Monday, January 27, 2014

Malaysian need long and winding ways to live together in harmony. May be one day people will reject all politician and religious teachers because they cannot make people living together in harmony and peace. Knowledge on culture and religion are important tools in order to make people living in harmony and respect each others. Perhaps the scientists can lead the society instead of politician and religious teachers. Sometime not everybody can exercise their right in public or openly. Some right we do privitely and some right we do openly together. Brain cannot be between our legs but must be in our skull on the top. That is brains right.

Much ado about swine
27 January 2014
Democracy is not practice of majority rights taking precedence over minority rights. In a democracy and even more so in a nation with a constitution, minority rights are guaranteed and must be upheld. Not to be trampled on at the pleasure of the majority

Learning from the Prophet 13 January 2014
IN the year 628 AD, the Quraisy of Mecca and the state of Medina entered into the pivotal Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. The relationship between the two was hostile, to say the least, and the treaty was to establish peace between them.

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