Sunday, July 10, 2011

Managing People or Managing Documents

If we like to save the environment, less papers, less pollution, less employee, save money for higher pay, less stress,more time for family, develop children, etc. we must know how to manage people. If we cannot manage people, and we need to manage them in order to achieve our objectives or mission, then we must have the system. This is where the documents involve and we need to manage the documents. Now raise the issues who suppose to manage the documents and who should manage the people OR the documents or systems will manage the people. These system will pattern the future society in related country. Later we have managers and the leaders.
To manage people, leaders must be a role models. Do we have the leaders in our working place that can be a role models? or just a document managers.
Leadership without management is a vision without fulfillment

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In management "If anything goes bad, I did it; If anything goes semi-good, then we did it; If anything goes real good, then you did it"

1 comment:

syeds said...

you described everything related to management in docs itself.

Sample Documents