Outdoor activities is a must for certain subjects such as biodiversity and ecology. Field biology is very challenging and interesting. Unfortunately this field now is not very popular among the young scientists. May be Malaysia can be a center for field biology in this region and probably can collaborate with advanced field biology scientists from USA, Japan and European. These countries are leading in field biology in the world. May be Malaysia can support Prof Ahmad Ismail in his international collaboration research on Java Medaka as testing organisms for coastal pollution, bio-logging in Milky Storks, False Gharial & crocodiles, Biodiversity of forest floor and canopy of tropical forest and few other topics. International scientists are fron Japan, USA, England, Scotland, Thailand, Iran, Indonesia and Singapore.
1 comment:
assalamualaikum prof=)
as your student, i am totally agree with you. having a field work and out of lecture hall is the most effective way to study. i hope that all of biology subject even every science subject will have a more field work. thank you for open our mind to think out of the box~~
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