Sunday, August 11, 2013

One day there will be an official statements for Sumateran Rhino. "Sumateran Rhino Extinct in Peninsular Malaysia". How to educate public for wildlife conservation and protection if we make wildlife crime is a big business! Need a detail research either to support wildlife crime business and continue wildlife crime hunting, poaching, trafficking and illegal trades. Where basic sciences can help? Probably the illegal wildlife business can help providing grants for basic science researchers. Easy! identify wildlife species demand, do research on breeding, habitat, protecton and conservation. It can be a multimillions research grants and projects too. We can work on Belum Sumateran Rhino if we want. We develop a unique business models there. "Wildlife Business at Belum-Temenggor!". It can be from nature conservation, tourism, guarding and monitoring and wildlife product supply???

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