If every year government can allocate certain amount of money to study basic research on top priority of animals in Malaysia, this will attract young generation to involve in wildlife conservation. It is a government commitment because Malaysian government committed to many agreements related biodiversity, climate change and global warming. Wildlife is part of the agreements
Monday, April 30, 2012
Nature lovers, team builders, tourist operators, recreation and ecotourism activities create a lot of pressures on National Parks. How scientists can convince economist and sociologists?
Many kind of pressures: boating, orang asli, recreations, wildlife observation...... all very little for nature and conservation. more tpwards business and money. Scientists must be strong, consistence and convincing to the public.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
TM-MNS Earth Camp: Another continuous commitment, contribution in environmental education involving NGO, Corporate Agency, Government Department and Local Community.
In this occasion, 120 students and 30 teachers from 26 schools know UPM better from the speeches given by Prof Ahmad Ismail, MNS exco and advisor to the environmental education programme.
Mungkin rakyat Malaysia perlu banyak membaca sejarah dan kesan kepada tamadun manusia. Bagi orang melayu Islam kajilah kejatuhan empayar Islam dan kemerosotan ilmuan Islam. 55 tahun medeka masih ramai rakyat Malaysia yang belum mampu membaca, mengkaji ilmu, menganalisis fakta, menghayati dan mengamalkannya. Sejarah, ilmu, agama, budaya bangsa sangat penting untuk keharmonian kehidupan.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Smart phone can do many things, phone, picture, video, store information. In fact many personal information including banking related information, pictures, secret information are in the smart phone. What happen if it lost? really stress cannot sleep at night. Lucky if the thieve just wanted the phone and not information.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Third Class Mentality and Behaviour for the first class Dream. Very difficult to change people and same difficulty to make people change. Three generations close thinking relationship make changes more difficult.
Always remember, only 5% will follow the boss, another 5% stubborn, reject, protest and just don't care. Another 90% will be divided into following the first 5%, wait and see, look for what they can get and opportunist. In old management theory just stick to 5%, another 10% will follow and those get benefit will support and may be the opportunist will try to lead. Don't worry about 5% stubborn group.
They will never stop to say bad thing behind you at all time and places. Just ignore them if we want to change, develop and challenge the future.
They will never stop to say bad thing behind you at all time and places. Just ignore them if we want to change, develop and challenge the future.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Below are the common reasons why research proposals were rejected. In our case may be depending on other reasons such as panels, money allocated, unnecessaru cut, jealousy and hijack the proposal
Why Proposals Are Rejected
Assuming that funds are available, that geographical distribution is not a criterion, and that political considerations are not present, the success of a proposal will depend both on the quality of the project itself and the quality of its presentation in the proposal. Different reviewers, of course, will weigh merits and defects differently.
A. Problem (58 percent)
- The problem is not of sufficient importance or is unlikely to produce any new or useful information. (33.1)
- The proposed research is based on a hypothesis that rests on insufficient evidence, is doubtful, or is unsound. (8.9)
- The problem is more complex than the investigator appears to realize. (8.1)
- The problem has only local significance, or is one of production or control, or otherwise fails to fall sufficiently clearly within the general field of health-related research. (4.8)
- The problem is scientifically premature and warrants, at most, only a pilot study. (3.1)
- The research as proposed is overly involved, with too many elements under simultaneous investigation. (3.0)
- The description of the nature of the research and of its significance leaves
the proposal nebulous and diffuse and without a clear research aim. (2.6)
- The proposed tests, or methods, or scientific procedures are unsuited to the stated objective. (34.7)
- The description of the approach is too nebulous, diffuse, and lacking in clarity to permit adequate evaluation. (28.8)
- The overall design of the study has not been carefully thought out. (14.7)
- The statistical aspects of the approach have not been given sufficient consideration. (8.1)
- The approach lacks scientific imagination. (7.4)
- Controls are either inadequately conceived or inadequately described. (6.8)
- The material the investigator proposes to use is unsuited to the objective of the study or is difficult to obtain. (3.8)
- The number of observations is unsuitable. (2.5)
- The equipment contemplated is outmoded or otherwise unsuitable. (1.0)
C. Investigator (55 percent)
- The investigator does not have adequate experience or training for this research. (32.6)
- The investigator appears to be unfamiliar with recent pertinent literature or methods. (13.7)
- The investigator's previously published work in this field does not inspire confidence. (12.6)
- The investigator proposes to rely too heavily on insufficiently experienced associates. (5.0)
- The investigator is spreading himself too thin; he will be more productive if he concentrates on fewer projects. (3.8)
- The investigator needs more liaison with colleagues in this field or in collateral fields. (1.7)
D. Other (16 percent)
- The requirements for equipment or personnel are unrealistic. (10.1)
- It appears that other responsibilities would prevent devotion of sufficient time and attention to this research. (3.0)
- The institutional setting is unfavorable. (2.3)
- Research grants to the investigator, now in force, are adequate in scope and amount to cover the proposed research. (1.5)
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Three generations; Grandfather/grandmother, father/mother and son/daughter, influence each other. Very difficult to change!
That's why very difficult to change people especially if they stay in the same house, same village or same society. Except they are willing to change.If we cannot change them we must work hard to make them change. This is not only for common peoples but including the educated society in the university. Example: The professors say something to the students (the statements and ideas based on her/his experience, thinking, analyses and/or research), the students go back home during holiday talking to their mother......, the mother said..no lah....you grandpa last time...... the grandma may add....no lah my grandpa and my dad last time ...... Now we can see five generations involve. How one professor can change the students thinking.... especially in our culture learning just to pass the exam,graduates do not work in his/her field of study, the potential employer always say we donot look at your academic results, we look at your ability to contribute to our company....we do not believe in training of thinking and intellectual development.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
How to assess our education system? Just look at its objectives and outcomes. Look at language profeciency, islamic religion, ability to think, etc.
We definitely need to review the implementation of the curriculum. Teachers need to be retrained after 10 years service. At least on the subject matters. Create a healthy competition among teachers in teaching to make the students learning and enjoy understanding the knowledge. In many classes teachers are very happy teaching but the students are not learning.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Why alumni is important? Many universities try to promote their alumni BUT still cannot compete with old tradisional established university

We need more volunteers!. Volunteers can be a good leaders BUT with current KPI system, economic status, life style, background of the society, future challenges we cannot get number and quality volunteers. Many volunteers work turn in to business and volunteers got paid. Usually volunteers are rich or their society background are good and rich. So in order to have more volunteers we need more rich people.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Professors and Prices: How to calculate professors price base on their contribution in teaching, research, publication and public services.

May be we can look at their teaching quality, how many students following their cources and what is the impact, how many students they supervise at undergraduates, masters and PhD levels. How many research input and output and the values of the research in term of quality, quantitity, impact and popularity. Impact to public is important too, such as the results of resaerch and extension activities on specific area or field. Not just money generator but value for society and knowledge.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Why sometimes we do wrong reporting, making wrong decision, messages not delivered,and the boss "syok sendiri". we probably need good recording system
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Professors thinking and generating ideas, teaching and supervising students, writing the proposal and publications. Public should pay for those.

We should recruiting public to learn how to respect the academician. Developing and primitive society still cannot value the philosopher including the university's graduates. When we respect the philosopher then we will put high prices and will pay high for any services given by the academician or professors. "Budaya korek parit" as I used to say, still in the mind of some CEOs including to the CEOs of the university. Professors have to work hard for this. probably can start with their students. Artists popular and respected because of each of them have manager to manage and promote them. Professors have to do on their own and the university will get the benefit.
Friday, April 13, 2012
We have many policies related to S&T, curriculum, programmes towards creative and innovative society BUT why we still not achieve our target?

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