Monday, July 23, 2012

Pomacea in Rice Field's Issues should be solved by now. Why after 20 years farmers are still fighting with Pomacea (golden apple snails). Easier way, farmers are using pesticides OR poisons. Some of them are illegal and killing non-target organisms. Government agencies should consult experts. They are still alive now!

JAMBARI, H.A., ISMAIL, A., ESA, Y.M., WONG, S.W., IBRAHIM, I. and LAT., H.L. 1993. Interception and control of golden apple snail (Pomacea spp.) in Malaysia. In 3rd Congress of Medical and Applied Malacology, Sydney, Australia.

all sizes of snails available all year around and this greedy herbivor will clear young rice plant in short period resulting a great lost to farmers

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