Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Many Malaysian still cannot appreciate professors in the university. Professors have ideas, thinking and analytical power, implementation etc.

many want professors together digging canal with public. This is what I said "korek parit" culture. we are not politician. I have one example recently. I put ideas for local authority to enhance public income by introducing ideas and technology. Unfortunately some miscommunication occured. The local authority, public and government officers are waiting for me to go down, organise and do it for them. They said professors not just giving ideas "air lior" and talking but must go down and do it until finished. Imaging I have to find million of ringgit and do it for them whereas they have power, money allocation and networking. Compared to one private company adopted the ideas and do it and now they are very successful. In fact they visited the project site. This is typical mentality of Malay government officers, very protective, supported and living in comfort zone. They are waiting for politician to instruct them what to do, not proactive, not responsible and open to corruption and misconduct. a lot of ceremonial only. Current trend of government performance based approach, mindset and attitude of government officers must be changed.

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