Friday, November 27, 2009

Dean Faculty of Science Serious about the Future of Marine Science Station in Port Dickson

The Station need to establish its;
1. Structure of organisation and competent staff
2. Enough fascilities for education, research and extension activities
3. Detail content and planning for teaching, research and extension activities
4. Special budget to promote its existence and function

Some parts of the existing building need to be repaired, shortage of water supply need to overcome immediately, station's border need to be fenced, accommodation for short stay students or course participants, and many others need to look after.

Huge newly completed areas for aquaculture activities need to be activated soon. Main existing research related to algae, medaka fishes, marine commercial fishes and prawns, seaweeds-corals-seagrass, coastal ecotourism need to increase their activities for better impact and products.

Universiti Putra Malaysia (may be through their research fund) should allocate some budget to support the Dean of Faculty Science intention to activate research in Marine Science Station Port Dickson and to make the station fully functional. The station's location at the central of the Straits of Malacca and tourism spot make this station need an urgent attention. As the Straits of Malacca is the busiest shipping lane in the world supporting more than 70,000 ships and super tankers every year, many coastal population depending on it and ecologically important, therefore more scientific research are needed. Port Dickson Marine Science Station can be an International Institute of Straits of Malacca Studies. Past series of seminars and conferences related to the Straits of Malacca show that UPM is leading all the time in research on the straits. The station more than deserve to be developed and activate to the international standard. Further more in November 2011 an International Symposium on Oryzias fishes will be held here in Port Dickson. This international recognition through Prof Dr, Ahmad Ismail, should be responded positively by UPM and Malaysia in general.

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