The month of Ramadan: the month of Atonement, the month of Divine mercy and blessings for mankind is coming pretty soon. Depending on the lunar calendar this month is starting on Monday (1st of August 2011) in most parts of the world. This is the month when the Final Testament - The Quran was revealed to mankind from Lord. In this month the 1.79 billion and more faithful Muslims across the globe will be fasting in the name of Lord, for the sake of Lord to attain rightousness, to attain closeness to God.Fasting has its spiritual and religious merits and dimensions. At the same time this practice of fasting which recommended in all faiths and religious tradition also have great scientific and medical benefits that are revealed as advanced medical science is researching on it.

The best action to take when first becoming ill is to stop eating and rest, which goes contrary to the prevailing advice to take a drug, eat to keep up your strength, and keep on going. When you fast, you are not starving your body of nutrition, because it obtains all the nutrition it needs from its own tissues. But in doing so, the not inconsiderable amount of energy that would have been spent in digestion is now spent in repair of tissues and elimination of toxins.
Long fasts of up to three months followed by healthy living practices can (but not always) reverse chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, colitis, migraines, mental illness, even cancer. (See also Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor’s Program for Conquering Disease.)
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