Small Man Syndrome (SMS) is a humorous or supposed condition affecting short men which makes them excessively competitive as a way of compensating their lack of stature. It is a rare and incurable disease. Symptoms :
In many cases these small men make humorous comments about others, that others don't find funny. They try to attract others to join in with their flow of insults and start laughing in order to attract attention. They often attempt to physically jump on people or physically attack people due to their lack of stature. People who suffer this disease often use abusive language such as - weedick, no balls, peetit, lil vagina, juggernoob and shitface. A common metaphor describing these people is 'a disease in which a midgets head is too big for his body.' Moreover these people try to promote their malnourished physique by showing off something they possess. These people often get into fights where they are in the wrong due to arguments that they claim to be right. This is a recurring problem as they always think that they are right even though it is vividly obvious that they are wrong. One could then imagine that such person with this attitude lead on to problems to others and mainly themselves. Moreover, people who suffer SMS often have restraints in their strength or physical ability so when they get into a fight, where they are the more vulnerable side they often carry out 'cheap shots' for example; hair-pulling, shouting insults, grabbing/squeezing people's body parts, pinching and biting. These people often enjoy showing-off and seeking attention, especially to a 'group of mates' by speaking loudly or shouting insults at people when on the phone. Others symptoms include over exaggerating points to people and lying to make them sound bigger. These people also make-up stories about themselves and 'mates', to further seek attention from friends that most likely dislike them.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_'Small_Man_syndrome'#ixzz1V72gkd7v
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