Saturday, October 31, 2009
Seminar on Coastal Marine Science
The 4th VAST-JSPS Joint Seminar on Coastal Marine Science was held in Hai Phong, Vietnam from 26-28 October 2009. The seminar jointly organised by Japanese Society for the promotion of science and Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. More than 150 participsnts were in the symposium. There were 63 scientific papers were presented and 21 papers were authoured and co-authoured by Malaysian Scientists. Malaysia was represented by 13 scientists, consists of 3 Professors from UPM (Prof Ahmad Ismail, Prof. Fatimah Md. Yusof and Prof Japar Sidek Bujang), 3 Professors from UKM, 1 Professor from UTM, 1 Professor from USM, 2 Associate Professors from UPM (Dr. Aziz Arshad and Dr. Mohd Pauzi Zakaria), 1 Associate Professor from USM, I assistant Professor from UNIMAS and one tutor from UPM (Syaizwan Zulkifli-now studying in ORI The Tokyo Universty, Otsuchi). Malaysia dominated the contribution by presenting more that 20 presentation(>30%)and actively participated in the discussion. From this historic JSPS-UPM collaboration, UPM should lead in marine sciences in the country. Faculty science (Biology, Physic, Chemistry and Mathematic) should take this opportunity and focus in marine science. Faculty science have the stength and facilities to champion in marine science. More research grants should be allocated and capacity bulding should be developed. Perhaps Faculty Science, UPM should strengten the tradition and culture in biodiversity, marine sciences and related to those fields.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Are we going to face a similar problem with our tiger Phantera tigris corbetti
Sumatran tiger population now only 500
TAPAKTUAN (Indonesia): There are only 500 Sumatran tigers (phantera tigris sumatrae) left living in the forests of Sumatra is now only 500, Indonesia’s Antara news agency reported.
“There are now only 500 of them left, and the number is constantly declining,” head of the Gunung Lauser National Park, Area I, Rusman said here on Thursday.
The declining population may have been caused by the rare animal being hunted, trapped or chased away due to the opening of plantations by villagers.
“The hunting had actually declined, but the opening of plantations is still posing a serious threat to the Sumatran tiger,” he said.
Since their hunting grounds have become limited, the tigers enter plantations and residential areas looking for food.
“Their declining habitat often triggered conflicts between the tigers and the local population near the forests,” he said. -- Bernama
Friday, October 23, 2009
Datang kerja atau Buat kerja
Kenapa kita datang kerja hari-hari tak kira di pejabat atau di ladang. Ringkasnya adalah untuk dapat gaji bagi menyara hidup diri sendiri, anak isteri dan keluarga serta melayani nafsu gaya hidup masing-masing. Kalau itulah hakikatnya maka setiap orang hanya perlu mengikut syarat-syarat minima untuk layak mendapat gaji pada setiap bulan. Paling kurang pastikan kehadiran anda direkodkan setiap hari mengikut prosidur yang ditetapkan oleh majikan atau ketua yang menjadi wakil majikan agar anda terbukti telah hadir bekerja setiap hari bekerja dalam masa sebulan. Bagi yang ingin naik gaji pada tiap tahun pula pastikan anda memenuhi segala kriteria untuk naik gaji seperti mengisi semua borang dan melaporkan apa-apa aktiviti anda dalam masa setahun yang menampakkan anda bekerja seperti yang ditetapkan oleh majikan atau wakilnya.
Harus diingat berapa kuat anda bekerjapun atau berapa tinggi wawasan sekalipun terhadap organisasi anda, sekiranya peraturan yang ditetapkan tidak diikuti anda hanya berangan kosong. Walaupun anda datang hari-hari bekerja bertungkus lumus berlanggar bahu dengan kawan-kawan tetapi anda tidak catat kehadiran anda, semua orang termasuk ketua anda tidak akan menyokong dan mengaku melihat anda hadir setiap hari bekerja-tidak ada bukti. Gaji anda tidak akan naik. Jadi ikutlah peraturan kerja bukan bekerja. Begitulah hakikat manusia robot sekarang yang mengenepikan kemampuan otak dan pancaindera semulajadi. Begitu juga dengan kenaikan pangkat.
Ringkasnya, sekiranya anda ingin berjaya dalam kerjaya anda setiap bulan dapat gaji, setiap tahun naik gaji dan sampai masa naik pangkat, maka anda perlu lakukan beberapa perkara. Antaranya adalah;
1. Meneliti dan menyenaraikan peraturan kerja, naik gaji, dan naik pangkat semasa dan menyediakan senarai semak berkenaan.
2. Tumpukan kepada senarai semak berkaitan agar anda memenuhi segala keperluan yang dikehendaki dan mengikut prosidur tepat yang disediakan semasa.
3. Sentiasa memaklumkan kepada ketua tentang pencapaian anda semasa agar mereka sentiasa tahu dan mengikut perkembangan anda. Ketua yang selalu membawa dan mengangkat bendera tinggi tidak ada masa untuk lihat dan kenal apa anda buat.
4. Elakkan dari membuat kerja-kerja yang tidak berkaitan dengan anda untuk mendapat gaji, naik gaji dan naik pangkat.
5. Elakkan dari peduli hal orang lain. Generasi persaingan sekarang siapa peduli siapa. Yang kuat akan terus kuat dan yang lemah akan tertindas. Belajarlah dari kerbau, lembu, kambing, harimau, kera, kucing, ayam-itek atau ikan haruan tentang hormat, hirarki, struktur sosial dan sebagainya.
Apakah semua yang dibincangkan di atas itu benar dan patut dilakukan? Banyak Negara maju sudah tidak percaya kepada manusia lagi kerana manusia sudah menjadi robot, mementingkan diri sendiri, ego, iri hati, penipu, tidak prihatin dengan keadaan sekeliling, gelojoh mengejar keseronokan, harta dan kekayaan yang sementara. Maka dalam suasana yang kompetitif dan kurang pekerjaan, mereka telah merekacipta sistem yang mantap menggunakan sistem computer yang canggih, berwibawa, cekap dan sentiasa boleh dipercayai. Kita juga ingin meniru malangnya ilmu kita belum lagi mencapai tahap sepatutnya cuma gaya yang sempat ditiru. Kita memang suka kepada upacara dan mercu tanda. Biar reput rumah kita tapi cat mesti cantik. Kita bukan orang pertama sebab sudah ada orang Asia terdahulu apabila pergi di Negara maju mereka tidak tiru ilmu dan teknologi tetapi sekadar tiru gaya hidup dan pakaian. Akhirnya jati diri mereka sendiri hilang dan masyarakat mudah menerima budaya dan cara hidup Negara-negara maju. Maka akhirnya berlakulah penaklukan budaya dan cara hidup, pengawalan ekonomi dan kuasa politik.
Hakikatnya budaya kerja di sesebuah organisasi sangat penting bagi kita terus berjaya, adil dan seronok menghabiskan setengah dari umur kita di tempat kerja. Semua orang bukan sekadar bekerja dapat gaji, naik gaji dan naik pangkat, walaupun itu yang kita mahu, tetapi perlu faham kenapa kita diambil bekerja oleh majikan, tahu kerja kita-skop kerja dan bidang kerja, lakukan kerja dengan baik dan berperanan untuk bangsa dan Negara sekarang dan masa hadapan. Kalau ini berlaku tidaklah ada kepincangan dalam pentadbiran, prosidur kerja, kakitangan curi tulang, teraniya dan menaniaya serta ketua akan dapat terus mengangkat bendera besar berkibar untuk anak buahnya. Ketua yang oportunis dan mementingkan diri sendiri akan merosakkan organisasi sendiri. Bagi yang Islam belajarlah semula apa itu Ibadat, Dosa, Pahala dan Siksaan Kubur, Syurga dan Neraka, hari khiamat serta mugkin Bidadari.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sampai bila kita nak berseminar; mungkin hanya sekadar berkempen?
Hutan tropika terus diceroboh
Oleh ANI AWANG diceroboh
IPOH 21 Okt. - Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah bertitah, kekurangan kewangan, kelonggaran undang-undang dan penguatkuasaan sambil lewa menjadi punca utama hutan tropika di negara ini diceroboh pihak tidak bertanggungjawab. Baginda bertitah, dalam keghairahan memacu negara ke arah pembangunan, aspek pemuliharaan hutan dipinggirkan tanpa mengambil kira keberkesanan undang-undang yang dicipta untuk melindunginya.
''Mengambil contoh Hutan Hujan Tropika Belum-Temenggor yang telah diwartakan sebagai taman negara namun pelbagai kegiatan haram masih berlaku.
''Ini termasuklah memburu haiwan secara haram dan pembalakan haram masih terus berleluasa," titah baginda ketika merasmikan Persidangan Ke Arah Pembangunan Pelan Induk Bersepadu Bagi Hutan Hujan Tropika Belum-Temenggor di sini hari ini.
Hadir sama Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Dr. Zambry Abd. Kadir dan anggota Exco kerajaan negeri.
Persidangan dua hari itu dianjurkan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Pelaksanaan Koridor Utara (NCIA) dengan kerjasama kerajaan negeri dan Yayasan Pulau Banding (YPB).
Persidangan berkenaan juga melibatkan enam perbincangan meja bulat yang dihadiri beberapa tokoh alam sekitar dan fasilitator tempatan dan luar negara.
Raja Nazrin bertitah, dalam kesibukan memacu negara ke arah ekonomi membangun, tanggungjawab pemuliharaan hutan sering terabai terutama untuk menyediakan dana mencukupi.
Baginda bertitah, kajian oleh Unit Perancang Ekonomi (UPE) pada 2005 mendapati bahawa taman-taman negara dan taman negeri mengalami kekurangan dana berjumlah RM37 juta setiap tahun.
Titah baginda, apabila ia berlaku, aspek pengawasan dasar mengenai pemuliharaan hutan atau undang-undang dan pelaksanaan penguatkuasaan terhadapnya bukan lagi menjadi keutamaan malah terus diketepikan.
''Dalam konteks Hutan Hujan Tropika Belum-Temenggor, kemusnahan berikutan pelbagai kegiatan haram sukar untuk diperbaiki namun semua pihak terbabit harus mengambil langkah dengan mencontohi kejayaan negara lain dalam pengurusan hutan.
''Adalah belum terlambat dan tidak ada sebab bagi semua pemegang amanah di Belum-Temenggor untuk mengambil langkah terbaik bagi menjaga dan memulihara khazanah alam semula jadi itu," titah baginda.
Raja Nazrin menyifatkan persidangan itu menjadi tunjang ke arah melahirkan pelan induk bersepadu sebagai pemangkin ke arah pemuliharaan Hutan Hujan Tropika Belum-Temengor yang lebih berkesan dan komprehensif.
Kenapa Ahli Biologi Perlu Di Hadapan-Cerita Lama yang Berulang
Pembalakan Pahang punca gangguan haiwan liar
KUALA LUMPUR 21 Okt. - Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara (Perhilitan) Pahang menerima 1,716 aduan mengenai gangguan haiwan liar berpunca daripada pembalakan di negeri itu sejak tiga tahun lalu.
Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang berkata, daripada jumlah tersebut, 748 membabitkan aduan gangguan gajah, 122 (harimau) manakala 846 lagi aduan berkaitan kera.
Beliau berkata, laporan bagi tempoh 2006 hingga 2008 itu adalah serius kerana ia mengancam nyawa serta menyebabkan kerugian harta benda orang awam.
Beliau berkata, tahun lalu, kerugian dianggarkan RM474,120 membabitkan lebih 20,000 tanaman kelapa sawit, getah, pisang, durian dan kelapa yang dirosakkan oleh haiwan tersebut.
"Semakan Audit mendapati gangguan gajah pada tahun 2008 sering tertumpu di kawasan ladang berkeluasan lebih 100 hektar.
"Selain tanaman penduduk musnah, gajah turut merosakkan harta benda seperti rumah dan kemudahan asas lain,'' katanya dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 yang dikeluarkan kelmarin.
Beliau berkata, selain pembalakan, aktiviti perlombongan haram di Taman Negeri Tasik Chini turut menyumbang kepada masalah pencerobohan hidupan liar ke kawasan penempatan manusia.
Menurutnya, pencerobohan di tasik tersebut adalah serius kerana ia menjejaskan kualiti air serta memusnahkan flora dan fauna di sekelilingnya.
Katanya, pengurusan hutan di negeri itu kurang memuaskan kerana aktiviti di kawasan Hutan Simpanan Kekal (HSK) sama ada secara sah ataupun haram memberi impak negatif kepada alam sekitar.
Justeru katanya, Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang (JPNP) perlu menyediakan perancangan yang komprehensif sebelum melaksanakan projek ladang hutan dengan mengambil kira kesannya terhadap alam sekitar.
"Selain itu, JPNP juga perlu mengambil kira keperluan guna tenaga, logistik, kos dan masa dalam pengurusan hutan,'' katanya.
Kelip-kelip kebanggaan Selangor akan pupus
KUALA LUMPUR 21 Okt. - Industri pelancongan kelip-kelip yang bertaraf antarabangsa di Daerah Kuala Selangor dikhuatiri akan terhapus berikutan kepupusan ketara populasi serangga berkenaan.
Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 mendapati aktiviti pertanian pinggir sungai menjadi punca kepada kemusnahan hutan di kawasan itu yang menjadi habitat bagi pembiakan kelip-kelip.
Kerajaan negeri pula dilaporkan merancang mengambil alih tanah milik individu di pinggir Sungai Selangor menjadi tanah kerajaan bagi memelihara habitat berkenaan.
''Laporan Audit ke Kampung Kuantan, Kuala Selangor pada malam 29 Mac 2009 untuk melihat keadaan populasi kelip-kelip dengan menaiki bot menyusur Sungai Selangor mendapati populasi serangga itu telah berkurangan.
''Ini adalah kerana kawasan hutan pinggir Sungai Selangor di Kampung Kuantan telah ditebang dan dibersihkan untuk pembangunan pertanian, kemusnahan alam sekitar telah memberi kesan kepada kepupusan kelip-kelip dan sosioekonomi penduduk setempat," katanya.
Laporan berkenaan mula diedarkan di Parlimen kelmarin.
Pemulihan kelip-kelip merupakan Polisi Keempat (4) dalam Pelan Pengurusan Lembangan Sungai Selangor (2007-2012) yang mana serangga berkenaan hendaklah dilindungi kerana menjadi daya tarikan utama pelancong dan menyumbang kepada pendapatan penduduk setempat.
Kampung Kuantan di Daerah Kuala Selangor merupakan lokasi kelip-kelip yang hidup di atas pokok berembang, pokok sagu dan nipah di pinggir Sungai Selangor.
Menurut laporan itu, panorama keindahan yang dihasilkan oleh kumpulan kelip-kelip pada waktu malam menarik pelancong dari dalam dan luar negara berkunjung ke Kampung Kuantan untuk melihat sendiri keindahan serta keunikan serangga berkenaan.
''Pihak Audit telah membuat semakan dan rujukan dengan Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM) dan mendapati FRIM telah menjalankan penyelidikan berkaitan habitat pembiakan dan pemantauan kelip-kelip sejak 2006.
''Kajian ini masih berjalan sehingga sekarang dan pada 14 Januari 2009, FRIM telah memaklumkan kepada Majlis Daerah Kuala Selangor bahawa populasi serangga di Kampung Kuantan telah berkurangan," katanya.
Tambah laporan berkenaan, kajian FRIM mendapati sepanjang tempoh pemantauan populasi dijalankan, tiga daripada tujuh kawasan yang dipantau pada asalnya terdiri daripada hutan pinggir sungai tetapi telah dilapangkan sepenuhnya untuk tujuan pembangunan pertanian dan lainlain.
''Kawasan yang dilapangkan adalah kawasan habitat pembiakan kelip-kelip dan kesinambungan populasi serangga ini sangat bergantung kepada kawasan habitat semula jadi seperti hutan sagu dan nipah,'' katanya.
Kita tidak mahu perkara asas yang semua orang tahu tidak dilaksanakan atau tidak diberi perhatian. Apabila sudah terlanjur baru nak buat pembetulan. Kita rugi sumber semulajadi, menyusahkan ramai orang, dan tidak ekonomi. Fikir dahulu sebelum bertindak. Rujuk kepada pakar kalau malu rujuk buku dalam selimut.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Which One is Our Professor?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The meaning of the word professor (Latin: professor, person who professes to be an expert in some art or science, teacher of highest rank) varies.
In some English-speaking countries, it refers to a senior academic who holds a departmental chair, especially as head of the department, or a personal chair awarded specifically to that individual. For example, in many countries such as United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, The Netherlands, United States, Canada, and Hong Kong it is a legal title conferred by a university denoting the highest academic rank and should be respected accordingly. However, in some institutions, the term is used only for academics who are tenured or tenure-track. In some countries, e.g. Austria, Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Spain and Italy, the term is an honorific applied also to secondary level teachers.
Professors are qualified experts, of the various levels described above, who may do the following:
1. conduct lectures and seminars in their field of study (i.e., they "profess"), such as the basic fields of science, humanities, social sciences, education, literature, music or the applied fields of engineering, design, medicine, law, or business;
2. perform advanced research in their fields.
4. teach campus-based or online courses with the help of instructional technology;
5. train young or new academics (graduate students);
6. carry out administrative or managerial functions, usually at a high level (e.g. deans, heads of department, librarians, etc.).
The balance of these six fields of professorial tasks depends heavily on the institution, place (country), and time. For example, professors at highly research-oriented universities in the U.S., and Canada, and, as a general rule, in European universities, are promoted primarily on the basis of their research achievements as well as their success in raising money from sources outside the university.
Which Professors are belong to our university or our country?.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Kenapa Ramai Perlu Ke Universiti?
Di universiti, kurikulum direka khas dan dilaksanakan dengan teliti bagi melahirkan graduan berkualiti dan berdayasaing. Kualiti graduan menggambarkan imej sesebuah universiti. Perancangan kurikulum dan perlaksanaan kurikulum sahaja tidak mencukupi. Pemantauan keberkesanannya sangat penting. Apakah kualiti graduan benar-benar seperti yang dirancang. Rata-rata hanya sekadar melihat keputusan akademik semata-mata. Sekarang isu plagiarism, meniru, menipu, tidak jujur, ponteng, tidak serius dikalangan mahasiswa banyak diperkatakan. Kemahiran, kejujuran dan pembangunan intelektual perlu diberi perhatian bagi melahirkan generasi pentadbir, pengurus dan profesional yang berwibawa. Telitikan sikap, budaya, wawasan, kualiti dan amalan mahasiswa sekarang adakah akan menjanjikan hasil pembelajaran yang diharapkan?
In the university every one can get long life learning
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Why Forest Conservation & Protection is Needed
Sunday October 18, 2009
Searching for link between Tongkat Ali, honey and sperm
KOTA BARU: The Men’s Health Clinic of University Sains Malaysia Hospital has embarked on two sexual and reproductive health projects to find out whether Tongkat Ali and pure honey can enhance sperm count.
At least 100 people have been recruited to consume pure extracts of Tongkat Ali at reasonable doses to see whether it would enrich sperm count and produce testosterone (male sex hormones), clinic head Assoc Prof Dr Shaiful Bahari Ismail said.
“The preliminary results that we have documented are quite encouraging. We will know the outcome by early next year.”
He said another project, utilising Tualang honey from Kedah (Article before on Kedah will preserve more forest may be relevant-7 October 2009) or Borneo honey, would start soon following laboratory tests done on rats that showed that they had better sperm count after being fed with the honey.
“We have had a minor breakthrough with that. This has prompted us to try it on human subjects in two months time,” said Dr Shaiful Bahari, who completed a 12-month fellowship programme in male sexual and reproductive health at Monash University, Australia, in 2006.
He said those types of honey were found to be suitable for the research because they were collected from bees in an environment that was not affected by pollution.
These studies on libido were part of a combination of traditional and clinical research into sexual impotence, he said.
Dr Shaiful Bahari, whose research focused on chronic diseases especially diabetes and hypertension that is hypothetically linked to erectile dysfunction, said the male population began to develop sexual problems from the age of 40.
“This is variably based on their lifestyle but one thing is for sure that their sperm count would decrease as they grow older as proven by the Massachusetts Male Aging Studies.
“And when this happens, they would inevitably end up suffering from impotence or erectile dysfunction, which I believe is an indicator to detect major illnesses that is plaguing the male population,” he said, adding that his clinic had treated more that 700 patients so far.
He also said that the research was primarily done to compare the effectiveness of Tongkat Ali against honey.
“We will get another 100 test patients with low sperm count and divide them into two groups to find out which is better in terms of erectile and sperm count potency,” he said.
At present, he said that synthetically-produced ED drugs were being controlled by the Health Ministry to prevent wrong dosage consumption which would have negative impact on users.
Pentingnya Pendidikan Sepanjang Hayat
Malaysia bangga ada pokok bakau dan boleh ditanam sendiri untuk melindungi pantai dari tsunami serta untuk haiwan diami
Namun burung upeh ini masih mencari tempat asli
Masih ada harimau yang dijerat kaki
Memang sukar untuk dihayati. Pendidikan berterusan tentang alam sekitar dan penjagaannya perlu sama-sama didukungi. Bulan Oktober banyak aktiviti alam sekitar dilakukan oleh berbagai agensi. Mungkin orang kaya, orang senang dan orang terpelajar patut melibatkan diri.
Friday, October 16, 2009
H1N1 flu causes unusual damage to lungs: studies
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The new pandemic H1N1 flu may cause blood clots and other unusual damage in the lungs and doctors need to be on the lookout, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.
The man died five days after he went into the hospital and the autopsy confirmed he had swine flu. The lung lesions seen on his CT scan matched lung damage done by the virus, Mollura and colleagues said.
In another study in the same journal, CT scans of patients with severe cases of swine flu showed many had pulmonary emboli, which block the arteries in the lungs, a team at the University of Michigan found.
Anticoagulant drugs can break up these clots and save lives.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Racun Lagi
14/10/2009 3:48am Utusan on line.
BEIJING 13 Okt. - Hampir 1,000 orang kanak-kanak yang tinggal berdekatan kawasan melebur bijih timah di daerah tengah Henan di China didapati positif mengandungi tahap plumbum yang tinggi dalam darah mereka.
Menurut Pengarah Biro Kesihatan bandar Jiyuan, Wei ZongChang, pihaknya telah menjalankan pemeriksaan darah ke atas 2,743 kanak-kanak bawah 14 tahun selepas satu laporan mengatakan bahawa terdapat sejumlah besar kes keracunan plumbum didakwa berlaku di daerah kejiranan Shaanxi.
Tanda-tanda keracunan itu ditemui pada 968 orang kanak-kanak yang tinggal berdekatan tiga kawasan peleburan bijih timah terbesar, menurut Agensi Berita Xinhua.
Ia merupakan kes terkini dalam siri keracunan plumbum paling teruk melibatkan ratusan kanak-kanak di seluruh China - satu petunjuk bagaimana kemajuan pembangunan ekonomi telah menyebabkan pencemaran alam sekitar yang buruk.
Laporan yang sama turut didapati di daerah Yunnan, Fujian dan Shaanxi beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini. - AP
Pecapaian Diutamakan Pelanggan didahulukan dan 1 Pasukan
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Do we need a monitoring centre?
Published: Thursday October 8, 2009 MYT 12:47:00 PM
Updated: Thursday October 8, 2009 MYT 4:47:20 PM
Dried fruit from 15 companies on Level 5 alert
KUALA LUMPUR: The Health Ministry has put dried fruit products, particularly plum and prune products, from 15 companies in China, Taiwan and other Asian countries, on Level 5 alert because of their high levels of lead.
Ministry staff will be on the lookout for these products under the Food Information System of Malaysia (FoSIM) at entry points for 15 manufacturers and distributors to ensure the products do not come into the country, Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said on Thursday.
With a Level 5 alert, the Ministry would hold the products to test them for lead content before they can be released into the market.
The highest alert, Level 6, involves an immediate rejection of the product.
Currently, dried fruit product by other manufacturers and distributors were permitted to be imported and sold in Malaysia, said Liow. “If these products (from the 15) are found in the market, they will be seized and sampled for lead analysis,” he added.
A list of the 15 manufacturers and distributors can be found at
Liow said the monitoring was started following an Oct 1 US Food and Drug Administration report warning people not to consume dried fruit, including dried plums and prunes, due to lead contamination.
“If a product by a manufacturer or distributor is found to contain more than the permitted two parts per million (ppm), legal action will be taken under the Food Regulations 1985,” Liow told reporters after launching the ministry’s management conference on Thursday.
It was learnt that products from the 15 contained lead levels of up to 30 ppm.
“We advise consumers not to buy products from the affected manufacturers and distributors while sellers who have them should report them to the district health office or the state health department,” he said.
If convicted, guilty parties can be fined up to RM100,000, jailed for up to 10 years or both.
Lead, in cumulative amounts over time, causes nervous system disorders and distorts brain development, especially in children.
University Ranking
Rankings: Malaysia back in top 200
University of Malaya has managed to improve its position in the Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings this year, report SUZIEANA UDA NAGU and NURJEHAN MOHAMED
HARVARD University, United States continues to reign supreme in the global higher education scene by topping the Times Higher Education-QS (THE-QS) World University Rankings this year.
It is followed by University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; Yale University, US; University College London, UK; University of Oxford, UK; Imperial College, UK; University of Chicago, US; Princeton University, US; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US; and California Institute of Technology, US.
In Malaysia, University of Malaya (UM) returns to the world’s top 200 after a two-year absence — climbing 50 spots from last year’s 230th to this year’s 180th.
It is followed by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, which improved its ranking of 356th last year to 320th this year.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), however, fell between one and 41 spots from last year.
UKM was at 250th spot and is now at 291st; USM fell from 313th to 314th; whereas UPM went from 320th to 345th.
The number of Asian universities in the top 100 has increased from 14 to 16 institutions.
The University of Tokyo, Japan at the 22nd spot, is the highest ranked Asian university, ahead of University of Hong Kong at 24th spot.
Other top ranking universities include Kyoto University, Japan (25th) and National University of Singapore (30th).
QS managing director Nunzio Quacquarelli says governments and universities around the world are investing to increase their profile on the international stage, as higher education becomes an increasingly global industry.
“Today the rankings are used by employers identifying from where to recruit, academics choosing where to work and with whom to form partnerships, and by parents and students looking to make a sound education decision.
“Although rankings are contentious, the THE-QS World University Rankings are meeting vital needs of these various stakeholders,” he says.
UM vice chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Ghauth Jasmon told the New Straits Times that getting back into the top 200 and subsequently the top 100 — something it enjoyed in 2004 when it claimed the 89th spot — in the next five years required, among others, “hiring lecturers whose works are cited in the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) journal.
“That means they have to do quality research as only then will they be published. Once their works are published and cited in the ISI journal, we will get a lot of citations. It will help improve our ratings.”
Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin praised UM for its good work whereas Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin said that UM had worked on its weaknesses to better its world ranking.
At a meeting with some 150 UM alumni in January, Ghauth highlighted the areas in which UM must improve on — quality of research and publications; academic staff and students; programmes and delivery; international collaboration and networking; and entrepreneurship development.
UM, which currently has 300 foreign lecturers, will continue to hire highly qualified lecturers from the US, UK and Australia.
It will also work on attracting more international postgraduate students. Currently, there are 1,000 students from the Middle East, India, China, Indonesia and Sudan completing their master’s degree at the university.
Now in its sixth edition, the THE-QS World University Rankings received a record level of responses from the academic community and employers this year, with results suggesting the dominance of traditionally elite universities is increasingly being challenged.
In total 9,386 academics (compared to 6,354 in 2008 — an increase of 47 per cent) and 3,281 employers (compared to 2,339 last year — an increase of 40 per cent) responded to the surveys reflecting the growing influence and importance of the rankings
It is followed by University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; Yale University, US; University College London, UK; University of Oxford, UK; Imperial College, UK; University of Chicago, US; Princeton University, US; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US; and California Institute of Technology, US.
In Malaysia, University of Malaya (UM) returns to the world’s top 200 after a two-year absence — climbing 50 spots from last year’s 230th to this year’s 180th.
It is followed by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, which improved its ranking of 356th last year to 320th this year.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), however, fell between one and 41 spots from last year.
UKM was at 250th spot and is now at 291st; USM fell from 313th to 314th; whereas UPM went from 320th to 345th.
The number of Asian universities in the top 100 has increased from 14 to 16 institutions.
The University of Tokyo, Japan at the 22nd spot, is the highest ranked Asian university, ahead of University of Hong Kong at 24th spot.
Other top ranking universities include Kyoto University, Japan (25th) and National University of Singapore (30th).
QS managing director Nunzio Quacquarelli says governments and universities around the world are investing to increase their profile on the international stage, as higher education becomes an increasingly global industry.
“Today the rankings are used by employers identifying from where to recruit, academics choosing where to work and with whom to form partnerships, and by parents and students looking to make a sound education decision.
“Although rankings are contentious, the THE-QS World University Rankings are meeting vital needs of these various stakeholders,” he says.
UM vice chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Ghauth Jasmon told the New Straits Times that getting back into the top 200 and subsequently the top 100 — something it enjoyed in 2004 when it claimed the 89th spot — in the next five years required, among others, “hiring lecturers whose works are cited in the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) journal.
Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin praised UM for its good work whereas Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin said that UM had worked on its weaknesses to better its world ranking.
At a meeting with some 150 UM alumni in January, Ghauth highlighted the areas in which UM must improve on — quality of research and publications; academic staff and students; programmes and delivery; international collaboration and networking; and entrepreneurship development.
UM, which currently has 300 foreign lecturers, will continue to hire highly qualified lecturers from the US, UK and Australia.
It will also work on attracting more international postgraduate students. Currently, there are 1,000 students from the Middle East, India, China, Indonesia and Sudan completing their master’s degree at the university.
Now in its sixth edition, the THE-QS World University Rankings received a record level of responses from the academic community and employers this year, with results suggesting the dominance of traditionally elite universities is increasingly being challenged.
In total 9,386 academics (compared to 6,354 in 2008 — an increase of 47 per cent) and 3,281 employers (compared to 2,339 last year — an increase of 40 per cent) responded to the surveys reflecting the growing influence and importance of the rankings
Friday May 15, 2009
Very proud of UPM’s ranking
CONGRATULATIONS to the academicians, students and staff of Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM) for having been ranked one of the top five Malaysian universities and for clinching a place among the top 100 in Asia.
This is indeed a remarkable achievement for a university which had humble beginnings as an agricultural university. Today UPM has progressed to become one of the distinguished universities in the region attracting students, scholars and scientists from all over the world.
UPM: Top 80 By 2010
Then, I also read in the New Straits Times that Universiti Putra Malaysia seeks to become a top 80 university in the world in 5 years' time. The newly Universiti Putra Malaysia Vice-Chancellor, Prof Dr Nik Mustapha Raja Abdullah, after thecontroversial resignation of the previous vice-chancellor, wants world ranking for the institution.
His dream is for UPM to be among the top 80 universities in the world and top 20 in Asia. Nik Mustapha said these were attainable using the institution’s eight-point plan that began in 2000 and ends in 2010.The new vice-chancellor went on to boast that "62 per cent of our 2,400 academic staff have doctoral degrees. Seventy-five per cent of our graduates gained employment upon completing their studies."
I'm really not sure if the above numbers are anything to be proud of. Maybe Kian Ming will have a better idea - as he's more of an academic than I am :-). However, if only 75% of UPM graduates "gained employment" upon completing their studies, that actually means that UPM is contributing some 3,000 graduates annually to the unemployment pool!
I would suggest that the new vice-chancellor set more realistic targets to be achieved within the next 5 years instead of one which is meant to please his political master. We have already seen how the vice-chancellor of Malaysia's premier university fall flat on his face in the rankings debacle at the end of last year, so we really do not need another "leading" university in the country to perform another stunt like that.
More interestingly, he announced in the Star that "I will continue with the policies of my predecessor Prof Datuk Dr Mohd Zohadie Bardaie." This however, begs quite a few questions. If the policies of the predecessor is worthy of continuation, why did the Minister of Higher Education, Datuk Dr Shafie Salleh choose to have him "removed"? In addition, would a continuation of the previous vice-chancellor's policies help UPM achieve a top 80 ranking in the world university's league?
UPM is celebrating it's 75th anniversary this year, and it appears that the vice-chancellor is taking a leaf of the book of his peer, Datuk Kapten Professor Dr Hashim Yaakob, who launched in a grand scale Universiti Malaya's centennial celebrations last year.
The new vice-chancellor plans to build a new clock tower, estimated to cost RM1mil, will be built on the campus, near the administrative building.
“We hope to have the ground breaking ceremony during the official launch... Tiles will be sold to the public. Students will pay RM75 for each tile to be placed on the clock tower while staff members and alumni will pay RM175 and corporate sponsors RM1,075.”I am brimming with confidence about the new leadership in UPM already.
Prof Dr Nik Mustapha Raja Abdullah's contract runs out at the end of 2008, a year or so before 2010. Maybe if UPM doesn't achieve the remarkable Top 80 rankings, the blame can be placed squarely on the next vice-chancellor.
High hope from the alumni. When UPM become top university in the world the alumni also feel good and marketable. BUT what UPM should do? We may need to look back to the history and tradition of UPM.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ke amana arah selepas kejayaan?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
good news
07/10/2009 6:21pm utusan
ALOR SETAR 7 Okt. — Kerajaan Kedah akan mewartakan 121,905 hektar kawasan hutan sebagai hutan simpan. Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak berkata, mesyuarat exco minggu lepas telah meluluskan kawasan seluas 76,205 hektar untuk diwartakan sebagai tambahan kepada hampir 45,700 hektar yang diluluskan sebeþum ini. “Selepas diwartakan, kerajaan negeri akan membuat tuntutan kepada Kerajaan Pusat supaya menggantikan kerugian itu kerana kehilangan hasil dengan geran tahunan. “Pewartaan itu bermakna kawasan tersebut tidak boleh diceroboh atau diambil balak menyebabkan kerajaan negeri kehilangan hasil kira-kira RM3.2 bilion,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas mesyuarat mingguan exco di sini hari ini. - Bernama
Banyak aktiviti dapat dilakukan bagi memberikan peluang pendapatan kepada penduduk sekitar hutan simpan. Pendidikan khas perlu diberikan secara sistematik agar keadaan hutan simpan kekal dan dapat dimenafaatkan oleh masyarakat dan generasi akan datang.
Lost of important green lung in Kuala Lumpur
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Future Malaysian Leaders Should be Developed Since They are in The University
Bagi generasi akan datang terutama orang Melayu perlu membuat persediaan lengkap bagi menghadapi Malaysia Maju selepas 2020. Mahasiswa universiti perlu terlibat dalam perancangan untuk masa hadapan negara. Kemahiran Memimpin perlu dipupok sejak di universiti dengan melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti persatuan dan pengurusan organisasi. Dengan bergiat dalam persatuan mahasiswa akan lebih analitikal dalam berfikir dan menganalisis maklumat. Sejarah sangat penting dianalisis dan perlu belajar dari peristiwa yang berlaku. Masa hadapan mungkin Malaysia perlu pihak ketiga dalam menguruskan negara selain dari pihak pemerintah dan pembangkang. Justeru itu mahasiswa terutamanya Melayu yang menjamin ketenteraman dan keharmonian Malaysia sepanjang masa perlu lebih aktif membina kekuatan, keilmuan, jatidiri, keyakinan, keberanian dan kualiti kepimpinan.
Apa Tun Dr. Mahathir kata dalam Utusan Malaysia 6 Oktober 2009;
"Malaysia tidak mampu mempunyai pemimpin yang tidak berpendirian dan hanya mencari populariti diri"
"namun pemimpin dan anggota termasuk dari akar umbinya perlu bijak dan berani dalam bertindak"
"pelajar bumiputera untuk lebih berani bersaing dengan kaum lain, termasuk memilih untuk belajar di institusi pengajian tinggi swasta yang tidak didominasi oleh bumiputera seperti UiTM"
Monday, October 5, 2009
Biodiversity and Ecotourisms- Where in Malaysia?
Saturday October 3, 2009
Eco-tourism can be top draw
Malaysia should tap the eco-tourism market as it has a lot to offer nature wise.
A good example would be Taman Negara National Park which is one of the most famous eco-parks in Malaysia, hosting thousands of international and domestic tourists every year.
Tourists can get to view rare animals such as the Sumatran rhinoceros, the Asian elephant, crab-eating macaque, Indochinese tiger and much more at the park. For bird lovers, there is the rare Malayan peacock-pheasant.
Tahan River, flowing through the park, has been preserved for protecting the Malaysian mahseer or ikan kelah, a game fish. This fish is quite difficult to find as it needs a very clean environment to live in and breed.
Other than Taman Negara National Park, Malaysia has numerous eco-tourism places such as Kuala Selangor Nature Park, Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary, Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary, and many more.
These places can be further developed to attract more tourists. The Government should provide funds and expertise to develop these places with minimal damage and harm to nature, the ecosystem, and wildlife.
WWF Malaysia estimated that the country gains RM655mil yearly from eco-tourism.
Prof Dr Ahmad Ismail, a lecturer from the Biology Department, Science Faculty, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, highlights Port Dickson in Negri Sembilan as one of the eco-tourism spots in Malaysia.
As an example, foreign bird lovers, especially from Japan, come to Tanjung Tuan every year for the Raptors Watch. The crocodiles in the Linggi River also attract tourists.
Dr Ahmad stressed that all parties, especially those involved in development, should respect the uniqueness of Port Dickson and also other eco-tourism spots in Malaysia.
I do believe our country can be a famous eco-tourism destination by promoting the uniqueness of Malaysia’s nature and wildlife.
Johor Baru.
We need more concern from UPM's students. More than 30 thousands UPM's students can mobilise whole country (ONE Malaysia) for biodiversity protection and conservation for ecotourisms. Let we begin with UPM Green Campus.
Malaysia will protect her bio-diversity??
Published: Monday October 5, 2009 MYT 10:08:00 AM
Malaysia will protect her bio-diversity: DPM
PUTRAJAYA: The Government will continue to implement programmes to protect the country’s rich bio-diversity and conserve the environment, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.
The Deputy Prime Minister said the Government was also committed to addressing environment-related problems, particularly garbage and solid waste disposal.
“We want to manage these issues well ... . It is still not too late for us to conserve the environment.
“We need to preserve God’s gift to mankind and ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy and appreciate nature,” he said when addressing staff of the Prime Minister’s Department at its monthly gathering Monday.
The Deputy Prime Minister said that greed was also a “great destroyer” of the environment as hills were cut while rivers and lakes were polluted, all in the name of wealth.
He said as one of the top 10 countries in the world rich with bio-diversity, Malaysia was aware of the crucial need to protect its natural heritage.
Muhyiddin also said Putrajaya could be an example to local authorities on how a city can be developed with minimal damage to its surroundings, adding that the federal administrative capital was also a fine example on how to keep the place “clean and green.”
The Deputy Prime Minister said civil servants could also play their part in saving the environment by conserving energy.
“Energy conservation is important not only because of the environment but also to reduce government expenditure.
“The Government is trying to reduce its deficit and we would appreciate it if everyone takes steps to make this happen. Even conserving energy would help,” he said.
All local authorities must play a role to protect the biodiversity.
1. Understand what is biodiversity.
2. Understand the important of biodiversity, flora and fauna, ecology and benefit to human being.
3. Design and looking forward concepts
4. Practice and enforcement
5. Public understand and support
6. More allocation & promotion for research on biodiversity in Malaysia and attract more foreign scientists to speed up Collaboration, findings and technologies for protection and conservation of our biodiversity of flora, fauna, habitat and genetics.