Saturday, March 31, 2012
At Ulu Geroh in Perak, the male Rajah Brooke's Birdwing are found in greater numbers in the relatively untouched hill forests. Female are rarely seen.

Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Another publicity for Public Support on Hornbill Conservation at Parit 13, Sungai Panjang, Sabak Bernam.

Hornbills in our northern part of Selangor? Yes you heard it right. These outstanding birds that originate from the Sg Karang forest reserve have now made their nesting grounds inside selected clay urns placed outside by villagers in one of the villages there. StariPad bore witness to some of these wonderful scenes while there.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
In any developed country experts/professors are always referred so that the country can plan, implement and managing things accurately
When Malaysia will follow this culture. Should we have consistent activities promoting ideas, experts in all fields, involving public as I have said many time promoting scientists as we are promoting artists. How many programmes and channels on TV promoting scientists compared to promoting artists. Should we have a special channels for scientists? Promoting scientists always hide behind artists or commentators. take for example of raptor watch in Tanjung Tuan. Scientists, birders and even politician are camouflage by Maya Karim!.....ha ha ha.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Budaya kroni dan sanak saudara dalam korporat. Apakah ini Akan menjamin kejayaan negara?
Kalau kita faham ilmu ekologi dan genetik populasi, mungkin kita tidak dapat menerima konsep kroni dan sanak saudara menopoli jawatan, latihan, pengajian, kerja sambilan, perniagaan dan lain-lain dalam sesebuah organisasi. Kalau ini berterusan syarikat ini akan menuju keruntuhan. Dalam hutan semulajadi kita banyak belajar dan melihat tentang kestabilan hutan, proses pendebungaan untuk menghasilkan pokok generasi hadapan yang mantap memerlukan angin, serangga, mammalia, dan manusia juga. Ini adalah bagi menjamin kualiti pokok hutan juga mampu menghadapi masa hadapan. Begitu juga kita pernah mendengar kawin campor dikalangan manusia untuk mendapatkan generasi yang baik, tidak mengamalkan kawin antara keluarga terdekat, dan raja-raja juga tidak berkahwin antara mereka sahaja bagi memastikan generasi raja yang murni. kalau kita lihat dalam sekolah berasrama, Jabatan kerajaan, badan korporat kerajaan banyak mengamalkan kronisma, sanak saudara dan siapa anda. Lama-lama budaya ini Akan melumpuhkan negara dan lemah rakyatnya. Kalau negara maju memburu bakat kita memburu sakat, nampaknya Malaysia masih berangan untuk maju. Buangkan budaya kronisma, hearsay, ceremonial & popularity kalau untuk maju. Meritokrasi mesti diwarisi.
A carbon footprint helps us check the impact on the environment. It measures the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by different activities.

A carbon footprint helps us check the impact we are having on the environment. It measures the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by different activities such as sourcing and producing packaging materials; growing, processing and transporting ingredients; manufacturing, distributing and chilling the product; and recycling the empty package."Coca‑Cola was one of the first companies to sign up for carbon footprinting with the Carbon Trust. As part of its ongoing commitment to reducing its carbon impact, it has made an important contribution to our work to create the product carbon footprinting standard."

Saturday, March 24, 2012
If we want to develop fast we need dedicated, clever and honest leader. We cannot have a insincere, opportunist and big bully leaders
In the university, the professors must have a say, contributing to the development of the university in term of ideas, make sure activities, planning and development in line with academic. If university want to be an international hub for higher education, professors must ready for it. Develop an individual quality, research strength, international recognition and active.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Students in the university cannot be treated like school children. The implementation of the curriculum need to be revised.
The implementation need to be revised. Students need to be exposed to their field of studies through more practicals, community involvement and short attachment before they graduate. More funding and creativity of curriculum implementor needed. Professors teaching the courses can do it. Professors in education must alert on the future needs of profession and society in advising how teaching in the university should be done. Academic freedom must be practiced in the university and this involve the students and the lecturers. Less ceremonials but more actions.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Unfortunately we are not able to assess and coordinate our people. WHY must we ask the consultant to organise and assess our experts. Develop in 2020?

easy to implement government project. First identify the objectives, then identify the experts and ask them to do the work, monitor their progress to achieve the objectives in specific period. Not asking the consultant to ask the experts how to do things and give project to the wrong people. May be wrong leaders heading the department, not capable to organise the experts or no ideas. Probably meeting and directive are just reading the consultants words. When we can be developed and independent country if we are still depending on foreigners to tell us what to do.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Many Malaysian still cannot appreciate professors in the university. Professors have ideas, thinking and analytical power, implementation etc.
many want professors together digging canal with public. This is what I said "korek parit" culture. we are not politician. I have one example recently. I put ideas for local authority to enhance public income by introducing ideas and technology. Unfortunately some miscommunication occured. The local authority, public and government officers are waiting for me to go down, organise and do it for them. They said professors not just giving ideas "air lior" and talking but must go down and do it until finished. Imaging I have to find million of ringgit and do it for them whereas they have power, money allocation and networking. Compared to one private company adopted the ideas and do it and now they are very successful. In fact they visited the project site. This is typical mentality of Malay government officers, very protective, supported and living in comfort zone. They are waiting for politician to instruct them what to do, not proactive, not responsible and open to corruption and misconduct. a lot of ceremonial only. Current trend of government performance based approach, mindset and attitude of government officers must be changed.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Living in harmony, economic growth, internationalisation and comfortable life depending on the political stability. Young man must clear about this.
Nature Conservation is belong to every body. All must be together to support nature conservation from school children, celebrities, young and old
Another Coca cola project with UPM coming soon in conjunction with earth day, at UPM 26-31 March 2012. Earth day not just switch off light!
We need alumni for our university in many ways: academic enhancement, donation for fund, volunteer, networking, leadership, etc.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Prime Minister's Wife very active in NGO involving Children and get recognition globally. May be she will contribute more to MNS in the near future!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Today another witness of NGO and Corporate sector committed in environmental education programme to promote knowledge and awareness among youngsters

MOU between TM and MNS to run environmental education programme for 500 "Kelab Pencinta Alam (KPA)" in schools. Five activities were conducted in five locations each year for the last three years in Semenanjung, Sabah and Sarawak. What make corporate sector trust and believe in the programme, probably because the NGO institution and activities or programme advised and headed by professors.
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