Saturday, May 5, 2012

New trend of university education: when higher education become business competition, teaching based on how much students pay, students demand for notes and reading materials, exam oriented, ..... What kind of quality is expected (teaching&students).

1. Lecturers have no more freedom on what to teach, to whom they like to teach, when and where they want to teach. All students, places, and time are provided and allocated for them. Lecturers just go and deliver  their notes, slides, lectures, etc.
2. Lecturers must have to submit their lesson plan, notes, slides, test questions, test on time, marks key in on time, questions according on time, answer scheme, students with high grades and graduate on time.
3. Why? may be because university want to attract more students, get more money and recognition, produce more graduates, easy way to earn money, recognition and publicity.
4. How people grading the university? ISO, SOP, Procedures, measurable and quantifiable parameters, attractive, productive in term of numbers and popularity.
5. Probably we are now producing just products rather than intellectual graduates. Professors need more freedom in order to produce quality and functional graduates. Public, industry, government sectors probably can assess.

1 comment:

A Concerned Academician said...

Well said, Prof AI! Sadly you are the only one whom I think dare to voice this out! This is true and we must speak up lest we do a great disservice to the students!