Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Night heron only produce 2 to 3 eggs and 2 or three will hatch BUT their survival rates no body know depending to many environmental factors including human being.

Every year we are assessing our self or our company or our institution achievement. During the assessment and reporting our achievement we usually celebrate by giving awards and some entertaiment similar to our encestors celebrating their hardwork after harvesting season. They are many ways to assess our achievement. How many letters we typed, how many envelops were posted, how many meeting reports we write, how may papers we published, how many lectures and seminars were presented, how many students we produced, how much money we bring to the company. how many people we satisfied, etc..... But how to tell people about our achievement. We need to quantify them according to where we are, our position, responsibility, duties, etc. May be this items may help us;
1.What Are Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
2.Key Performance Indicators Reflect The Organizational Goals
3.Key Performance Indicators Must Be Quantifiable
4.Key Performance Indicators Must be Key To Organizational Success
5.What Do I Do With Key Performance Indicators?
6.How Do We Manage Our Key Performance Indicators?

A lot more we need to do before we adopt any KPI systems and effectively measure our achievement.

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