Saturday, June 27, 2020
Picture below is rice field in Kedah, Alor Setar. Kedah produced 40% of rice for Malaysian. Rice fields in Kedah depending on water from Ulu Muda. Ulu Muda supply water to Perlis, Penang and Kedah. They need 70%, 80% and 96% respectively water from Ulu Muda for domestic use, agriculture, industry and tourism. We need to protect and conserve Ulu Muda Forest Reserve for future water supply.
When come to the issues every body like to comment. For scientists must have scientific evidence. Simple research can be done by students at schools and universities. we need good methodology, equipment. and creativity. Conflicts on indoor plants for decoration, cleaning are, oxygen, carbon dioxides, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and safety. more research are needed on plant species and their physiology.

Universities need to look at the impact of research to the community. Covid-19 experience can be good example of experts input in controlling pandemic. Medical experts, scientists and sociologist giving input to help the government to solve the problems. Fundamental research on local aspects are important for the country. managing knowledge and recognition are equally important.
For academician, sometime no need to see the minister or seniour officers in the ministry. Just do research on the issues and voice it through forum and publications. be honest on the issues and solve it effectively. then people including ministers will listen and apply it for better community and the country.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Malays always say "sesat di hujung jalan pulang kepangkal jalan". We need to go to basic when we talk about education. What id the true functions of the university. May be in general is developing and producing intellects who can analyse the facts and deliver it towards solving a problems. all lectures must prepare for it. University's leaders must understand this and lecturers must equip themselves towards fulfilling the demand of graduates.
Since all need nature, Covid-19 taught us on there is a need to protect and conserve nature and our solutions are in nature, we cannot wait any more. no more discussion, argument and reasoning. we must keep our reserve forest protected and conserved. Keep our biodiversity as it is and we will get the benefit from the ecosystems services.

Natural ecosystems such as soil, water, air, animals, plants and various other biological elements complement one another to provide a conducive environment for all living things to thrive on earth.
However, in the name of development, humans have been destroying forests, rivers, land and hills which over the long term has had adverse effects on the climate and wildlife populations.
The current pandemic, said Malaysian Nature Society president Prof Dr Ahmad Ismail, has led to the whole world talking about wildlife and the need to protect their habitats.
“The whole world is saying that we shouldn’t eat wildlife resources and to just leave them alone in their habitats which should be protected,” he said.
He told Bernama nearly one million species in the world are facing extinction and this is the reason why the perpetuation of biological diversity should be given due focus.
In Malaysia, he added, more efforts must be made to conserve wildlife habitats at the various national parks and forest reserves such as the Ulu Muda forest reserve in Kedah.
Teaching and research in the universities are done by the experts or professors. Teaching the basic and applied subjects and research for new findings in specific fields for better teaching and supporting teaching. this means research in the specific fields are continues not changing topics and fields depending on grants. Public grants must be allocated according to national needs (30%), university's focus (30%), high level research to support national and university's future interest (30%) and developing individual researchers interests (10%).
World Environment Day and any world celebration on environment is to educate and create awareness among public. Public who demand for environment destruction, public who destroy nature, public who always fail to maintain natural ecosystem, public who demand for clean environment and public who benefited the ecosystems services. Therefore public must keep the environment clean and nature are protected. Education and public awareness activities must be continued.

6 June 2010 ·
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Sempena Hari Bumi 2010 Pasukan Jabatan Bologi bersama Syabas telah mengadakan aktiviti membersihkan sungai dan ekologi sungai di Rimba Ampang. Pasukan Jabatan Biologi telah menjuarai pertandingan. Mungkin Alumni Jabatan Biologi yang menjadi guru di sekolah boleh bersama menjayakan aktiviti seperti ini.
Every year whole country are talking about the ranking of our local universities. some are happy with it some say no. May be ranking create more stress among the academician and other staffs. Ranking is important to brand the university and attract students especially the international students. Some people say ranking will come if we have the quality not casing for ranking but in reality we are not as the world ranked. We need to balance all aspects of parameters for high quality university. For universities; teaching, supervision, research, publication and extension must be well balance with clear objectives.



Need to work harder and strategically planned to avoid stress and benefit the society beside recognise the true contributor


Need to work harder and strategically planned to avoid stress and benefit the society beside recognise the true contributor
Covid-19 really testing the academician to show they are better in contributing knowledge and findings. Work From Home and e-learning challenged the academician to work harder, with creativity and innovation to solve the problems and demand for higher education. We cannot wait in producing graduates and meeting adult demand in quality education.
Why we don't explore our own country. About time the government and corporate sectors support this kind of studies before its going extinct.
Orang asli in peninsular Malaysia right after WW2
See my other 1000 clips by searching YouTube with 'michael rogge'
Website 'Man and the Unknown' http://wichm.home.xs4all.nl/

go back to basic. we know Covid-19 is pandemic. Virus spread easily and very fast, mainly through contact. so the easiest way is to avoid contact. Stay at home and all members of family must be very strict on contacting others. avoid crowded area.
As states reopen amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, many are documenting still-rising levels of new cases. This is partly, or largely, due to bad pandemic-time behavior—that is, not wearing masks and not social-distancing. Even in New York, which has done so well in reducing its numbers, people are getting weary and a little sloppy with protections. A new study out in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences finds that among all the strategies for reducing transmission, wearing a face mask may be the central variable that determines the spread of the virus.

Friday, June 5, 2020
International Day for Biological Diversity, World Environment Day and World Ocean Day were celebrated in May and June every year. We need to more research to understand about nature and ecological changes. With good data we can educate public better so that they are together with the activists and researchers protecting the nature.

All universities must clear about their functions in producing intellects. All professors must have their rights to lead in their field of expertise and groom the young ones. We cannot lets experience professors ruled by the young robotic leaders. University's leaders must guide and provide ways for excellence not asking them to do what ordinary teachers are doing.

1,000 Pieces of Plastic Found Inside Dead Whale in Indonesia. More than 1,000 assorted pieces of plastic, including 115 cups, 25 bags, four bottles and two flip-flops, have been found inside a dead sperm whale in Indonesia, according to local officials.Nov 21, 2018; call for immediate action by all human being.
On the 8th June the whole world will celebrate World Ocean Day. One of big issues is plastic pollution. During World Environment Day we are talking about time for nature and focus for biodiversity. Plsstic pollution is very challenging becaudse plastic is part of human life style. Plastic killed many marine wildlife including turtle, whales and sea birds. It is about time we need more innovation for the sustainability of the ocean.
Today is World Environment Day which is observed on June 5 every year. This year’s theme is 'Time for Nature', with the focus on biodiversity. KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) – At a time when the world is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and wildlife such as bats and pangolins are suspected to be the original hosts of the deadly coronavirus, humanity is yet again reminded of the importance of conserving biodiversity. Researchers have said that the destruction of biodiversity, including the consumption of so-called exotic wildlife by humans, can trigger epidemics such as COVID-19 and ebola.Natural ecosystems such as soil, water, air, animals, plants and various other biological elements complement one another to provide a conducive environment for all living things to thrive on earth. However, in the name of development, humans have been destroying forests, rivers, land and hills which over the long term has had adverse effects on the climate and wildlife populations. The current pandemic, said Malaysian Nature Society president Prof Dr Ahmad Ismail, has led to the whole world talking about wildlife and the need to protect their habitats. “The whole world is saying that we shouldn’t eat wildlife resources and to just leave them alone in their habitats which should be protected,” he said. He told Bernama nearly one million species in the world are facing extinction and this is the reason why the perpetuation of biological diversity should be given due focus. In Malaysia, he added, more efforts must be made to conserve wildlife habitats at the various national parks and forest reserves such as the Ulu Muda forest reserve in Kedah.
The latest in the list is Covid-19, a zoonotic disease that was first reported in Wuhan, China. According to Academy of Sciences Malaysia fellow Professor Dr Ahmad Ismail the budget for such a research should cover capacity building, technical skills and adequate facilities. "Several of these viruses have resulted in significant morbidity and mortality to those affected and they have imposed a tremendous public health and economic burden on the state. Since some viruses are related to wild animals, integrated approaches need to be carried out. This is important to avoid conflict in managing wildlife, plague and panic." Ahmad, who is also a lecturer at the Biology Department at Universiti Putra Malaysia's (UPM) Faculty of Sciences, said scientific research was not something ad hoc and it should be well planned.

"In fact, we already have the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) that was established for research related to diseases. Since 1900, research on viruses were carried out at IMR from rabies, small fox, chikungunya, dengue, HFMD (hand, foot and mouth disease) and Influenza A (H1N1) pandemic and others," he said.
Besides IMR, Ahmad said Malaysia had other agencies that work on medical virology, including those at Universiti Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.
"Research in universities can be sustained because they involve teaching and research and international networking. We need to identify talent and experts on both zoonotic and non-zoonotic viruses in the university.
"Maybe UPM, for example, with its long established veterinary school can focus on zoonotic virus. Surely UPM has international networking on zoonotic diseases including viruses. A special laboratory needs to be established," he suggested.
He said society, too, needed to seriously play its role in fighting virus contagions, particularly in curbing the spread of Covid-19 right now.
"Some people go through science education, but they do not practise it in their daily life. That's why we still have simple problems that are still unsolved, such as managing solid waste, water pollution, air pollution, polluting our own environment and destroying our natural heritage."
He stated that if Malaysians could think scientifically about what a virus is and how it spreads, they would be able to understand easily and take actions quickly, such as distance themselves from others without the need for the involvement of enforcement agencies during the Movement Control Order (MCO).
"The socioeconomic impact of Covid-19 can be tremendous not only at local level, but also internationally. After more than a month of MCO, the public should be able to think scientifically why we need to stay at home and help to solve the problems."
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