Thursday, June 16, 2011

Post Graduates Students and Postdoctoral to Promote Publication and Materialise Professors Ideas

Step 1: Relax Your Mind (15 Minutes)
Step 2: Develop a Great Paper Statement (45 minutes)
Step 3: Write a Killer Introduction (15 minutes)
Step 4: Defend Your Title in a Brainstorming Session (30 minutes)
Step 5: Start Your Research to Defend Your Title(2 hours)
Step 6: Time to Write-usually your professor give a guide or clue; value and respect that(4 to 5 hours)
Step 7: Think of Critics Would Say About Your Paper (1 hour)
Step 8: Summarize Your Paper At the End (30 minutes)
Step 9: Cut the Fat (1 hour)

Make sure to leave your professor with something to think about at the end of your paper.

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