Last year, Australia was praised all over the world for creating the biggest marine reserves. This year, the world is looking at Australia - and particularly Western Australia when a controversial shark culling policy designed to prevent attack. Any shark longer than three metres (10 feet) snagged by the lines and deemed to be a threat - including great white, bull and tiger sharks - will be destroyed. Even great scientists in Australia agree, may be with a complete survey and fully understand their ecology and biology of shark in their coastal waters/
Great whites are protected under the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, but federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt granted an exception on public safety and economic grounds.
1. School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor, UK. 2. Atmospheric & Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan. 3. Ehime University, Japan 4. Kagoshima University, Japan 5. Visiting Professor to Nicolas Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Malaysian Ecological Society (PEM) (President)
Malaysian Academic Association Congress (MAAC)
Malaysian Nature Society (President 2018-. Vice President 2012-2016)
Malaysian Zoological Society (Formerly was Council Member and Vice President)
Universiti Putra Malaysia Academic Associations (Past-President)
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