Tangga Gaji Pensyarah Universiti DG52 (RM6439.44 = 10 Tahun) VS Gaji Guru Sekolah DG52 (RM6322.59 = 8 Tahun)! Tidak Adil?
Cheap Professors: Teaching, supervising many postgraduate students (local and international), research grants, active in research at local and international levels, as invited speakers or key notes speakers, contribution in term of ideas and actions at the department, faculty and university levels, many committees in the university at department levels up to senate levels. inaugural lecture really show the real research activities in his/her career, international, regional and local networking clear and benefit the university and country, friendly, leading the faculty members, organise many activities for staff, students and extension works, leading research group and students to publish in high impact journal, many activities for the community to disseminate his/her expertise, and many more.
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