Saturday, March 9, 2013

Why we need high order thinking society. Many students are taught to copy, cut and paste. not many are taught to think, analyse information, make conclusion, recomendation and prediction. Thats why one mechanical engineering final year students driving a car hit dropped heavy metal blocks from big vehicles (bus/lorry) keep driving without realised the car lost power and rough engine noise. When going up hill after driving about 10 kilometres then realised the car was noisy and lost its power and at the top of the hill the car stopped!. Very simple think and analyse, when you hit something hard at the bottom front of the car, your engine bowl for engine oil may be hit by the objects and broken which caused engine oil leaking. No oil cause friction in the engine and the engine become noisy because of heavy friction and some parts are heated and probably broken. After towed car to workshop I asked group od mechanical enginering students who got many As in SPM and high CGPA in matriculation to analyse the case and predict how much I have to pay. The conclusion was less than hundred ringgit, just change the engine oil and the bowl with secondhand one. Good judgement. Without thinking the whole process. Actually I need 3K. Thats why we need to change the education approaches. more effective Teaching and Learning needed. Where are the professors?!

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