Sunday, September 30, 2012

Effective working hours for productive staff and productivity of the instutution or department can be measured and KPI can be achieved.

1. have a good systems and clear objectives of individual department or institution.
2. follow the systems and plan for objectives, KPI and target.
3. 8-9 a.m. come to office, record what to do, what to achieve for to day.
4. implement task and record the achievement.
5. 4-5 p.m. record all achievement in the system.
6. the issues now why we cannot discipline our self?
7. may be we are not doing our jobs and asked to do others jobs.
8. administrators must focus to their jobs not competing to show your jobs by calling people filling empty seat and attending too many courses as Welfare Department.
9. Organise your KPI and plan for the activities.
10. In the university please respect the academic systems and activities, if you like help the processes please do not increase unnecessary jobs to those involve in academic (lecturers and students).

No point we invited 25 Nobel Prize winners to talk to us, spent a lot of money, time and energy BUT just organised it. If we list down all nobel prize that we attended their lectures, list down their suggestions and check what we responded the their suggestion.

We need to rebranding
our department or institution!!!

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