Wednesday January 30, 2013 MYT 5:21:00 PM By MUGUNTAN VANAR
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Worry about the extinction of species may be less if we are really concern and understand about our biodiversity (flora and fauna, species and their habitat). If lost of plants we are worried, we can imaging what will happen to insects, birds, and other vertebrates and aquatic organisms. Government and corporate sectors must give attention and action to know more about biodiversity, protect and conserve them. Malaysia is well known as top megabiodiversity in the world, we must advance in biodiversity. NO excuse
Top right: Bruguiera hainesii seedlings; bottom right: the plant's flowers.
PETALING JAYA (Jan 24): Take a good look at the plant above. Save the picture if you like, because it could be the next Dodo of the plant world.
There are just some 200 trees worldwide of this critically endangered mangrove species, known locally as 'Berus Mata Buaya' (Bruguiera hainesii). Of these, two trees are located in Vietnam and four in Singapore.
The silver lining is that Malaysia is in pole position to save this species. With an estimated 100 trees located in Pulau Indah, Port Klang and Pulau Kecil in Sepetang, Perak, Malaysia is the last bastion for this species, says the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS). More trees were discovered recently at the Pulau Kukup Johor National Park.
Yet the glass of hope is half empty.
"In Malaysia, no one is doing anything to protect it," MNS president Prof. Maketab Mohamed told
The tenuous fate of the Bruguiera hainesii is a red flag for the vanishing mangrove ecosystems worldwide. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimates that more than one in six mangrove species worldwide are in danger of extinction due to coastal development, climate change, logging and agriculture.
The Bruguiera hainesii is one of two mangrove species that were highlighted by the IUCN when it announced in 2010 the results of the first-ever global assessment on the conservation status of mangroves for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
The other mangrove species that the IUCN said needed "urgent protection" is the Sonneratia griffithii, known locally as 'Perepet Daun Lebar' – found in Merbok, near Sungai Petani, Kedah. Sonneratia griffithii is found in India and Southeast Asia, where 80% of all mangrove area has been lost over the past 60 years, the IUCN said.
It is not known if these two species contain any medicinal properties, but Maketab points out it is still an important part of biodiversity on which further research needs to be conducted.
This is why MNS is now working with the Peninsular Malaysia Forestry Department and the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia to create an inventory of the mangrove trees and gazette the area.
It is also hoping to rope in the State Forestry Departments and the state governments apart from relevant local authorities, especially in Sungai Petani.
The society will also help raise awareness about the species via FaceBook with hope it would generate interest and encourage the public to play their part in the conservation of the mangroves.
The Merbok Mangroves, Maketab said, were the richest in the world and can be marketed as an ecotourism product.
"More importantly, preserving these species will also show the world that Malaysia is serious in becoming a more environmental friendly country," he said.
According to the IUCN website, the Bruguiera hainesii has very low rates of propagation and low rates of germination.
Sonneratia griffithii is declining due to coastal development and extraction since the 1950s, primarily due to the clearing of mangroves for rice farming, shrimp aquaculture and coastal development.
Mangroves are vital to coastal communities as they protect them from damage caused by tsunami waves, erosion and storms, and serve as a nursery for fish and other species that support coastal livelihoods, the IUCN says.
In addition, they have a "staggering ability" to sequester carbon from the atmosphere, and serve as both a source and repository for nutrients and sediments for other inshore marine habitats, such as seagrass beds and coral reefs.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Only few greedy people but they affected millions. We need to learn fast on many things, laws, pollution, science, and education. One simple mistake can cause disaster for generations!
China's pollution problems are blamed on the country's rapid urbanisation and dramatic economic development. But experts have raised questions over China's will and ability to tackle car and coal use, which are seen as key causes of the phenomenon. The Beijing News went as far as to suggest banning or regulating next month's traditional and hugely popular New Year fireworks in the capital. Pollution readings spiked last year after the city's skyline lit up with explosions. The toxic air follows an extreme bout of pollution earlier this month, when state media said readings for PM 2.5, particles small enough to deeply penetrate the lungs, peaked at 993 micrograms per cubic metre, almost 40 times the World Health Organization's recommended safe limit.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
What is research for? War, safety and security, comfortable life, food, medicine,..... funder and panels should understand current and future demand of local population. Not just any dreams.
What is research for? celebrity, targets, exchange value... or knowledge?
Research culture in universities has undergone a major shift over the last twenty years or so. Many core values remain, but a newer set of dynamics has emerged around them. ‘Doing research’ and being a ‘researcher’ have become dominating markers of general academic life, altering the terms of professional self-worth and ambition.
Research culture in universities has undergone a major shift over the last twenty years or so. Many core values remain, but a newer set of dynamics has emerged around them. ‘Doing research’ and being a ‘researcher’ have become dominating markers of general academic life, altering the terms of professional self-worth and ambition.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Light exercise after a high-fat meal may protect your heart. According to a very small new study from Japan, the best way to polish off a high-fat meal is to exercise, such as by taking a walk, shortly afterward.
Light exercise, especially after meals, may prevent triglyceride levels from becoming elevated.
High triglyceride levels can put individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and other heart-related conditions. Regular exercise is a good way to keep triglycerides from becoming elevated, and the results of this study may help individuals manage their triglyceride levels more effectively by considering the timing.
When I first became a president of Academic Staff Association UPM (PPAUPM), I voiced out the issues of research proposal assessment and national interest at Ministry of Higher education (MOHE). I think some panels are not open, do not know priority and current issues. OR may be they do not know the future needs too. Sometime they reject urgent and important research proposal. The universities should proposed right panels to MOHE to assess research proposal if we really want to see future science in Malaysia. Eg my proposal on Ikan Loma atau ikan Lomah (Thynnichthys thynnoides) and Milky Storks were rejected for the first time.
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Friday, January 25, 2013
We never learn from nature, science and experience. Greedy developer, businessman, politician and demand of certain public sometimes destroy the environment and disturbing public. Engineer said we can create a new environment, safe, beautiful and comfortable to live; BUT nature said differently. If we do not understand nature or go against nature we will acutely or chronically suffer from disaster. Just listen, listen and listen from the expert or scientists. Lets scientists speak on the nature and the environment. If we do not want to listen to scientists then be a scientists
Heavy rain in Putra Heights leave vehicles submerged in soil.
HEAVY rain had washed down mud from Bukit Cermin, a cleared hill in Putra
Heights, Subang Jaya, forcing the road to be partially closed on Wednesday
night.Contractors were seen soon after, clearing the mud at the junction of Persiaran Putra Perdana and Persiaran Harmoni following the incident, allowing traffic to return to normal yesterday.
However, the incident brought back fears of the Jan 3 landslide, which occurred about half a kilometre away from this junction.
The landslide left five cars, a van and a motorcycle submerged in mud and soil. Fortunately, no one was injured.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
one day Malaysia will be an important hubs for many thing; education hub, entertainment hub, releiion & medical tourisms destination,..... need to think also what will happen to the locals especially who too satisfied with their families background & culture. Young generations must look at their future identity, culture, economic and education for their future.
Wednesday January 23, 2013 By WONG PEK MEI
Preparations in full swing for Thaipusam this Sunday & All set for grand Thaipusam celebration
Wednesday January 23, 2013, By NG SI HOOI
10,000 students expected for varsity opening in 2015, one-third of the students will be from China and the rest are from the Asean countries and another one-third of the student population would be Malaysians
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Kebebasan ahli akademik perlu bagi membangunkan kesarjanaan dalam bidang masing-masing. Semua manusia perlu faham dengan makna kebebasan akademik. Kebebasan akademik, bebas mengajar dalam bidangnya pada kumpulan sasaran yang berdaftar, menjalankan penyelidikan dan berkarya bagi memperkayakan ilmu bidang kepakarannya dan tidak menggunakan kepakarannya untuk kemusnahan harta benda, dunia dan memporakperandakan keharmonian negara. Sarjana matang, intelek dan membuat penilaian berasaskan fakta dan analisis. Pendapat sarjana dihormati.
'Ahli akademik hanya mahu Datuk, naik pangkat'
Akademik dan Hak' malam tadi oleh bekas profesor undang-undang Abdul Aziz Bari dan pensyarah Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) Maszlee Malik.
"Mereka pergi ke Amsterdam atau Geneva untuk dianugerahkan pingat emas, menginap di hotel lima bintang ... selepas itu, mereka pergi ke Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi untuk mendapatkan lanjutan (kontrak mereka) untuk menjadi naib canselor atau timbalan naib canselor. Ini yang berlaku sekarang," dakwa Abdul Aziz.
Pakar undang-undang perlembagaan itu berkata tidak ada gunanya menyalahkan kerajaan atau Umno bagi keadaan tersebut kerana ahli akademik sendiri yang didakwanya malas.
Katanya, mereka tidak mempunyai idea baru, tidak menjalankan penyelidikan, tidak mengarang apa-apa - semua kerana takut.
profesor, timbalan dekan, dekan, naib canselor atau rektor) dengan 'menarik kabel' - dan menjadi takut.
"... mereka tidak menggalakkan kebebasan akademik, tugas mereka adalah untuk memastikan universiti dikekalkan sebagai sebahagian daripada birokrasi kerajaan," tambahnya.
Pada masa yang sama, dakwanya, ahli akademik yang bercakap untuk masyarakat luar kampus dianggap sebagai orang yang tidak diingini di universiti, sepertimana yang berlaku pada dirinya.
"Kami tidak mendapat geran penyelidikan, kami tidak mempunyai ruang untuk bercakap, kami dianggap sebagai subversif, dan akhirnya ditekan untuk meninggalkan universiti," tambahnya.,
Aziz Bari berhenti daripada UIAM pada akhir tahun 2011 selepas membuat kritikan secara terbuka terhadap Sultan Selangor.
budaya naungan dan takut di universiti sekarang, begitu menjejaskan ahli akademik dan pelajar.
Beliau mendakwa, ahli akademik bergantung kepada tuan politik mereka untuk dicalonkan bagi anugerah 'Datuk' atau 'Datuk Seri', atau kenaikan pangkat, dan mereka takut menerima surat amaran.
"Mereka telah hilang keberanian mereka, identiti dan keupayaan untuk berfikir. Mengapa? (Ini kerana) hati mereka diselubungi ketakutan.
"(Pelajar) takut (Pinjaman Pengajian Tinggi Nasioanal) akan ditarik balik. Mereka takut dapat markah rendah, takut dibuang universiti, takut segala-galanya," tambahnya.
Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa: Perlukan buku-buku sains dalam Bahasa Melayu? Demi jati diti bangsa buku sains dalam Bahasa Melayu perlu ditingkatkan. Ini akan meningkatkan minat bangsa kepada sains. Sains dan Teknologi tonggak kemajuan negara.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Two years a go I talked about SCL (Students Learning Centre), until now we still discussing on how to do it or want or dont' want to do it. If we believed it just do it!
Why student-centred learning should be integrated into the curriculum:
Strengthens student motivation
Promotes peer communication
Reduces disruptive behaviour
Builds student-teacher relationships
Promotes discovery/active learning
Responsibility for one’s own learning
The student-centred learning environment has been shown to be effective in higher education.
We need to train all young lecturers now in order to have effective approach of SCL (Student centered learning) before it is too late.
Understanding and collaboration between developer, state governnment and NGOs is very important. One group pressure the gogernment cannot solve the problems. Together we can solve many problems.
WILDLIFE SANCTUARY: One of four states is involved in Federal Govt's Central Forest Spine project
SOME 19,000ha of the Lower Belum Forest along the Grik-Jeli Highway will be gazetted as a permanent forest reserve under the Federal Government's Central Forest Spine project.
Under the plan, the forest complexes will be connected through a network of
37 linkages to form a 5.3 million ha of forest complex. This area would allow
animals to roam freely from north to south of the peninsula.
The four forest complexes are Titiwangsa-Bintang-Nakawan Range; National Park to Eastern Range; Southeast Pahang Swamp Forest, Tasik Chini and Tasik Bera; and Endau Rompin National Park-Kluang Wildlife Reserve.
Read more: Perak to gazette 19,000ha forest - General - New Straits Times
The four forest complexes are Titiwangsa-Bintang-Nakawan Range; National Park to Eastern Range; Southeast Pahang Swamp Forest, Tasik Chini and Tasik Bera; and Endau Rompin National Park-Kluang Wildlife Reserve.
Read more: Perak to gazette 19,000ha forest - General - New Straits Times
Elephant dungs may attract scientists to study its importance in the forests
Thursday January 17, 2013
Zambry: 19,000ha along East-West Highway in Perak to be permanently gazetted
Once the areas are gazetted, no logging will be allowed in the area (which comprises forests on both sides of the highway). Wildlife including elephants that have been moving between the lower Belum and upper Belum forests, can roam freely along the route. Belum-Temenggor area would allow both local and internationally renowned universities and research institutions to carry out scientific research on flora and fauna at the rainforest.We need more people like this, we need to educate more people. Peoples power will change the situation. We cannot rely on the authorities because they work for salary. Only few with responsibility and integrity. NGOs must play roles in nature education for protection and conservation of wildlife
Gruesome remains: Trekkers chance upon a skull, bones and claws of possibly a panther during a Citizen Action for Tigers (CAT) Walk in the Sungai Yu Tiger Corridor near Taman Negara Sungai Relau in Pahang. By getting people to reclaim wild spaces, such as by going on treks, the initiative hopes to discourage poachers from plundering our wildlife. — SHAHRUL FAZRY ISMAIL/The Star
Monday, January 21, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Another continuous discussion on environmental conservation and nature conservation. Need more aggressive pressure on the protection and conservation of Air Hitam Forest Researve,
Still a lot of conflicts among developers, ecotourisms, politicians, local leaders, professors in nature, conservation, ecologists, recreational, tourisms, environmental education, etc...... All need to be educated and streamlines their thought. Many can give ideas but not many can implement it. Dont try until you are sure with the results. Other wise we will destroy nature foreever.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Saturday January 19, 2013, By STEPHEN THEN, ISABELLE LAI and CHOONG EN HAN
Rich deposits of crude oil and gas discovered in Sarawak’s inland areas
Why those who open the doors are not well respected in Malaysian culture. Do you see any body say thank you to some one who open the doors for somebody passing the doors? Look at the British.
I gave ideas to many and they applied it and succeeded. No body came back to me and say thank you or ask me to join them. I networking group of them but similar respon I have. I brought ministers to the agencies but they never called me to the event. I opened many doors but many just passing the doors without looking at me. May be They thought I am another bell boy.
BUT dont worry, just be patient and GOD is GREAT!
To day I got something from somebody that I never gave the ideas...something that I want in my life.
BUT dont worry, just be patient and GOD is GREAT!
To day I got something from somebody that I never gave the ideas...something that I want in my life.
UPM first varsity in country to offer nature packages to tourists
Published: Friday January 18, 2013 MYT 8:41:00 PM
Updated: Friday January 18, 2013 MYT 9:09:01 PM
UPM first varsity in country to offer nature packages to tourists
The university will also give tourists a glimpse of its vast bio-diversity, with over 100,000 specimens in its museums and 16,000 life specimens
Friday, January 18, 2013
Perak to gazette 19,000ha forest: Need total support from all Malaysian and world.
WILDLIFE SANCTUARY: One of four states is involved in Federal Govt's Central Forest Spine project
SOME 19,000ha of the Lower Belum Forest along the Grik-Jeli Highway will be gazetted as a permanent forest reserve under the Federal Government's Central Forest Spine project.Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir said the area was a productive forest located within the Belum-Temenggor complex near the Grik-Jeli Highway.
He said Perak was one of the states involved in the CFS project, which would link up four major forest complexes in Peninsular Malaysia to create one contiguous forested wildlife sanctuary.
"The move shows how serious the state government is about preserving the environment and green lung of Perak. This is a huge sacrifice because the area involved is a productive forest for timber production. This long-term investment will benefit future generations," he said here yesterday.
Zambry said some groups had been urging the state government to gazette more areas in Temenggor, adding that a study needed to be done to ensure the timber industry was not affected.
The CFS is a master plan to enable the animal and plant species in the country to continue to thrive for future generations.
The four forest complexes are Titiwangsa-Bintang-Nakawan Range; National Park to Eastern Range; Southeast Pahang Swamp Forest, Tasik Chini and Tasik Bera; and Endau Rompin National Park-Kluang Wildlife Reserve.
Earlier, Zambry witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the state government and Pulau Banding Foundation to promote sustainable development of the rainforest ecosystem of the Belum-Temenggor rainforest.
Read more: Perak to gazette 19,000ha forest - General - New Straits Times
visited New MNS-EEC at Kertih. The 87% nearly completed centre donated by Petronas cost nearly RM4mil. Need to monitor closely the finishing of the project so that it meet the objectives. This will be the largest Environmental Education Centre in Malaysia manage by MNS. Hopefully this will benefit the east coast young generation in nature education. As the the advisor of the programme and member of steering committee I have to make sure the project at world class.
Monday, January 14, 2013
New site for Nature Education Centre at Sungai Halong near Tasik Banding Grik Perak. Good place to study wildlife ecology and biodiversity. A lot of elephants, sun bear, hornbills, and other common birds. BUT easy to eat durian than lookng at the animals.
According to the story, the durian tree was planted during first MNS expedition here in 1993. The report show that more than 600 Wreathed Hornbills and more than 157 species of birds at the 3 Forest Reserves, in a survey. Presently more than 280 species of birds have been recorded at Belum, in surveys conducted during the MNS Belum Expedition 1993/94. The bird diversity at over 285 species, is also very high and is comparable to Taman Negara National Park in Pahang. 'Belum' has not been throughly studied and therefore the diversity of birds may be as high if not higher than that of Taman Negara. It is imperative that the 3 Forest Reserves be conserved due to its importance in providing the habitats for a very large number of hornbills, birds and a variety of wildlife, such as Asian Elephants. Come we focus on Belum-Temenggor conservations of habitat, wildlife and nature.
Meetings is not just arguing and condemning others but proposing new ideas, get support and plan for the implementation, commitment and ready to report the results. may be during the meeting we can do some corrections. BUT many are just listening and following the discussion or just for the attendance. any way meeting is important.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
These bicycles is for Recycle to Cycle programme in UPM to promote healthy life style on campus. Aggressive campaign will be done in February 2013. This programme was delayed because top management of UPM did not agree with the programme. If they have agreed, by now students are exited already to cycle on campus. BUT university's top management always clever eventhogh they never done this kind of thing before. OR they never think abut this before.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
Just now I was called by one of local TV stations asking me what I am doing now. They asked me because every year I highlight one or two issues on ecology, wlidlife or forest protection and coservation. I said few one of them still on Hornbils. They said sitill on hornbils? why dont venture to another subjects. I told them i need at least 10 years to convince public to support wildlife conservation. The process not just a ceremonial!
We need to work closely with the locals public and attract them to participate and suppport hornbills protection nad conservation.
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