Monday, January 13, 2014

Malaysia produced 415 kilotonnes of electrical and electronic equipment in 2012, and generated e-waste amounting to 289.32 kilotonnes or 9.96kg per inhabitant. Do we realised this. Scientists said this, professors told their thousands of students every year. What happened next. What actions taken when electronic goods damaged after flood in east coast? Those electronic then turned in to e-waste and poison living organisms including human being.

E-waste crisis: A new e-waste map shows the global toll of electronics.
By 2017, all of the year’s end-of-life refrigerators, TVs, mobile phones, computers, monitors, e-toys and other products with a battery or electrical cord worldwide could fill a line of 40-tonne trucks end-to-end on a highway straddling three quarters of the Equator. And the flood of e-waste is growing. Based on current trends, StEP experts predict that by 2017, the total annual volume will be 33% higher at 65.4 million tonnes, the weight equivalent of almost 200 Empire State Buildings or 11 Great Pyramids of Giza.

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