There is a flawed perception that the fight against the CPM was a battle only between the Chinese-dominated movement and the Malay-majority soldiers and police. Many innocent Chinese lives were also taken by the CPM.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
As I mentioned earlier in my Blog, we were too comfort with our history. Now with new development in basic sciences and technologies, history become more interesting. Malaysis need to have more historian to analyse in many angle of events and evidence of history. We discussed a lot on the Malysian history such as Hang Tuah and his firiends, sultans, communists (CPM), immigration of Malaysian, including wildlife. About the CPM, Japanese and British time, we can have an interesting research until we we have independent and Y generation. If we are not clear by today, we will see a lot of conflict in defination of our history.
World War I and World War II continue to force many countries preparing for weapons to fight their potential enemy or continuously bully other country. What make competition for weapons technologies coontinues. Economy, political power, oil/energy, water or just for fun. Scientists usually develop scientific ideas for human life; comfortable, harmony, quality food and safe environment to live. If scientific findings are misused for human power then world are not stable. We still have time if we can think and put understanding to live in harmony in this world.
Public education and awareness on environment is very important. Complete understanding among leaders and scientists on ecology is needed. May be some country can help the world issues on climate change. Rich, employment and lifestyle are not everything. The most importanat thing is save and comfort to live and eat quality food for health and enjoy life. Because of greedy life some people are suffered and demand for equal lifestyle which not everybody need. Then we are fighting for space, unnecessary luxury life, destroy environment, polluting air and water whis are basic need for our life. Scientists must be strong sacrifice their status go down to the grass root talk about environment and climate change before too late and wasting energy, money and time for natural disaster.
It said the Earth was set for more heatwaves, floods, droughts and rising sea levels from melting ice sheets that could swamp coasts and low-lying islands as greenhouse gases built up in the atmosphere.
Leading climate scientists said on Friday they were more convinced than ever that humans are the main culprits for global warming, and predicted the impact from greenhouse gas emissions could linger for centuries.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said in a report that a hiatus in warming this century, when temperatures have risen more slowly despite growing emissions, was a natural variation that would not last.It said the Earth was set for more heatwaves, floods, droughts and rising sea levels from melting ice sheets that could swamp coasts and low-lying islands as greenhouse gases built up in the atmosphere.
Sitting alone writing papers is only part of lecturers duties. Lecturers must update their knowledge to compete with the world, discuss the strategies how to produce quality graduates which able to compete with other world class universities, fulfill world class jobs market and follow through the students progress. Universities are not just research institute and lecturers are not just a researchers. The students are future intelects and they are not just a research assistant. All lecturers must start to change their mind sets and transform their mind.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
As I mentioned earlier in my Blog, without continuous fundamental research we will never control dengue. It is complex and complicated not just integrated basic sciences but may be engineering and social sciences. Ministers not just concern about research and commercial products but activate more monitoring and basic research!
The biodiversity study done at the 400-million-year-old Gunung Kanthan in Perak will include independent experts recommended by conservation groups: We need to consult our own experts and NGOs who love oure nature and country. Why we want to follow what foreigners say and determine our industry. We can mine underground.
Wildlife researchers are counting on parasites to be the warning signals for the health conditions of endangered Bornean elephants: An example of reasearch that easily can be done by local students. Just need small budget. Why we need to depend and collaborate with foreign universities for this kind of research. Leaders problems!
Promotion for marketable research and findings is another continuing proocesses. Young scientists especially are proactive, innovative and creative to support government mission to develop science. We need good and understanding leaders to continue and support researches. Good research findings do not come overnight. Rice research in China took 50 years still continue. For future securuty we need to have our own findings. For food in particular biodiversity in important. University do not want stupid politician telling us what to do. University want clever and understanding politician to lead the country and ministry.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Now is another campaign for leadership in ruling party. We always forgot to put the right person at the right place and time. After we realised that learders are not good it is already too late. One second vote can make mistake for five years. therefore we need to think and analyse facts before vote for the right person for a specific position in party, government, NGOs and corporate sector.
We need to work seriously in order to make lecturers attend intelectual forum for academician. if the attendance like this, academician attitude will be asked by many including the students. To produce leaders not an easy task BUT to produce followers and workers is easy. To success, I proposed to audience to plan strategically their career path into three phases; 1. develop your career, 2. Strengthen the knowledge 3. Desiminate the knowledge or give back to the society. First ten years develop the expertise by having a lot of research and publication, second ten years strengthen the knowledge and expertise by having networking local and international and show leadership in the specific field. By now about 40 years of age. By 50s scientists can desiminate their knowledge to public through consultation and extension work.
Promoting environmental education and environmental awareness is a continuous processes and open to all. This KPA MNS-KPM involving all school children and teachers. NOW we have KPA youth. Students in POlytechnic and universities can join this KPA youth. Many volunteers trained in school continue their studies at higher levels can continue their volunteer activities in EE at the university levels.
Not that easy to make recycle to cucle work on campus. many like to ride a bicycle for ceremnial activities only or for exercise BUT not many for cycle on campus. May be after cycling really become a culture. A potential is there when the university provided a special bicycle lane and the business opportunity for selling bicycle.
Now many business interested people approach UPM to sell bicycle.
At the moment students cycle for ceremonial and exercise activities. At lease there is a promotion processesUniversity show a strong commitment on cycling on campus. Cycle lane promise a safety precaution for the cyclists.
Changing mind set and living style is not an easy task. We need to do it systematically and repeatedly until peole accept the idea, believe in it and practice. BUT Malaysian always look at what people say first and look and see culture. Cycle on campus is a green and healthy activities BUT Malaysian culture still cannot accept it.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Rafflesia is the biggest flower. They can be found here in Malaysia. BUT we cannot just use them to attract tourist. We must bring scientists together to study about rafflesia; taxonomy, ecology, physiology, genetic, reproduction and possibility to culture them. For many years we still cannot see important scientific findings.
Orang Asli is not like what we expected. We can change them to be like others. BUT changing time must be consistent and taking long time. Their children really want changes. They want to go to school BUT we do not plan for them. Short thinking we are cruel to them and let them living in the forest hunting wildlife which we want to conserve for future generation. Some one have to do it. Malaysian Nature Society need help and volunteers.

Orang Asli children need education but they have no opportunity. Not economical for then to travel everyday to school so they stay at home playing with dogs. They want to learn but no teacher. We give them books they do not know to read and write, they have no place to keep. A lot we need to do. Many ideas but no taker
UPM must continue this activity not just putting sign board. May be high authority in UPm do not know this or will pretend to know after they were informed. BUT we will see any actions.
Orang Asli know their future BUT not quite right for now and beyond 2020. We need to help them without changing their basic culture.
They look calm BUT inside a lot of feelings
They know their direction and what they want BUT they need to be guided. They know many are not developing them BUT ruining their life.
They are happy and accept what will happen to them in the future when rapid development in their area (logging, recreation, business bully)
As I said many times, education is not a ceremonial activities and it is not a business but more services. Education is a continuous actions and at all levels. In environmental education we need to have a continuous activities and repeating until all understand our mission and volunteerily will support and apply our knowledge. MNS continue its environmental or nature education to teachers and students. We are supported by many agencies such as Telekom Malaysia, Coca-cola and Petronas.
TM-MNS Earth Camp northern region at Kuala Selangor Nature Park
TM-MNS Earth Camp at Tasik Banding, Perak.
TM-MNS Earth Camp Kundasang Sabah
Effective leadership in NGOs is very important. Stable NGOs usually headed by good team of leaders. President, Deputy/Vice Presidents, Past Presidents, Council Members, Advisory Committee, Board of Trustees and Seniour and Active Membersof the Association must be strong, stable and really contributing to the society.
scientists always require to give opinion I the process of changing people mindset especially in the developing countries whre the people are struggling for economic enhancement. They are very confident with their ideas when they can move one step infront or sustain their status. But for sustainability and contunuasly progress they need scientists. Unfortunately they only need scientist advice when they are in difficulty and panic. We need to change our mind set towards fundamental sciences.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Some time you cannot be what you want, Not every body can be an army, a doctor and astronaut. BUT you can create another jobs close to it. Eg somebody not fit to work in the field (river, forest, mountain, etc) cannot be an ecologist. May be the can be a modelling statistician, working closely to the ecologist.....many more jobs and fields can be created and adapted. That why we say democratisation of education to create and adapt to many challenging jobs in the future.
We must think before we do. Even World Environment Day this year ask people to think before we eat. What to eat, why we eat and can we eat? and can we finish it? Do not misuse scientific findings. Like chemical weapons, sometime we invent it to kill our enemy BUT finally we kill our own soldiers. Some time we fail to think far.
Chemical weapon disposal will take a year, cost $1 billion - Assad
"As I said, it needs a lot of money. It needs about 1 billion. It is very detrimental to the environment. If the American administration is ready to pay this money and take the responsibility of bringing toxic materials to the United States, why don't they do it?"
Chemical weapon disposal will take a year, cost $1 billion - Assad
"As I said, it needs a lot of money. It needs about 1 billion. It is very detrimental to the environment. If the American administration is ready to pay this money and take the responsibility of bringing toxic materials to the United States, why don't they do it?"
Traffic jam near schools and road safety near schools. Who cares?!!!. this issues is continuous. Teachers, parents and the authority only care and respons after incidence. Traffic jam phenomenon near schools are common and became daily activities. Why we do not walk to schools schools. we ca stop 1000m from school and walk. we provide walking path and safe environment for our children. If we fail to dicipline our socuity at school we cannot change our attitude towards first class thinking society.
When more seniour and higher ranking in the organisation, you have more ideas and things to do, more commited and more responsibility. Your time is limited. Therefore your effective delivery to make your vision achieve is very important. Look easy but dealing with human being especially with the professsionals, strategy must be right and effective.
Among the important ways to make message delivery more effective:
1. What You Say: Showing up is the half the battle. What you say has to have resonance. Have you framed the message right so that it shows what’s it in it for them? Have you provided a clear sense of what lies ahead organizationally?
2. How You Say It: There are many ways. Stand behind podium and showing large screen OR direct contact with the target with some effective demonstration and explaination. More effective sales! It’s all in the delivery.
3. Who Is Saying It: One person may not be able to convince a big crowd. Leaders team must show united and directed then the members will show and confidence. The staff wanted to hear from the rest of the leadership team.
4. Where You Communicate: People are busy and always have new task to do within allocated time. Many do not like meetings BUT we need it for regular reminding, refresh, monitoring and evaluation of achievement and hear from leaders on consistent basis.
1. What You Say: Showing up is the half the battle. What you say has to have resonance. Have you framed the message right so that it shows what’s it in it for them? Have you provided a clear sense of what lies ahead organizationally?
2. How You Say It: There are many ways. Stand behind podium and showing large screen OR direct contact with the target with some effective demonstration and explaination. More effective sales! It’s all in the delivery.
3. Who Is Saying It: One person may not be able to convince a big crowd. Leaders team must show united and directed then the members will show and confidence. The staff wanted to hear from the rest of the leadership team.
4. Where You Communicate: People are busy and always have new task to do within allocated time. Many do not like meetings BUT we need it for regular reminding, refresh, monitoring and evaluation of achievement and hear from leaders on consistent basis.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
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