Honey is excellent when used for burns and deep wounds because of its high concentration of sugars and natural antibiotic activity that kill bacteria. It is also used to soothe external sores, sore throats and gastric inflammation. It has a debriding effect, softening and removing dead skin and allowing a deep wound to heal naturally from the bottom upwards. Because it dissolves quickly it can be used to ameliorate conjunctivitis - two drops of pure, unheated, liquid honey in the eye twice daily will kill the bacteria causing the infection. The hygroscopic action of honey absorbs pus and smells from unpleasant infections and is also used to heal bedsores and leg ulcers.
Propolis has been shown to have strong antibiotic, antiviral, antihelmintic, antifungal and painkilling activity. It is frequently used for toothache and gum disease, sore throats, chest infections and for stimulating the immune system. It can be used for certain veterinary treatments and works synergistically with other antibiotics. Propolis is the bee product that is most likely to cause allergies.

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