Saturday, September 24, 2011

Searching for good brain for 2020

Since 1990 we are talking a lot about vision 2020 hoping that in 30 years Malaysia can be a developed country. During that time we already planned how many various types of engineers, specialist doctors, scientists, etc. We have many policies related to science and technologies and strategies to achieve the vision. We argue a lot on teaching science and mathematic in English, review curriculum to meet world standards and many thing including debating on nuclear energy and social effects on ICT. But how far we review our plan, strategies and actions. Until to day when we talked about mybrain15, we are struggling on looking for good candidate. We dream for Nobel laureates, but not yet found in last 21 years. Not that easy. If we start from preschool children in 1990, now they are already 21 years old, nearly finish engineering courses in the university. How many of them are in the vision 2020 plan. Where they study, in what field, who sponsor them, when and where they will support vision 2020 in next 9 years. In 2014 this group should be placed at the right position so that they are matured by 2020 and competitive at the global stage. Again do we need a professors to assess the achievement and make the adjustment or adaptation so that we are on the right tract.

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