Saturday, July 28, 2012

Some guide of fasting in Ramadhan

From MSN Special: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 03:37:39 GMT

Fasting & Fabulous

Ramadhan requires an adjustment of lifestyle habits. Here’s how some well-placed changes can help to improve your Ramadhan
Ramadhan is a special month of the year for over one billion Muslims throughout the world. As one of the five pillars or religious obligations of Islam, fasting has many special benefits for the mind and body, as well as the spirit. Ramadhan is an opportunity for Muslims to be even closer to Allah, because ‘Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good (An-Nahl, 16:128)’.
Fasting teaches us self-control and self-discipline as we are forbidden to eat and drink between dawn and dusk, and from acting on our wicked thoughts and desires. All this serves to remind us — train us — to be better people from this point onwards. With the reward being eternity in paradise, it is no wonder that Muslims place Ramadhan close to their hearts, year in, year out.

O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous Al-Baqarah (2:183)

Abstinence from food, drink and committing sinful acts is only part of Ramadhan. Along with these purposeful actions come God-consciousness (taqwa), gratefulness for what we have and repentance for our past sins.
Marked by pre-dawn meals, late-night prayers and vigils at the mosque, many of us consider the holy month to be a prime time for self-improvement. We want to be fit and healthy and to better manage our schedules and commitments so as to be able to fulfil as many of our spiritual duties as possible, without compromising on our other day-to-day obligations. Here’s how you can start:

Pre-Ramadhan Preparation

Effective time management and a positive mindset can be excellent ways to enjoy a more meaningful Ramadhan. There are some changes that may take time for your body to adapt to, so try to adopt good Ramadhan habits a few days or a couple of weeks before its arrival:
  • Reduce your commitments
  • Stock up on food, bearing in mind that the food you eat during Ramadhan may be different from what you normally eat
  • Make sure you have breakfast and begin to eat less during the day
  • Detoxify your body by reducing your intake of foods that may cause discomfort during Ramadhan, such as tea, coffee or sweets. This will also help to prevent headaches or discomfort (withdrawal symptoms)
  • Train yourself to sleep and wake up early by reducing activities you would normally do at night, such as watching television, surfing the Internet or playing iPhone games
  • Do some light stretching or exercise two hours after dinner
  • Write down the aspects of your life to which you would most like to make a difference, change or achievement. It can even be about an area in your life that you wish to heal
During Ramadhan

Here are a few suggestions to help boost your morale when you are overwhelmed:
  • Always strive to be in a positive, forgiving and appreciative mood
  • Carry out all five obligatory prayers, on time
  • Arrange to break fast (iftar) with fellow Muslims at mosque at least once a week
  • Invite non-Muslim friends and neighbours to join your iftar
  • Pool together your efforts and resources to feed the less fortunate or donate to worthy causes
  • Encourage others to fulfil Tarawih prayers together at the mosque. Encourage young people to become involved, too
  • Try to complete reading the Qur’an with sincerity at least once
  • Attend Islamic talks with fellow Muslims or non-Muslims
  • Make a special effort to reach out to estranged family or friends and mend damaged relationships
  • Spend your nights in contemplation and prayer to Allah
  • Try not to hurt anyone; control your anger in all situations
  • Spend more time with your family, especially for iftar
  • Give away books on Islam to those who you think need or want them
  • Find some like-minded individuals and support one another by sharing your goals
Five Pillars of Islam

  • The proclaiming of faith with the shahadah
  • The five daily prayers 
  • Fasting during Ramadhan 
  • Giving alms to the poor 
  • Hajj pilgrimage
    Ramadhan is an opportunity to break away from physical distractions so that you may shift your focus to your spiritual growth. Early preparations set the stage for Ramadhan to work best for you. Most importantly, relax and enjoy this Ramadhan – open up your heart to receive the blessings of Allah.

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