Saturday, April 30, 2011
More Big Companies Commitment in Enviromental Education Needed
May be companies like Puncak Niaga can support education on water body, eMKLand can support education on forest biodiversity and ecology and Sime Darby on protected mangrove ecosystem. At least by this commitment, biodiversity and ecology education (bee) can be promoted among young generation.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Siapa sebenarnya Melambatkan @ Menghalang Kecemerlangan Akademik?
Sistem dan perlaksanaan untuk kecemerlangan akademik bukan suatu upacara. Upacara hanyalah satu cara pengiktirafan dan perlaksanaan menjayakan sistem untuk mencapai matlamat yang dirancangkan dalam plan strategik.
Di universiti misalnya:
1. menarik minat pelajar untuk datang ke universiti berkenaan (Imej, Infrastruktur dan kemudahan yang sempurna dan berfungsi, program akademik dan perlaksanaan yang menarik, tenaga pengajar berpengetahuan, berkemahiran dan terkenal dalam bidangnya, sistem yang effektif, graduan yang boleh mendapat pekerjaan dan dikehendaki dalam pasaran kerja). mungkin upacara terlibat dalam mempromosi, memasarkan dan menunjukkan kekuatan universiti itu perlu dilaksanakan melalui upacara tertentu.
2. Sistem pengurusan di universiti mesti lengkap, mantap, cekap dan sempurna dari segi sistem dan kakitangannya. Elakkan daripada pegawai yang tidak berpengetahuan tentang sistem yang ada, sistem yang 'adhoc', dan tidak faham matlamat dan strategi universiti. Pentadbiran dan pengurusan mesti berjiwa akademik serta bersifat memudahkan pensyarah dan pelajar yang merupakan tonggak universiti.
3. Universiti mesti mempunyai ketua yang berwibawa dan sentiasa meletakkan pegawai akademik dan pelajar diatas yang sentiasa diutamanakan.
4. Kegagalan sistem, perlaksanaan dan pengurusan universiti menyebabkan kualiti akademik tidak terjaga dan plan strategik kearah kecemerlangan universiti tidak akan tercapai.
5. Kalau pelajar dan pensyarah merupakan tonggak kecemerlangan akademik dan pentadbiran memudahcarakan perjalanannnya maka isu menghalang kecemerlangan tidak timbul. Mungkin pentadbiran memperkenalkan pelbagai sistem dan kaedah untuk kecemerlangan tetapi sistem yang melencong pelajar dan pensyarah daripada teras maka ini akan mengganggu pencapaian kecemerlangan yang diidamkan.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Approach of Thinking and Action
There are differences of thinking, actions and approaches between those who are trained in different background and fields. That is how teaching all about. Teaching changing in knowledge, style of thinking and actions. perhaps many be the behaviour of the individuals. If we look the different of thinking, actions and styles of making decision between leaders trained as a medical doctors, engineering, mathematics, science and ecologist. Medical doctors diagnose based on the history and symptoms, prescription, maintenance; engineers plan, design, building (including destroy) and maintenance, mathematician very calculative and look at every angle and dimension whilst the ecologist look for functioning and equilibrium, all action will consider all elements and factors biotic and abiotic involving all feeling, aesthetic values, structures, space, quality of life and needs. Choose which are the perfect leaders. Human must look at their functions and objectives of living in diversity of life in this world.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
GTP & ETP Kerajaan perlu selari
Kerajaan kearah rakyat berpendapatan tinggi. Bagi penjawat awam ramai yang menngharapkan peningkatan gaji dan lanjutan unjuran kenaikan gaji. Perkhidmatan penjawat awan yang seniour perlu diberikan perhatian terutamanya yang berkemahiran tinggi, berpengetahuan dan mempunyai kepakaran tinggi. Pentadbiran kerajaan dari segi perancangan dan perlaksanaan perlu seiring bagi mengelakkan perkara 'adhoc' berlaku. ketua yang berwawasan dan cerdik diperlukan.
Prioritisation of local research and innovation in Higher Education
This is good move towards Developed Malaysia in 2020. Government should do it long time ago when the seniour government in their dream giving ideas to their ministers and don't listen to some proactive, looking forwards and productive professors. MyPhD programme could help the dream. 10 years a go I proposed to to produce 1000 PhD in 5 years, no body listened. Then 60,000 PhDs in 2015, another dream was introduced. Now simplify to MyPhDs programme. and again very superficial. In my opinion, put the right person to think and run the policy. Jokers and actors just bring people attention not apply the people intention.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Universiti Bertaraf Dunia: Pentadbiran dan akademik mesti seiring
Mungkin kita kurang faham bagaimana universiti bertaraf dunia bekerja dan menjaga kualiti dan kedudukan mereka. Sistem dan amalan mereka bukanlah suatu khayalan yang sementara tetapi adalah satu kenyataan yang berkekalan. Bagaimana mereka melihat dan menjaga ahli akademik mereka berbanding dengan kita yang penuh birokrasi, imaginasi dan konflik. Bagaimana mereka menjaga tradisi kecemerlangan dan keagungan. Mungkin kita perlu ketua yang tenang dan melihat jauh seperti ketua yang mahu menang peperangan dan menawan empayar dan bukan ketua yang bersukaneka main aci dengan anak-anak. Bagaimana struktur, sistem dan sokongan dibina dan berjalan penting bagi memastikan tonggak kecemerlangan universiti iaitu akademik (profesor dan pelajar)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Earth Day and Conservation: How to support young generation
May be through English Classes. If all students discuss about green, nature, environment and conservation in their English class as part of their curriculum may be the idea of environment, nature and conservation can be taught to young generations. Just choose Any paragraph and topic related to world and national issues on environment and discuss according to their syllabus. every month worlds celebrates environmental issues.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Endangered Places in he World
Kenapa diadakan Sukan Tahunan Sekolah?
Menjadikan murid sihat, bertenaga dan ceria
Membawa masyarakat sekolah bersama-sama, bekerjasama dan bersatupadu
Membina semangat murid berani, yakindiri dan mempunyai daya saing
Melatih murid lebih fokus, merancang, bersedia, berdisiplin dan mengikut peraturan
Sekolah sebagai pembekal kepada segala bentuk sumber manusia masahadapan termasuk ahli sukan negara
Sukan Untuk Negara
Friday, April 22, 2011
Inaugural Lecture on the earth day
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Whay are Scientists Trustworthy?
Scientific method refers to a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.
The Oxford English Dictionary says that scientific method is: "a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses."
Although procedures vary from one field of inquiry to another, identifiable features distinguish scientific inquiry from other methods of obtaining knowledge. Scientific researchers propose hypotheses as explanations of phenomena, and design experimental studies to test these hypotheses. These steps must be repeatable, to predict future results. Theories that encompass wider domains of inquiry may bind many independently derived hypotheses together in a coherent, supportive structure. Theories, in turn, may help form new hypotheses or place groups of hypotheses into context.
Scientific inquiry is generally intended to be as objective as possible, to reduce biased interpretations of results. Another basic expectation is to document, archive and share all data and methodology so they are available for careful scrutiny by other scientists, giving them the opportunity to verify results by attempting to reproduce them. This practice, called full disclosure, also allows statistical measures of the reliability of these data to be established.
So, before making any decision or policy, scientists need to be refered to.
The Oxford English Dictionary says that scientific method is: "a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses."
Although procedures vary from one field of inquiry to another, identifiable features distinguish scientific inquiry from other methods of obtaining knowledge. Scientific researchers propose hypotheses as explanations of phenomena, and design experimental studies to test these hypotheses. These steps must be repeatable, to predict future results. Theories that encompass wider domains of inquiry may bind many independently derived hypotheses together in a coherent, supportive structure. Theories, in turn, may help form new hypotheses or place groups of hypotheses into context.
Scientific inquiry is generally intended to be as objective as possible, to reduce biased interpretations of results. Another basic expectation is to document, archive and share all data and methodology so they are available for careful scrutiny by other scientists, giving them the opportunity to verify results by attempting to reproduce them. This practice, called full disclosure, also allows statistical measures of the reliability of these data to be established.
So, before making any decision or policy, scientists need to be refered to.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Continuous Campaign and Actions
Ideas alone is not enough
We need planning and actions
Anything involve public, we need to have a continuous campaign
Look at the examples of 1Malaysia, MSC (multimedia SuperCoridor), Anti Dadah,anti jenayah,.....etc.
We can assess those successful projects are all involve alot of publicity, campaign and recognition
Quality alone sometimes is not enough, we need aggressive publicity and marketing
More effort, energy, time, money and consistency are needed
In nature too we need similar approach for better conservation strategy
Since we need a lot of ideas, energy, time, money and consistency, Therefore the effort must be appreciated and recognised
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Pemantapan Pengajaran Sains seawal sekolah Rendah
Mungkin University dapat membantu pihak sekolah melalui program pengembangan dan khidmat masyarakat. Apakah faktor utama pelajar kurang berminat dalam bidang sains atau pencapaian murid dalam matapelajaran sains tidak begitu baik. Mungkin kaedah dan bahan pengajaran kurang menarik untuk menarik minat murid. Atau guru tidak tahu mengajar, tidak berminat atau kepimpinan dalam institusi tidak menggalakkan. Sesuatu perlu dilakukan bagi menjayakan Dasar Sains dan Teknologi Negara.
Another Nature Education for Teachers in Air Hitam Forest
Why Air Hitam Forest Reserve is Important?
1. The only green area left in Klang Valley
2. Manage by Universiti Putra Malaysia with physical facilities and expertise
3. Many interested parties like to develop the forest into more commercial activities and structures
4. Training place for children and teachers from nearby schools.
5. Research in forestry and tropical ecology.
Every month one school near Air Hitam Forest Reserve will organise activities understanding nature and forest ecology guided by Professor from UPM. This activity can be part of their LADAP (Latihan dalam Perkhidmatan).
Air Hitam Forest Reserve can be an outdoor laboratory for schools for teaching biodiversity and ecology. Beside that a team building activities also can be done in Air Hitam Forest Reserve.
1. The only green area left in Klang Valley
2. Manage by Universiti Putra Malaysia with physical facilities and expertise
3. Many interested parties like to develop the forest into more commercial activities and structures
4. Training place for children and teachers from nearby schools.
5. Research in forestry and tropical ecology.
Every month one school near Air Hitam Forest Reserve will organise activities understanding nature and forest ecology guided by Professor from UPM. This activity can be part of their LADAP (Latihan dalam Perkhidmatan).
Air Hitam Forest Reserve can be an outdoor laboratory for schools for teaching biodiversity and ecology. Beside that a team building activities also can be done in Air Hitam Forest Reserve.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Segala Kegelisahan academik dapat di kongsi dan diselesaikan bersama menerusi bicawara sains
(Gambar Wargasains@upm)Dalam usaha memacu kecemerlangan kita harus memberikan maklum balas segera terhadap segala kegelisahan untuk tindakan dan penambahbaikan segera. Maklumat mesti telus dan jelas untuk dikut. Bukan menambah masalah dan beban kerja. Ingat! sistem kita buat bukan turun dari langit. Jadi dengan kepakaran akademik yang kita ada permudahcarakan segalanya.
"After tired sampling then eat durian for the first time" said Dr Arai from Japan.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Why Celerities are Popular and listened to?
Because they are reading scripts and follow the what directors say and managed by managers. If you want to be popular you must work with good directors, script writers and good managers. Just Listen, Follow and Action! You will learn fast and act effectively and efficiently! BUT CAN ACADEMICIAN DO THAT?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Dilemma of Trust
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Dillema of Working too hard
Many institutions aim very high and expecting something from their workers. If you work hard for high productivity, then you are facing many health problems. If you have health problems you cannot work and productivity low. But many employers are opportunist and the employee too some are opportunist. Have more break! come and go on time but in between rest, exercise and taking care of your health.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
conservation, understanding, commitment and Public Support
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
How Far International Students understand Malaysian Culture in IPTA and surrounding area that they can bring back to their country?.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Who is your trendsetter or role model
Monday, April 4, 2011
Teachers & Students; Supervisors & Students: Respect and Values
How many students remember their teachers who taught them A B C.
How many students values the supervision by the supervisors, ideas, introduce to new techniques/technologies, guidance and shaping your future.
How many students respect and values their teachers especially when they are competing for survival?
Is the systems allow or encourage this? Or just new generation BUT who taught them to be like that? some seniours?
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Transformation of society through University Town-one way of civilisation
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