culture and regulation. The promotion and campaign not using plastic bags continue until now.

Citing publication: Microplastics in fisheries and aquaculture: Status of knowledge on their occurrence and implications...
Cited publication: Plastic pellets along Kuala Selangor-Sepang coastline (Ismail et al 2009)
More contributions:http://www.utusan.com.my/sains-teknologi/teknologi/selesaikan-isu-pencemaran-plastik-1.521608
Monday, May 7, 2018
Not importing foreign professors is important BUT developing culture of academic in all universities are more important. All lecturers must have an integrity as a lecturers. Functions of lecturers, assistant professors and professors must be able to create the academic culture and producing high quality students, researches and publications.
“The idea of bringing in rectors to lead state universities in Indonesia is clearly an instant and short-cut method to improve Indonesian higher learning institutes”
There is an opinion that 50 percent out of 280,000 lecturers in Indonesia are deemed unprofessional, some suggest that importing foreign lecturers and researchers underestimates local talents. However, criticisms towards the government’s policy were limited and less strong.
Good to have a publication. But better if we can have high quality publications. To have quality publication not just publishing in the high impact journals BUT must have good quality of data from good work and experiments. Creativity, high technology, good findings for socio-economy impact and new science are important. We need time, high budget, high technology equipment, international collaboration and good professors. What happen IF the universities do not employ good professor because of not enough budget and they are above retiring age.
In Indonesia, is 100,000 lecturers are active, 10 lecturers can share 1 papers, easily we can have 7000 publications. HOW ABOUT MALAYSIA. WE ONLY HAVE LESS THAN 30,000 LECTURERS AND ABOUT 2000 PROFESSORS.
In Indonesia, is 100,000 lecturers are active, 10 lecturers can share 1 papers, easily we can have 7000 publications. HOW ABOUT MALAYSIA. WE ONLY HAVE LESS THAN 30,000 LECTURERS AND ABOUT 2000 PROFESSORS.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Education and research are very important and must go parallel. Government must respect this and try to implement the policies wisely. In term of wildlife for example Wildlife Department or PERHILITAN must proactively acted to tackle the research issues. Officers incharge must have bigger scope of thinking and planning and cannot be microscopic. New Government form after this GE14 must look into this. Not just money and physical development.

Another contribution to Malaysian Academic Association Congress (MAAC). Continuous contribution is needed in order too fight for better recognition to the academic staff at the universities. At the same time academic integrity need to be strengthen, academic freedom must be allowed in order to have excellent academician, reduce unnecessary work load (Clerical work) and other things that can enhance academic quality.

Planting trees should be done by everybody. Not just in the forest but in the city. In Kuala lumpur for example Taman Tugu, Bukit Persekutuan, LLake garden and many other recreation part people should plant trees. Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur should start tree planting activities by the locals. They plant their own trees for their future generations.

I planted hundreds of this trees already in many places. May be places like forests recreational park, universities and other government department should start planting this tree or other timber trees. not just for conservation but may be for money in the future. May be universities with forestry faculty must start before too late.

MERBAU (Intsia palembanica)
Intsia palembanica Miq.
Vesi; V`ula; Tat-talun; Miraboo laut; Miraboo; Marbau; Makhamong; Lumpho; Lumpha; Lum-pho; Go nuoe; Borneo teak; Anglai; Merbau (United Kingdom); Lum-paw (Thailand); Moluccan ironwood (United Kingdom); Merbau (Netherlands); Kalabau (China); Kwila (Australia); Hintsy (Madagascar); Komu (New Caledonia); Kwila (Papua New Guinea); Gonuo (Vietnam); Ipil laut (Philippines); Ipil (Philippines); Merbau (Sarawak); Merbau (Indonesia); Mirabow (Sabah)
Afzelia palembanica Baker
It is a medium-sized or large tree up to 50 m tall. The bole is branchless for up to 22 m and up to 150 cm in diameter.
Intsia palembanica often occurs near the coast, but it is also found inland, up to 1,000 m of altitude. It is common in lowland forests, in transitional zones behind mangroves.
It is distributed in the Indo-Malayan region, Indonesia, Philippines, and many of the western Pacific islands as well as in Australia.
Plantations of "Merbau" are reported.
Merbatu timber is reported to stain black in presence of iron.
One thing that I want to do is to document my journey with nature. I must do it soon. cannot wait anymore.

me, Bjorn Olesen and Fanny Lai Authors of Asia's Wildlife A Journey to the Forests of Hope.
Media is very important. newspaper, radio and tv are contributing to knowledge and awareness campaign. in fact with new media we can do better in educating public. Why university do not use their radio to promote managing plastic pollution. university should practice zero plastic on campus. We can start with SAY NO to plastic bags.

there is a true challenge by the earth day this year. In fact the whole year 2018 environmental related day celebration are focuses on plastic pollution. Very difficult to avoid plastic pollution. We use plastic every day. What we need are knowledge, awareness, practice, disciplines, commitment and respect the nature. we need to manage the plastic.

I respect the keepers who work hard with knowledge and disciplines taking care the tiger and other wildlife. Gateway to the wild is very good idea and practical. BUT how is the implementation is very important. We need research and application. In case of tiger with high tiger-human conflict, the future of tiger in the wild may be not very promising. We must work hard thinking and innovation towards conserving tiger in the wild.

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