Sunday, July 27, 2014

What We Need for Future Education: 1. Multi-discipline and integrated curriculum 2. Balance in traditional and new technology approach of teaching methodology 3. Healthy and dynamic student: need close collaboration between university and high school, grooming and hunting for good students 4. Invest in technology for teaching and servicing systems and capacity building in management and academic systems. 5. Building a new funding systems/models. ARE WE THINKING AND REALLY MOVING FOR HIGHER EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION OR WE ARE JUST AT THE LEARNING STAGES!

What We Need for Future Education:
1. Multi-discipline and integrated curriculum
2. Balance in traditional and new technology approach of teaching methodology
3. Healthy and dynamic student: need close collaboration between university and  high school, grooming and hunting for good students, HOTS 
4. Invest in technology for teaching and servicing systems and capacity building in management and academic systems.
5. Building a new funding systems/models

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