Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Future Collaboration beyond the JSPS “Coastal Marine Sciences” program in Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo

Professor Dr. Miyazaki, Center for International Cooperation, Research Planning Division & JSPS POME Project Leader, Professor Dr. Ahmad Ismail, Department Of Biology, UPM, Professor Dr. Mitsuo Uematsu, Research Cooperation Division, Center for International Cooperation and Group discussion for activities beyond 2010: Round table discussion and Japanese-Asian group discussion

1. After JSPS 2010 probably new approach of research collaboration between Japan and Asian Countries or Asian and Asian Countries bilateral cooperation.
2. Each country should look in to new research grants to support research. If necessary develop a new project and collaboration between bordering countries.
3. New focus; ecosystem approach, food security and pollution or environmental changes including climate changes and global warming.
4. New approach of activities; training through research (TTR) and field and laboratory technical training (TT).
5. Environmental education and sociological approaches for public awareness related to marine coastal environmental conservation and sustainability

Since UPM already established MoU with ORI, The Tokyo University, We can propose new proposal to meet new JSPS requirement.

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