Wednesday, March 26, 2014

As I mentioned many times earlier, tradition, culture, practice and believe will make the society success. Why Japanese are in front in term of academic quality, technology and economy? All about culture and tradition. Look at their food, how they eat, time when they eat, systems that they developed all based on their culture and practical for their life style. If we want to develop we need to understand our culture first and develop the systems based on our culture and daily life style. If we copy the system from others in to our culture there will create another conflict. In Malaysia, Malays for examples like to follow others without sacrificing their culture and tradition. May be malays need to study their culture, tradition and life style and adapt and adopt others systems. In term of technology for examples we need to move together our culture, tradition, life style and power of thinking. We do not want third class thinking in first class technology. Avoid those conflict!!!

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