Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Scientists are investigating the mechanisms by which the dengue virus causes disease by focusing on understanding dengue pathogenesis, the virus itself, and vector biology. two important approaches to control dengue may be by controling vectors and educating public on dengue symptoms. Vaccin for dengue may be difficult because of characteristic of dengue virus itself. More research needed.

A diagram shows three direct and two indirect methods for diagnosing dengue virus infection. Each method is represented by a labeled text box and an illustration. The direct methods include virus isolation, genome detection, and antigen detection. Virus isolation is illustrated by a virus particle with the RNA genome encapsulated in an orange hexagon, which is surrounded by a brown circle. Surface viral proteins are shown as green circles attached to the virus by a red line. Genome detection is illustrated as a dark pink squiggly line that represents the RNA genome. Antigen detection is illustrated as four sets of 6 round orange circles clustered together. Indirect methods of detection include serology IgM and serology IgG. Serology IgM is illustrated by 5 dark pink Y-shaped antibodies, and serology IgG is illustrated by 5 light green Y-shaped antibodies. The text boxes and illustrations are arranged along a specificity and opportunity gradient. Specificity is highest for direct methods of detection, and opportunity is highest for indirect methods of detection. As specificity decreases, opportunity increases.

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